similar to: Erratic behavior with ferret 0.95 and acts_as_ferret

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2005 Dec 02
ANN: acts_as_ferret
Hi all This week I have worked with Rails and Ferret to test Ferrets (and Lucenes) capabilities. I decided to make a mixin for ActiveRecord as it seemed the simplest possible solution and I ended up making this into a plugin. For more info on Ferret see: The plugin is functional but could easily be refined. Anyway I want to share it with you. Regard it as a
2005 Dec 02
ANN: acts_as_ferret
Hi all This week I have worked with Rails and Ferret to test Ferrets (and Lucenes) capabilities. I decided to make a mixin for ActiveRecord as it seemed the simplest possible solution and I ended up making this into a plugin. For more info on Ferret see: The plugin is functional but could easily be refined. Anyway I want to share it with you. Regard it as a
2007 Mar 13
Acts_as_ferret and auto-flush
Hi, I''m using acts_as_ferret in with a mongrel and I'' m getting locking errors that after a while result in a corrupt database. I know about the problem with different processes writing to the index but I haven''t been able to get the DRB server working properly yet. I read on this list that another solution is to set :auto_flush to true but I''m not
2006 Aug 24
[0.10.0 - acts_as_ferret] Problem while saving new items
Disclaimer: ferret newbie here, don''t blame too hard. Hi, I''m trying to apply acts_as_ferret to apply search to my Person model: class Person < ActiveRecord::Base validates_presence_of :name, :surname acts_as_ferret :fields => [ ''name'', ''surname'' ] ... But when I try to save a new Person instance I get this error:
2007 Feb 25
Ferret 0.11.0-rc1
Hey folks, Sorry for cross posting like this but this is an important announcement for all Ferret users. ** Description ** Firstly for those who don''t know, Ferret is a full-text search library which makes adding search to your application a breeze. It''s much faster than MySQL full-text search as well most other search libraries out there. It allows you to do Boolean (+ruby +
2006 Aug 28
stop words and /''s
Hi new version of ferret and acts as ferret have sorted out the scary glibc *** linked list pointer errors, thank god! New version are good but some searches are still not working. It is mostly the stop words ones. For example the "For Sale/Free/Swap" fails but works when "for" is stripped out. I have read all the recent posts regarding this issue and failed to get it to
2007 Jan 11
Ferret Locking issues
Dave and all, I run a medium RoR app using Ferret and acts_as_ferret. I get a lot of lock errors. Not always but around 5% of all searches (aspecially during peak periods). Here are the messages I get: A NameError occurred in szukaj#index: uninitialized constant Ferret::Index::Index::LockError [RAILS_ROOT]/vendor/rails/activesupport/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:478:in
2006 Aug 25
End-of-File Error occured at <except.c>:103 in xpop_context
Hi, I get this when searching or adding a new record. I am using today''s version of trunk and gem ferret 0.10.0 any ideas? thanks! EOFError in DvbesController#new End-of-File Error occured at <except.c>:103 in xpop_context Error occured in store.c:197 - is_refill current pos = 0, file length = 182 RAILS_ROOT: script/../config/.. Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full
2006 Oct 31
corrupted index preventing save
Hi, I''m using Rails/AAF with Ferret 0.10.11, and my index occasionally (every few weeks, roughly) becomes corrupted. If the index is busted, until I rebuild it our users are unable to save anything. I get errors like the one below, and the save rolls back. My question is, is there any way to catch the error, and continue with the save even if the model isn''t indexed? What
2006 Oct 17
Error : End-of-File Error occured at <except.c>
Everything was working fine till last night. This morning I have many errors. I am using acts_as_ferret. Last updated around a month ago on linux. There are two different type of exceptions. I have over 12 exception emails but these are the two distince types. First exception: A EOFError occurred in home#event_info: End-of-File Error occured at <except.c>:79 in xraise Error occured in
2007 Mar 12
index.rb:384 [BUG]
Hi folks, I''ve working and playing with acts_as_ferret and follow this fantastic tutorial: When I try to implement the field storage tip, it crash. So, I try to make it via script/console: 1. I have a simple model called Articles: class Article < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_ferret :fields =>
2006 Aug 25
disabling automatic indexing in acts_as_ferret
I''d like to be able to enable/disable the automatic indexing of documents acts_as_ferret does. Something like MyModel.disable_indexing MyModel.enable_indexing would be perfect. I need this because I do some indexing that requires visiting the parents of the model objects and my import method imports the children first, so the information isn''t there yet. I''d like to
2007 Nov 11
undefined method `add''
We''ve been running into problems with ferret indexing lately. The problem is intermittent and some times it persists. Just got this after wiping the index and redeploying: NoMethodError (undefined method `add'' for Solution:Class): (druby:// /data/releases/20071111152414/vendor/rails/activerecord/lib/active_record/base.rb:1238:in `method_missing''
2006 Jun 17
preventing indexing of an acts_as_ferret''d model?
Hi, this is hopefully an easy one, but I''ve gone through the api and searched past forum entries, and am drawing a blank. I have a model that with acts_as_ferret mixed in to it, which is working fine. But I want users to be able to set a ''private'' attribute on the model, and when it''s set to true, create and update methods would skip indexing. So, how can I
2007 Oct 01
Hi, I saw someone else have this earlier. The recommendation is still to downgrade to 0.11.3? Oct 01 19:56:09 ey01-s00116 rails[3175]: Ferret::FileNotFoundError (File Not Found Error occured at <except.c>:117 in xpop_contextError occured in fs_store .c:329 - fs_open_input tried to open "/data/zendesk/current/config/../index/production/ticket/_l.cfs" but it
2006 Nov 07
Memory consumption too high
Hi, I''m having trouble with ferret and AAF blowing up with a NoMemoryError. Sometimes when I add documents inside my rails app. Ferret starts consuming huge amounts of memory. I''m on a machine with 2GB of memory and it still runs out of memory. Sometimes I''m able to run MyObject.rebuild_index and the memory doesn''t move up at all. However, sometimes it
2007 Nov 13
acts_as_ferret : cannot use a customized Analyzer (as indicated in the AdvancedUsageNotes)
Hi all, I cannot make aaf (rev. 220) use my custom analyzer, despite following the indications @ To pinpoint the problem, I created a model + a simple analyzer with 2 stop words : "fax" and "gsm". test 1 : model.rebuild_index + model.find_by_contents("fax") # fax is a stop word. => I get a
2006 Nov 06
acts_as_ferret and associations
I have the following models: class Book < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_ferret belongs_to :author end class Author < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :books end and in the controller: def search if params[:query] @query = params[:query] @total, @books = Book.full_text_search(@query, :page => (params[:page]||1)) @pages =
2007 Jan 21
[ActsAsFerret] OpenSolaris (TextDrive) indexing issues
Gents, I successfully installed AAF on my TextDrive OpenSolaris Container, but I''m having some issues with indexing. I have a model called Blogs which has AAF enabled. The first time I tried to find_by_contents for a ''word'' I know was on the Database I got now results. Apparently the index was not ready yet. Then I waited a few hours and checked that the /index
2006 Nov 28
Update/Create record only if field is true
I have a sellable flag in my database. I''m trying to have ferret only add/update records where sellable == true. What is the best way to do this? I''ve tried editing instance_methods.rb in the AAF, but I still can''t get it to work. Thanks for the help -- Posted via