Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "How to hiding code for a package"
2005 Sep 10
"Attempt to bind using schannel without successful serverauth2" in 3.0.20 logs
Samba logs show many of these:
[2005/09/10 10:15:56, 0] rpc_server/srv_pipe.c:api_pipe_bind_req(981)
Attempt to bind using schannel without successful serverauth2
[2005/09/10 10:26:04, 0] rpc_server/srv_pipe.c:api_pipe_bind_req(981)
Attempt to bind using schannel without successful serverauth2
[2005/09/10 11:26:01, 0] rpc_server/srv_pipe.c:api_pipe_bind_req(981)
Attempt to bind using
2005 Oct 04
Animation of Mandelbrot Set
I was playing with Mandelbrot sets and come up with the following code, I
thought I would share:
library(fields) # for tim.colors
library(caTools) # for write.gif
m = 400 # grid size
C = complex( real=rep(seq(-1.8,0.6, length.out=m), each=m ),
imag=rep(seq(-1.2,1.2, length.out=m), m ) )
C = matrix(C,m,m)
Z = 0
X = array(0, c(m,m,20))
for (k in 1:20) {
Z =
2005 May 31
FYI: Problems while loading package "class (VR)"
Today, I performed automatic updates of packages and somehow lost "class"
package. I loaded a library that depended on it and got:
Error: package 'class' could not be loaded
In addition: Warning message: there is no package called 'class' in:
library(pkg, character.only = TRUE, logical = TRUE, lib.loc = lib.loc)
I tried to load it by instal-package: class (VR) and
2005 May 26
Reading text files and readLine
I am trying to write a function to read in a whole text file as a single
string ( so I can calculate its "sha1" hash function using package
"digest"). I need a single string containing the whole file, and so far I
was using paste(readLines(fileName), collapse = ""). Unfortunately this
function gives me warnings :
incomplete final line found by readLines on
2005 Aug 09
how to use the function from another package
Hi, I am trying to write a package(A) for myself and need to use a
function from another package(B) which is in R already(need to install
it before use). Could anyone tell me how to implement that? Also I
hope that my package gives an ERROR message(something like "STOP,
please install package B first") if the package B is not installed
yet. It is my first time to write a package. Thanks
2005 Nov 16
"Warning message: package '...' was built under R version 2.3.0"
While installing precompiled packages I often get warnings like the one in
the subject. I usually ignore them, but I still do not understand why
windows packages are build with unreleased versions of R.
Is there some way to get packages build under R-2.2.0?
What are potential problems that can result from that version mismatch?
My system: winXP
R version: 2.2.0
Jarek Tuszynski
2005 Mar 25
Casting in R
I am looking for functions that would allow me to access raw binary data of
R vectors. One way would be to use:
x = (1:10)*pi
writeBin(x, "temp.bin")
r = readBin("temp.bin", "raw", n=length(x)*8)
Other to write my own C code. Is there any other simpler way?
I this message is a rewording of my yesterday message "Looking for function
for Double to
2005 Jun 29
"all connections are in use" error during lazyload stage of packa ge installation
I suddenly started getting strange errors while working on my caTools
>RCMD install C:/programs/R/rw2011/src/library/caTools
preparing package caTools for lazy loading
Error in file(file, "r", encoding = encoding) :
all connections are in use
Execution halted
make: *** [lazyload] Error 1
*** Installation of caTools failed ***
I searched
2005 Jul 18
New functions supporting GIF file format in R
A minor announcement. I just added two functions for reading and writing GIF
files to my caTools package. Input and output is in the form of standard R
matrices or arrays, and standard R color-maps (palettes). The functions can
read and write both regular GIF images, as well as, multi-frame animated
GIFs. Most of the work is done in C level code (included), so functions do
not use any
2005 Nov 03
Search within a file
I am looking for a way to search a file for position of some expression,
from within R. My current code:
sha1Pos = gregexpr("<sha1>", readChar(filename,
Works fine for small files, but text files I will be working with might get
up to Gb range, so I was trying to accomplish the same without loading the
whole file into R.
