similar to: asking the user for data

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "asking the user for data"

2005 Oct 10
plot - no main title and missing abscissa value
Hi all. I have defined a plot thus: par(mar=c(5,5,4,5),las=1, xpd=NA) plot(Day, Ym1Imp, ylim=c(0,100), type="b", bty="l", main="Ym1 Expression", cex=1.3, xaxt="n", yaxt="n") #plot implant data axis(side=1, at=c(0,1,3,5,7,10,14,21), labels=c(0,1,3,5,7,10,14,21)) # label x axis mtext("Day", side =1, at=10, line=3, cex=1.2) # title x
2005 Oct 17
Dunn's post hoc test
Hi Everyone. I am rather new to R and I've been trying to implement a function to carry out the above test. For a couple of days now I've been stuck on how to generate average rank differences. Say I have a vector of average ranks: averank<- c(2,5,9,12) I would like to subtract averank[1] from averank[2], averank[1] and averank[2] from averank[3] and averank[1], averank[2] and
2011 Nov 08
ggplot2 reorder factors for faceting
Dear List I am trying to draw a heatmap using ggplot2. In this heatmap I have faceted my data by 'infection' of which I have four. These four infections break down into two types and I would like to reorder the 'infection' column of my data to reflect this. Toy example below: library(ggplot2) # test data for ggplot reordering genes <- (rep (c(rep('a',4),
2008 Jul 17
help with data layout
Hello list I have been given some Excel sheets with data laid like this: Col1 Col2 A 3 2 3 B 4 5 4 C 1 4 3 I was hoping to import this into R as a csv and then get the mean and SD for each letter in column 1. Could someone give me some guidance on best to approach this? Thanks Iain
2005 Sep 27
multiple plots on same x axis
Hi. I have two vectors of gene expression for each of several days. I want to plot both vectors on the same plot for a visual representation of up versus down regulation. I've tried using add=T but that doesn't work. eg >plot(Day, gene1) >plot(Day, gene2, add=T) Any help would be appreciated. Iain
2008 Mar 14
test individual values in rows
Hi list. I have a numerical dataset 22,000 rows deep and 43 columns wide. I would like to remove those rows which contain only values less than 100 (ie if any value in the row is greater than 100 the row stays in the dataset). I am unsure how to test each individual value across the rows and then identify the rows which meet my criteria. Can anyone help? Thank you. Iain [[alternative HTML
2011 Nov 21
count ties after rank?
Hello! I need to use Kruskal-Wallis test and post-hoc test (Dunn's test) for my data. But when I searched around, I only found this function: kruskal.test. But nothing for Dunn's test. So I started to write one myself. But I do not know how to count ties in the data frame. I can use for loops but it seems long and unnecessary since the rank function actually knows the ties. So
2006 Feb 08
rotating axis / mtext labels
Hello list. Is it possible to use par(srt=45) to rotate text by 45 degrees along the x-axis of a plot. Using: <code> x_names<-c("C57 Nv", "C57 Vacc", "129 Nv", "129 Vacc", "IFNgR Nv", "IFNgR Vacc") par(srt=45) mtext(font=2, x_names, side=1, line=1, at=l, cex=1.2) par(srt=0) </code> doesn't seem to work in R 2.2.0
2011 Jun 29
median time period
Hello List I'm trying to calculate the median period (in months) of a set of time intervals (between two interventions). I have been playing with the lubridate package to create the intervals but I can't think of the right approach to get the median timeperiod. Toy code: library(lubridate) test <- c('08-04-22', '08-07-28', '09-03-02', '09-03-03',
2012 Nov 28
write out list of lists with names
Hello List I have a list question. I'm doing some data wrangling for a colleague and I have nested list in the following format: structure(list(MU10 = structure(c(0.80527905920989, 0.4350488707836, 0.455195366623, 0.565174432205497, 0.208180556861924), .Names = c("MU.16", "MU.19", "MU.21", "mean", "sd")), MU11 =
2009 May 23
counting occurrence of text in a dataframe
