similar to: prediction with nnet function for regression in R

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "prediction with nnet function for regression in R"

2005 Oct 06
how to use tune.knn() for dataset with missing values
Hi Everybody, i again have the problem in using tune.knn(), its giving an error saying missing values are not allowed.... again here is the script for BreastCancer Data, library(e1071) library(mda) trdata<-data.frame(train,row.names=NULL) attach(trdata) xtr <- subset(trdata, select = -Class) ytr <- Class bestpara <-tune.knn(xtr,ytr, k = 1:25, tunecontrol = tune.control(sampling
2005 Oct 24
Is 64-bit linux compatible version of 'R' available?
Hi, Is there any 64-bit compatible version of 'R' available? Thanks & Regards, Uttam Phulwale Tata Consultancy Services Limited Mailto: Website: [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2005 Oct 06
how to handle missing values in the data?
Hello Everybody, I am reffering David Meyer's Benchmarking Support Vector Machines , Report No.78 (Nov.2002), i am newly working with R but i am not sure how it is handling missing values in the benchmark datasets, I would be very thankful to you if you could let me know how to handle those missing numerical & categorical variables in the data (e.g. BreastCancer). because, i am
2009 May 08
Fw: HP Laserjet Printer Installation
Dear all, Can any body help m on this to resolve my issue permanently. I m almost done, but one bug is creating problem & unable to resolve it as per mail reply from one of our colgn niranjan.ashok. Following command is not working on my system ie $ svn co Its showing error as " could not resolve hostname, host not found".
2009 Apr 02
Fw: Query - How do i configure CIFS protocol for sharing a printer to windows client
Hi team, Anybody have idea on below issue. Pls suggest.. Regards Amit Sudhir Anjarlekar Asst. Systems Engr. Tata Consultancy Services Mailto: Website: ____________________________________________ Experience certainty. IT Services Business Solutions Outsourcing ____________________________________________
2007 Apr 18
Linux Equivalent of SetFilePerm() api
Hi everyone, We are trying to port our own windows application to SUSE linux.Our application uses SetFilePerm() api defined in commondll.dll.We would like to know whether there is a linux equivalent of windows commondll.dll in wine... If not then what could be the possible alternative to make this api function exactly as it does in windows. Waiting for an early reply, Thanks and Regards,
2009 Jul 17
Tools to take a kernel crash dump.
Hello Everyone, We have noticed that one of our servers xen Dom0 is restarting idiopathically. Atleast, we are not able to analyze the cause. I have checked the logs but couldn''t find anything relating to it. Are there any tools such as kdump (which doesn''t seem to work on xenified kernels) for catching the kernel crash snapshot. Regards, Sree Harsha Totakura Member, Open
2009 Apr 13
HP Laserjet Printer Installation
Hi all, I have a very good query related to printer sharing using samba. Following is the scenario... I had installed HP laserjet 9040Dn printer on redhat Enterprise linux 5. Shared it using samba. Used winbind protocol to integrate linux with windows AD 2003. Now i am able to see printer in Active directory as well as linux computer account in AD. But unable to set option lpadmin -p printer
2010 Sep 16
VFS objects and mount_smbfs on Mac?
