similar to: Calling R functions from C

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Calling R functions from C"

2006 Oct 31
plotting multiple groups (newbie Q)
Hi Folks, After loading a data set, I run the following: > kSum <- orderBy(~group,(summaryBy(DP_Level~F2 +group,data=kdata,FUN=c(mean,sd),na.rm=T))) kSum looks like this: > kSum F2 group DP_Level.mean 1 1.0 N -1.55186475 11.022245 4 2.0 N -2.48013300 10.624583 7 3.0 N -12.47671250 11.104792 10 4.0 N -13.72430950 12.000779 13
2011 Jan 26
Colour area under density curve
Hello, I have this code to plot a certain normal distribution and represent the pnorm value for a certain "x": x<-300 xx <- seq(2.5,7.5, by=0.1) yy <- dnorm(xx,5.01,0.77) d<-signif(pnorm(log(x), 5.01,0.77),4) xpts <- round(exp(0:8)) par(bg = "antiquewhite") plot(xx,yy, type="l", col="blue", lwd=2, xaxt="n",
2009 Feb 27
formula formatting/grammar for regression
Hi all, I am doing some basic regression analysis, and am getting a bit confused on how to enter non-polynomial formulas to be used. For example, consider that I want to find A and r such that the formula y = A*exp(r*x) provides the the best fit to the line y=x on the interval [0,50]. I can set: xpts <- seq(0, 50, by=0.1) ypts <- seq(0, 50, by=0.1) I know I can find a fitted polynomial
2007 Feb 13
Advice on visual graph packages
Hey, all. I'm looking for packages that are good at two things 1) Drawing directed graphs (i.e nodes and edges), both with single and double headed arrows, as well as allowing for differences in line width and solid versus dashed. Note: I've tried Rgraphviz here, but have run into some problems (which seem fixable and I may go with it in the end), and it doesn't satisfy need
2009 Jun 15
altering a global variable
I'm working on a program that loads several large data files. I'm using ddply (plyr is really awesome) but I want to minimize the amount of times a large data file is read in. One solution is to keep track of which data file is open with a global variable and then change the currently open data file globally as needed. However, I'm unclear on how to alter a global variable
2008 Apr 15
glht with a glm using a Gamma distribution
Quick question about the usage of glht. I'm working with a data set from an experiment where the response is bounded at 0 whose variance increases with the mean, and is continuous. A Gamma error distribution with a log link seemed like the logical choice, and so I've modeled it as such. However, when I use glht to look for differences between groups, I get significant
2005 Jul 25
Rmath library problems
Hello, Has anybody successfully called the Rmath library from C using the MS Visual Studio compiler (I am using Visual Studio 6.0)? I have compiled the Rmath library using gcc, and the 'test.c' program (which makes a call to qnorm) works fine when compiled with gcc. However, I get a fatal memory error when I run it after compiling it with Visual C. Would this memory problem be related
2002 Nov 21
html Search Engine not working
Hi All, Just installed R on my powerbook G4 (Darwin; see more info below) but have trouble with the the Search Engine and Keywords html page after help.start() (with Mozilla 5.0). I've browsed the archives and have seen some references to similar problems, but can't figure out how to fix it so that the search function works. When attempting to search for help using a keyword,
2011 Jan 20
GPU packages and 'Debian R Policy'
Hi there, Moving this request for info over from an R-HPC-SIG list thread as the issue is less HPC than something that has bitten me as a result of trying to install HPC (read CUDA) R packages. Background to this is that I have both a Ubuntu host for a Tesla card that some researchers are looking to do CUDA-related R computation on, and a prototype, RHEL-based, cluster that is being used to
2005 Nov 08
A Quick and (Very) Dirty Intro to Stats in R
Greetings to all, First off, I want to thank you all for answering any nagging questions I've had over the past few days. I've been in the process of putting together A Quick and (Very) Dirty Intro to Doing Your Statistics in R (which I have posted to ) in order to teach an R workshop for the graduate students in my department. This is a