I realize this is
2005 Mar 24
Unexpected error "subset assignment" (bug?)
I run into following problem. It seems to me that operation in the 3rd line
should be valid.
> b = matrix(as.raw(0), 8,8)
> q = as.raw(1:8)
> b[1,] = q
Error: incompatible types in subset assignment
> length(b[1,])
[1] 8
> typeof(b[1,])
[1] "raw"
> length(q)
[1] 8
> typeof(q)
[1] "raw"
Is this a bug or a "feature"?
2004 Sep 09
function "apply" and 3D arrays (PR#7221)
Full_Name: jarek tuszynski
Version: 1.8.1
OS: windows 2000
Submission from: (NULL) (
Example code:
> a=array(1:27, c(3,3,3))
> apply(a,2, var)
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 1 1 1
[2,] 1 1 1
[3,] 1 1 1
[4,] 1 1 1
[5,] 1 1 1
[6,] 1 1 1
[7,] 1 1 1
[8,] 1 1 1
[9,] 1 1 1
> apply(a,2, mean)
2005 Oct 01
I just want to ask if there is any function that can convert decimal
number to binary vector.
Thanks a lot.
2005 Sep 15
Splitting the string at the last sub-string
I need to split a string into 2 strings, with the split point defined by the
last occurrence of some substring. I come up with some convoluted code to do
str = "Chance favors the prepared mind"
sub = "e"
y = unlist(strsplit(str,sub))
z = cbind(paste(y[-length(y)], sub, sep="", collapse = ""), y[length(y)]);
Is there a simpler way
2020 May 11
[EXT] Re: Support for MULTISEARCH
What client(s) use this and how? I've used virtual folders - by
explicitly "subscribing" to them and then performing a search within
them. By hiding the virtual folders how do you use them?
------ Original Message ------
From: "Joe Wong" <joewong99 at gmail.com>
To: "Aki Tuomi" <aki.tuomi at open-xchange.com>
Cc: dovecot at dovecot.org;
2008 Nov 08
Hiding Files in Samba
I may need a strong shot of coffee but I though
putting "hide files = /~*/" as follows in the
samba config file would hide files with a tilde.
comment = Home Directories
browseable = no
writable = yes
hide files = /~*/
Unfortunately after restarting the server the files
are still visible.
2009 Dec 09
Recent TeX changes and R/package manuals
As some of you will be aware, TeXLive 2009 was released last month
having blocked updates on earlier versions since May. This has lead
to a flood of updates of LaTeX packages, as a result of which the
PDF manuals of R 2.10.0 and earlier will no longer build, for two
separate reasons.
For MiKTeX users: at least version 2.8 (the current one) has the same
updates (a week or so later) and has
2005 Aug 02
can we manage memory usage to increase speed?
Thanks for reading.
I am running a process in R for microarray data analysis. RedHat Enterprise Linux 4, dual AMD CPU, 6G memory. However, the R process use only a total of <200M memory. And the CPU usage is total to ~110% for two. The program takes at least 2 weeks to run at the current speed. Is there some way we can increase the usage of CPUs and memories and speed up? Any
1999 Feb 21
samba question
Joseph P. Harbison wrote:
> i don't know if you can help but i am having the same trouble you
> posted...
I?ll try, but I?m not a samba-expert too.
> i can't browse my linux box...i see the machine but it is not
> accessible....
You cannot browse... but you can see? Where can you see the linux-box?
In Search->Computer?
ACCESS is done by <smbd>, whereas
2005 May 27
xmlAttrs and problems with reading node attributes of XML file (b ug?)
Consider the following code:
xmlFile = paste( "<?xml version=\"1.0\"
"<mzXML xmlns=\"a\" xmlns:xsi=\"b\"
"<parentFile a=\"a\" b=\"b\" />\n",