Hello list. I am hoping for some help with a relatively simple problem. I have a data frame arranged as below. I want to be able to count the occurrence of each gene (eg let-7e) by Experiment. In other words how many times does a given gene crop up in the dataframe. I tried table but couldn't work out how to get the output I want. I have also considered rearranging this data into a list (by
2009 Dec 08
Upgrading To 2.10 from 2.6.2
Hello I have a Linux machine (Ubuntu 8.04 hardy, Gcc version 4.2.4 (i486-linux-gnu) currently running R 2.6.2. I'd like to upgrade to 2.10. First Question): What is the appropriate way to remove the old version of R? Part 2. After downloading r-base_2.10.0.orig.tar.gz and opening the archive. I ran the ./configure routine. It failed claiming that it could not find the F77 compiler. My
2012 May 30
reading file in zip archive
Hi List I have a series of zip archives each containing several files. One of these files is called goCats.txt and I would like to read it into R from the archive. It's a simple tab delimited text file. pathToZip <- '/home/iain/Documents/Work/Results/bovineMacRNAData/deAnalysis/afInfection/commonNorm/twoHrs/' z <- unz(pathToZip, 'goCats.txt', 'r') zT
2005 Dec 10
odd error
Hi All. I am getting a rather odd error using R 2.2.0 on Suse Linux 10. I write R scripts in the text editor Kate and then execute them using e.g >source ("timecourse_il4.r") in R. I have been moving these scripts between a linux box and a Mac and for that reason have a line quartz(display="", width=7, height=7)# set quartz graphics window size for linux change this to
2009 May 30
arithmetic problem
Hello list I have a problem with a dataset (see toy example below) where I am trying to find the difference between two (or more numbers) and discard those observations which fall outside a set interval. An example and further explanation: values ind 1 2655 7A5 2 3028 7A5 3 689 ABBA-1 4 1336 ABBA-1 5 1560 ABBA-1 6 2820 ABLIM1 7 3339 ABLIM1 8
2012 Jul 20
conditional subset and reorder dataframe rows
Hi List I have a dataframe (~1,200,000 rows deep) and I'd like to conditionally reorder groups of rows in this dataframe. I would like to reorder any rows where the Chr.Strand column contains a '-' but reorder within subsets delineated by the Probe.Set.Name column. # toy example #### library(plyr) negStrandGene <- data.frame(Probe.Set.Name =
2008 Jul 10
Non-normal data issues in PhD software engineering experiment
Hi All, Title: Non-normal data issues in PhD software engineering experiment I hope I am not breeching any terms of this forum by this rather general post. There are very R specific elements to this rather long posting. I will do my best to clearly explain my experiment, goals and problems here but please let me know if I have left out any vital information or if there is any ambiguity that I
2008 Nov 06
replacing values in a vector
Hello list. I have a vector of values: eg > head(diff_mirs_list) [1] "hsa-miR-26b" "hsa-miR-26b" "hsa-miR-23a" "hsa-miR-27b" "hsa-miR-29a" [6] "hsa-miR-29b" and I would like to conditionally replace each value in this vector with a number defined in a dataframe: > fc ???????????? Probe ave.fc 1?????? hsa-let-7a?? 1.28 2?????
2009 Jun 20
string splitting and testing for enrichment
Hi List I have data in the following form: Gene    TFBS NUDC     PPARA(1) HNF4(20) HNF4(96) AHRARNT(104) CACBINDINGPROTEIN(149) T3R(167) HLF(191) RPA2     STAT4(57) HEB(251) TAF12     PAX3(53) YY1(92) BRCA(99) GLI(101) EIF3I     NERF(10) P300(10) TRAPPC3     HIC1(3) PAX5(17) PAX5(110) NRF1(119) HIC1(122) TRAPPC3     EGR(26) ZNF219(27) SP3(32) EGR(32) NFKAPPAB65(89) NFKAPPAB(89) RFX(121)
2005 Sep 16
horizontal lines on stripchart
Hi. I would like to add a horizontal line to each column of data on a stripchart (vertical=T) to indicate the mean(rather like the package Prism does - for those that have used this) for each dataset. I presume the best way to do this would be with "lines" but after much trying / playing about I can't figure it out. Can anyone help? Thanks