similar to: How can I test temporal autocorrelation of binary data?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 9000 matches similar to: "How can I test temporal autocorrelation of binary data?"

2006 Feb 15
question about the results given by the Box.test?
Hello, I am using the Ljung Box test in R to compute if the resiudals of my fitted model is random or not. I am not sure though what the results mean, I have looked at various sources on the internet and have come up with contrasting explanations (mainly because these info deal with different program languages, like SAS, SPSS, etc). I know that my residuals should appropriate white noise( is
2004 Apr 17
Box-Ljung p-value -> Test for Independence
Hi all I'm using the Box-Ljung test (from within R) to test if a time-series in independently distributed. 2 questions: 1) p-value returned by Box-Ljung: IF I want to test if the time-series is independant at say 0.05 sig-level (it means that prob of erroneously accepting that the time-series is independent is 0.05 right?) --> then do I consider time-series as "independant"
2009 May 20
stationarity tests
How can I make sure the residual signal, after subtracting the trend extracted through some technique, is actually trend-free ? I would greatly appreciate any suggestion about some Stationarity tests. I'd like to make sure I have got the difference between ACF and PACF right. In the following I am citing some definitions. I would appreciate your thoughts. ACF(k) estimates the correlation
2012 Jan 09
Autocorrelation values? How to extract?
Hi, I am attempting to correct my models p-values due to temporal autocorrelations. It is not possible to model the correlation, so I have to make do with the p-value correction. I am feeling a bit thick here....I cannot get the autocorrelation values. What is the argument? My aim is to multiply the dependent variable autocorrelation with the independent variable autocorrelation and then
2010 Apr 29
a question on autocorrelation acf
Hi R users, where can I find the equations used by acf function to calculate autocorrelation? I think I misunderstand acf. Doesn't acf use following equation to calculate autocorrelation? [image: R(\tau) = \frac{\operatorname{E}[(X_t - \mu)(X_{t+\tau} - \mu)]}{\sigma^2}\, ,] If it does, then the autocorrelation of a sine function should give a cosine; however, the following code gives a
2011 Aug 24
Autocorrelation using library(tseries)
Dear R list I am trying to understand the auto-correlation concept. Auto-correlation is the self-correlation of random variable X with a certain time lag of say t. The article "" (Page no. 9 and 10) gives the methodology as under. Suppose you have a time series observations as say X =
2011 Aug 25
Autocorrelation using acf
Dear R list As suggested by Prof Brian Ripley, I have tried to read acf literature. The main problem is I am not the statistician and hence have some problem in understanding the concepts immediately. I came across one literature ( on auto-correlation giving the methodology. As per that literature, the auto-correlation is arrived at as per following.
2003 Jun 06
R help: Correlograms
Hello, I have time series and need to draw simple and partial correlograms with associated Q-statistics (the same as in EViews). Can I do it in R? Thanks --------------------------------- [[alternate HTML version deleted]]
2008 Jul 06
Different Autocorrelation using R and other softwares
Dear All, Would like to ask the inconsistency in the autocorrelation from R with SPSS/Minitab. I have tried a dataset x with 20 data (1-20) and ask R to give the autocorrelation of different lags using the command < acf(x, lag.max=100, type = "correlation"), However while SPSS and Minitab give the same answers (0.85 for lag1), R gives 0.3688 which is much smaller. Obviously, the
2011 Mar 16
Autocorrelation in linear models
I have been reading about autocorrelation in linear models over the last couple of days, and I have to say the more I read, the more confused I get. Beyond confusion lies enlightenment, so I'm tempted to ask R-Help for guidance. Most authors are mainly worried about autocorrelation in the residuals, but some authors are also worried about autocorrelation within Y and within X vectors
2006 Mar 08
Degrees of freedom using Box.test()
After an RSiteSeach("Box.test") I found some discussion regarding the degrees of freedom in the computation of the Ljung-Box test using Box.test(), but did not find any posting about the proper degrees of freedom. Box.test() uses "lag=number" as the degrees of freedom. However, I believe the correct degrees of freedom should be "number-p-q" where p and q are
2005 May 25
question: corCAR1 in lme
Hello all, I am trying to use lme to examine how a response variable (Chla) changes over time in different treatments (2 Temp & 2 Light levels). Within each treatment combination, there are two replicate tanks (each with unique TankID) with coral fragments in them. All tanks are subject to the same environment until Time=0, when treatments are imposed, and Chla is measured for each
2010 Aug 30
How to Remove Autocorrelation from Simple Moving Average time series
Hi R experts, I am trying to remove autocorrelation from Simple Moving Average time series. I know that this can be done by using seasonal ARIMA like, library(TTR) data <- rnorm(252) n=21 sma_data=SMA(data,n) sma_data=sma_data[-1:-n] acf(sma_data,length(sma_data))
2004 Mar 03
partial autocorrelation for Rt vs. Nt-1, ......., Nt-h
Dear list, following a previous querry we are still stuck! As pointed out by Erin Hodges the "ts" library includes a PACF function which reports the partial correlation of population density at time t against lagged population density. However, what we are trying to calculate is the partial correlation between rate of population change, Rt=log Nt/Nt-1, against lagged population
2009 Feb 03
Time series plots with ggplot
Hi, I am newbie user of ggplot and would like some assistance in implementing time series plots. I'd like to know how the tsdiag plot can be made in ggplot? Thanks Harsh Singhal Decisions Systems, Mu Sigma Inc.
2012 May 25
Problem with Autocorrelation and GLS Regression
Hi, I have a problem with a regression I try to run. I did an estimation of the market model with daily data. You can see to output below: /> summary(regression_resn) Time series regression with "ts" data: Start = -150, End = -26 Call: dynlm(formula = ror_resn ~ ror_spi_resn) Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -0.0255690 -0.0030378 0.0002787
2010 May 20
writing autocorrelation and partial auto correlation functions to a file
Dear All, I am very new to T. I need to fit a ARIMA model to my time series. So I found the auto correlation functions and partial auto correlation function in R. Now I want to save these valuse along with the significance levels to a file. How to do that?. I tried some function in R like write.table but returns an error "cannot coerce class "acf" into a
2011 Sep 16
question concerning the acf function
Hi everyone, I've got a question concerning the function acf(.) in R for calculating the autocorrelation in my data. I have a table with daily returns of several stocks over time and I would like to calculate the autocorrelation for all the series (not only for one time series). How can I do this? After that I want to apply an autoregressive model based on the estimated lag in the
2012 Jun 26
Ljung-Box test (Box.test)
I fit a simple linear model y = bX to a data set today, and that produced 24 residuals (I have 24 data points, one for each year from 1984-2007). I would like to test the time-independence of the residuals of my model, and I was recommended by my supervisor to use the Ljung-Box test. The Box.test function in R takes 4 arguments:  x a numeric vector or univariate time series. lag the statistic
2010 Apr 17
interpreting acf plot
Hello, I am attending a course in Computational Statistics at ETH and in one of the assignments I am asked to prove that a time series is not autocorrelated using the R function "acf". I tried out the acf function with the given data, according to what I found here: this test data does not look IID but rather shows some trends so how can I