2005 Nov 15
Repeates Measures MANOVA for Time*Treatment Interactions
Dear R folk, First off I want to thank those of you who responded with comments for my R quick and dirty stats tutorial. They've been quite helpful, and I'm in the process of revising them. When it comes to repeated measures MANOVA, I'm in a bit of a bind, however. I'm beginning to see that all of the documentation is written for psychologists, who have a slightly
2023 Feb 16
User-defined RNG with the standalone Rmath library
I have two questions about using a user-defined random number generator (RNG) with the standalone Rmath library. The default RNG with the standalone Rmath library is the Marsaglia-multicarry generator, which has poor properties. The "R Installation and Administration" manual, in the section "The standalone Rmath library", states that: ``` A little care is needed to use the
2010 Feb 16
suppress printing within a function
I'm working with a few functions (e.g. do.base.descriptions in the netstat package) that, in addition to returning an object with variables I want to extract, also print output. There is no way to turn this default printing behavior off in many of the functions. Is there a blanket way to suppress such printing, say, within a loop or a ddply statement? Thanks! -Jarrett
2010 Jun 10
Rmath.dll importing in VB6 problem
Hi, I am facing a problem which i think i need to explain it to you with some background. I need to use the Project R pnorm function in Visual Basic 6.0. I have already installed R and this is how i perform and get back the result: > pnorm(2, 15) [1] 6.117164e-39 which is what i need. I have already installed R, i generated the Rmath.DLL file out so i can import it into my VB6 and use it.
2008 Oct 11
defines in Rmath.h and R_NO_REMAP
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 Hi, I'm programming with R 2.7.2 and had some trouble including Rmath.h for its random variates generation routines: Although I define R_NO_REMAP (which works fine for Rinternals.h stuff), Rmath.h defines "beta" as "Rf_beta" etc., so that my "beta" strings get redefined as well! Is this a feature? I found an old
2006 Nov 28
comments in scan
I had a question about scan in R. For better code readability, I would like to have lines in the block of data to be scanned that are commented - not just lines that have a comment at the end. For example #age, weight, height 33,128,65 34,56,155 instead of having to do something like 33,128,65 #age, weight, height 34,56,155 Is this at all possible?
2007 Aug 31
Studio 11 compiling of Rmath standalone versus compiling R
Hi, I have a UNIX-Solaris-Sparc-Studio 11 compilers question. Since it's not exactly a programming question, I'm posting it here instead of to the developers list. Here's the relevant info: 1) I'm using SunOS 5.9 on a 32 bit machine without parallel processing. The chip is Sparc. 2) I've installed the Sun Studio 11 compilers. 3) I've successfully built and tested R 2.5.1
2006 Sep 13
Updating lmer - object is not subsettable?
I'm attempting to write a general function to implement Faraway's bootstrapping algorithm for mixed models with lmer, but have run into a curious problem. I'm comparing two models model.1<-lmer(Response ~ Treatment + (1|Trial),, method="ML") model.2<-lmer(Response ~ 1 + (1|Trial),, method="ML") When I attempt to update
2005 Oct 25
Ryan's Q Post-Hoc for ANOVA
I'm using lm to run an ANOVA, and would like to use Ryan's Q as my post-hoc (as recommended by Day and Quinn, 1989, Ecological Monographs). I can't seem to find any methods in the base stats package that implement this post-hoc. Is there a good package of post-hoc methods out there, or has someone written a method for Ryan's Q previously? Thanks! -Jarrett
2005 Nov 08
Simple Nesting question/Odd error message
I'm attempting to analyze some survey data comparing multiple docks. I surveyed all of the slips within each dock, but as slips are nested within docks, getting multiple samples per slip, and don't really represent any meaningful gradient, slip is a random effect. There are also an unequal number of slips at each dock. I'm having syntactical issues, however. When I try