similar to: Ferret-0.10.1 released

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "Ferret-0.10.1 released"

2005 Dec 19
Indexing so slow......
I am indexing over 10,000 rows of data, it is very slow when it is indexing the 100,1000,10000 row, and now it is over 1 hour passed on the row 10,000. how to make it faster? here is my code: ================== doc = doc <<"id",, Field::Store::YES, Field::Index::UNTOKENIZED) doc <<"title", t.title,
2005 Dec 02
Ferret 0.3.0 released
Hi folks, This latest release of Ferret has a lot of improvements. There have been substantial improvements to performance. Try it for yourself to see. I won''t be publishing any numbers just yet. I will say though that it''s still about 2-4 times slower than Lucene with the extension installed. There is also some performance improvements in the pure Ruby version if you
2007 Feb 27
acts_as_ferret rebuilding issue with ferret 0.11.0
Hi, There is a problem with the way that acts_as_ferret verifies the index is valid. In ensure_index_exists it looks for a file named ''segments''. With the 0.11.0 release of ferret there is no file with this name. On my dummy application I have a ''segments.gen'' and ''segments_2y''. Changing the test to segments.gen fixes the problem that the
2006 Sep 20
Updating to the bleeding edge version of Ferret
Hey guys, It has occurred to me that a lot of people need some of the fixes I make to Ferret ASAP and don''t like having to wait to long for the gem. On the other hand, it is a bit of a pain to download and install from subversion because then you need to uninstall when the next gem comes out. So I thought I may as well put some instructions out as to how you can build your own Ferret gem
2006 Jun 11
Bus Error with Ferret 0.9.3 using the BooleanQuery api
Hey guys, I''ve been trying out ferret 0.9.3 on my powerbook this weekend and I''ve been triggering ''bus errors'' when using the Query API. If I programmatically build up strings, it works just fine. There''s some more information available in the trac ticket Is anyone successfully using the Query API on
2007 Feb 25
Ferret 0.11.0-rc1
Hey folks, Sorry for cross posting like this but this is an important announcement for all Ferret users. ** Description ** Firstly for those who don''t know, Ferret is a full-text search library which makes adding search to your application a breeze. It''s much faster than MySQL full-text search as well most other search libraries out there. It allows you to do Boolean (+ruby +
2007 Feb 28
win32 11.1-rc2 ferret gem available?
Hello! I am developing a rails application in a test environment on Windows XP and recently upgraded to InstantRails 1.5. During the upgrade process, I went to install the latest ferret gem and realized that the latest gem compiled for Windows was 10.9. We upgraded our production environment (Ubuntu) to 11.1-rc2 successfully, but wanted to find out if we were going to run into any problems
2006 Aug 24
installing ferret
I am trying to test drive ferret on a ubuntu dapper installation. I have a ferret-test.rb file like: ----begin--------- require ''ferret'' include Ferret index = => ''/opt/search-index'') ----end----------- When i issue: ruby ferret-test.rb, I get: ferret-test.rb:1:in `require'': no such file to load -- ferret (LoadError)
2006 Mar 19
Ferret 0.9.0-alpha (port of Apache Lucene to pure ruby)
Hi Folks, I''ve just released version 0.9.0. This latest version of Ferret is an alpha release. I have removed the old c extension and Ferret is now running on a fully ported C library. This has allowed some huge performance improvements both with regard to memory and CPU usage. There will probably be a few portability issues to start with. It has been developed on Linux so it should
2007 Apr 10
ferret-0.11.4-mswin32 not compatible with Ruby1.8.4
Just a quick note for future reference - at least for me, ferret won''t work on Ruby 1.8.4. gem install ferret Successfully installed ferret-0.11.4-mswin32 ruby -v ruby 1.8.4 (2005-12-24) [i386-mswin32] irb irb(main):001:0> require ''ferret'' A windows error message box appears - ruby.exe - Entry Point Not Found The procedure entry point rb_w32_write could not be
2006 Oct 04
Ferret just got faster.
Hey guys, Sorry I haven''t been around for the last few days. I''ve just finished a coding marathon fixing up some of the performance problems in Ferret. If you don''t know what I''m talking about there has been a problem with Filters and Sorts on large indexes. Well, I think I''ve fixed the problem. Before: dbalmain at ubuntu:~/workspace/exp_old/c $
2006 Sep 04
0.10.2 release with win32 gem
Hey all, I''ve just released Ferret version 0.10.2. It is mostly just a bug fix release. The only change is that a highlight method has been added to Ferret::Index::Index. Please try it out and let me know what you think. The big news for this release is that there is also a binary win32 gem included. This is the first time I''ve build a gem like this so please let me know if
2007 Apr 05
intalling ferret
i have this error when i try to install ferret C:\Documents and Settings\>gem install ferret Need to update 6 gems from ...... complete Building native extensions. This could take a while... ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem::Installer::ExtensionBuildError) ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension. ruby extconf.rb install ferret creating Makefile nmake
2006 Aug 15
Ferret 0.10 series
Hi David, >> Otherwise I''m fully committed to getting 0.10 out. >> When it is out, I''d recommend getting it into your >> development app as soon as you can. Any idea of timeframe to a 0.10 alpha release? Kind Regards Neville
2007 Feb 27
Ferret 0.11.1-rc2
Hey guys, Just released Ferret 0.11.1. Hopefully this will fix *most* of the problems people were having. Now that I know gcc hides stack overflows on Ubuntu because -fstack-protector is set, I won''t get caught by that one again. Anyone know any other gotchas I should be aware of on Ubuntu. Please try the new version and let me know if you are still having problems with it. I have until
2007 Mar 05
Warming up a new Searcher/Reader (Ferret 0.10.9 win32)
Hi, I have a largish index [700MB] which is updated from time to time, requiring me to close and recreate the Ferret::Search::Searcher to use the latest index. My problem is that the first few searches on the new index are slow [by comparison to before the close/recreate], I''m guessing because the new index is being loaded into RAM by my OS and into Ferret as needed. I''m
2007 Feb 28
Ferret 0.11.2-rc3 released
Hey guys, I''ve just removed the -fno-stack-protector flag from the release so those who had trouble because of this should now be able to install 0.11.2-rc3. If you have any problems with this release, please let me ASAP. Cheers, Dave -- Dave Balmain
2007 Feb 26
Ferret 0.11.0 tests segfault
I have an important segfault when I create the index (via Ferret::Index::FieldInfos#create_index). I decided to run the tests, this is what I have : $> ruby test_all.rb Loading once Loaded suite test_all Started ....................EEEEEEEE./unit/../unit/index/../../unit/store/../../unit/analysis/../../unit/utils/../../unit/query_parser/../../unit/search/tc_filter.rb:11: [BUG] Segmentation
2007 Mar 16
ferret on 64bit systems?
I''m still having some crashes on my server that don''t seem to happen on my development system. One difference between them is that the server is running in 64bit mode. Are there any issues running ferret on a 64bit system? I''ve seen some old traffic on the subject but all from about 9 months ago. There are some warnings printed out when I install ferret on the
2007 Jul 26
Ferret - current status?
Hi guys, Having committed a fairly large project to ferret I''m a little concerned that ferret svn has been essentially unavailable for weeks (pretty much every time I try I get "can''t connect") and more so now that has gone off the air. Without meaning to pry, does anyone know whether existing problems in ferret are likely to get fixed? (I can get