Hi all, Is that intended to work? I have a Mac client connected to a Samba share on a linux server (samba 3.2.0). For debugging purposes I've set up a VFS object on my share, which shall trace the actions on the filesystem. guest ok = yes vfs object = full_audit full_audit:success = all full_audit:failure = all full_audit:facility = LOCAL7 full_audit:priority = ALERT and adjusted the
2011 Mar 04
Help required for rpart package
Hi, I am trying to model credit risk data using decision trees. Since the number of defaulters is less compared to non-defaulters (defaulters around 10%), we have the class imbalance problem. Consequently, the confusion matrix shows that the number of misclassified non-defaulters is large. Classifying a defaulter as non-defaulter is more expensive. How does one include this information
2005 May 31
Centos4 SMP Kernel OOM
Hello, I've just run out of memory on a dual xeon with 5GB ram, considering there should have been around 4GB free (not counting buffers and cache)... this is unusual. Now after it OOM'ed I tried running top and memory usage was fine (around 1GB of 5, no swap usage of 12GB). So I thought it was a temporary thing, but processes kept on OOM'ing for no understandable reason... while
2002 Dec 24
Unable to install SWAT
I have installed redhat linuxv7.2 on mainframe (Z900) I want top configure samba using swat but Iam unable to configure SWAT Can anyone please help me ? Thanks and Regards Ramakrishnan.S System Software Group AIX/LINUX team X:1203 ***The information contained in this message is legally privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the addressed individual or entity
2012 Feb 13
samba Digest, Vol 110, Issue 12
Hello Williams Thanks for your prompt help, well valid user and write-list were define as got to read but still got confused so can you share me the link of the standard document or mail me that document so that i can go through it and implement on the given scenario. Or if you can share any example configuration then it will be great. I hope for help from you and all experts. Thank You Regards
2008 Aug 26
vTPM NVM, loadkey and trousers questions
Hi everyone, I am using Xen 3.2.1 with the vtpm-12-patch.diff patch posted in [0]. My TPM is an Infineon 1.2. In total I have got three different questions: 1. NVM loading problem at VM creation When I am creating a VM the last few lines of the vtpm_manager output are: TPMD[245]: tpm/tpm_startup.c:45: Info: TPM_Startup(1) Loading NVM. Sending LoadNVM command ERROR[VTPM]: Failed to load
2009 Apr 26
file.c:655 ast_openstream_full: File /tmp/winkel-gesloten.alaw does not exist in any format
part of extensions.conf: exten => 11,1,Answer() exten => 11,n,NoOp(CallerID : ${CALLERID(all)}) exten => 11,n,Playback(/tmp/welkom-tcs.alaw) exten => 11,n,GoToIfTime(09:00-17:59|mon-fri|*|*?open,s,1) ; wordt doorgerouteerd naar context open, maar indien gesloten : exten => 11,n,NoOp(Oproep tijdens winkel gesloten) exten => 11,n,Playback(/tmp/winkel-gesloten.alaw) exten =>
2005 Jul 22
about nnet package
Dear All, I'm learning to train a neural network with my training data by using nnet package, then evaluate it with a evaluation set. My problem here is that, I need the trained network to be used in future, so, what should I store? and How? Any other options other than nnet package? Any example will be highly appreciated! Best, Baoqiang Cao
2007 Sep 19
vtpm_manager can''t run twice in a row
I can get vtpm_manager to run if I delete /var/vtpm/VTPM. However, when I kill it with control-c, and try to run it again, I get: INFO[VTPM]: Starting VTPM. INFO[TCS]: Constructing new TCS: INFO[TCS]: Calling TCS_OpenContext: INFO[VTSP]: OIAP. INFO[VTSP]: Loading Key into TPM. INFO[VTSP]: Unbinding 256 bytes of data. ERROR in VTSP_Unbind at vtsp.c:720 code: TPM_BAD_PARAMETER. ERROR in
2000 Aug 02
? predict.nnet
Hi, I just want to point out a discrepancy between the documentation of predict.nnet & the function definition. >?predict.nnet => predict.nnet package:nnet R Documentation Predict New Examples by a Trained Neural Net Description: Predict new examples by a trained neural net. Usage: predict.nnet(object, x,
2005 Jul 27
how to get actual value from predict in nnet?
Dear All, After followed the help of nnet, I could get the networks trained and, excitedly, get the prediction for other samples. It is a two classes data set, I used "N" and "P" to label the two. My question is, how do I get the predicted numerical value for each sample? Not just give me the label(either "N" or "P")? Thanks! FYI: The nnet example I
2009 Oct 03
ad 2003 & nss_ldap produce: smbd/service.c:make_connection_snum(1003): Permission denied
Hello all, since some weeks I try to get the following configuration working Windows 2003 AD (no R2!!) with SFU 3.5 Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.4 (Tikanga) with Samba (samba-3.0.33-3.14.el5) nss_ldap (nss_ldap-253-21.el5) So I wanted to implement the following setup: The main reason using this