similar to: [0.10.0] Random error when big import

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "[0.10.0] Random error when big import"

2006 Aug 23
Ferret 0.10.0 bugs
Hi all ! Is Ferret 0.10.0 realy stable ? Because I converted all my code to the new API and many strange things appened. For exemple this, when I run a import script : /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/ferret-0.10.0/lib/ferret/index.rb:98:in `initialize'': End-of-File Error occured at <except.c>:103 in xpop_context (EOFError) Error occured in store.c:197 - is_refill current
2007 Apr 14
Error on optimize leads to corrupt index?
The following exception occurred while trying optimize a large index: vendor/gems/rdig-0.3.4/lib/rdig/index.rb:46:in `optimize'': End-of- File Error occured at <except.c>:93 in xraise (EOFError) Error occured in store.c:216 - is_refill current pos = 0, file length = 0 Now, I get the following error any time I try to create a new index on the directory that I was trying
2007 Jun 23
End of File Error on index optmize
I was optimizing a 650MB using ferret (0.11.3) and I received the following error. I''ve seen some people have similar issues but I haven''t seen any resolutions. The contents of the index directory follow the error. Has anyone seen anything like this and found a resolution? Many thanks. /mnt/apps/search/releases/20070622175637/script/../config/../vendor/
2006 Aug 26
[0.10.0] Index#add_document bug with strange value ?
Perhaps, I found where is my problem (during a big import). Why this silly (really silly :)) example crash ? /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/ferret/index.rb:211:in `add_document'': IO Error occured at <except.c>:79 in xraise (IOError) Error occured in fs_store.c:225 - fso_flush_i flushing src of length -2 from
2006 Oct 17
Error : End-of-File Error occured at <except.c>
Everything was working fine till last night. This morning I have many errors. I am using acts_as_ferret. Last updated around a month ago on linux. There are two different type of exceptions. I have over 12 exception emails but these are the two distince types. First exception: A EOFError occurred in home#event_info: End-of-File Error occured at <except.c>:79 in xraise Error occured in
2007 Mar 13
Acts_as_ferret and auto-flush
Hi, I''m using acts_as_ferret in with a mongrel and I'' m getting locking errors that after a while result in a corrupt database. I know about the problem with different processes writing to the index but I haven''t been able to get the DRB server working properly yet. I read on this list that another solution is to set :auto_flush to true but I''m not
2007 Mar 19
Concurrency Problem in 0.11.3
Hi, I''m having some strange/random crashes with ferret when using different programs on the same index. I created a script to reproduce the errors: Usage: In one terminal run: ruby ferret_crash.rb first In another terminal: ruby ferret_crash.rb Errors I usually get are but it is really random:
2007 Mar 02
Sorted empty search bug
Hello Dave, Hello all, I''ve got this error because I try to search something and sort it by name : Argument Error occured at <except.c>:93 in xraise Error occured in sort.c:551 - field_cache_get_index Cannot sort by field "name". It doesn''t exist in the index. The problem, occur when my index is empty, so the field "name" does not exists. --
2007 Apr 26
EOFError (End-of-File Error occured Error)
Hi Randomly I get the following error when users search EOFError (End-of-File Error occured at <except.c>:93 in xraise Error occured in compound_io.c:137 - cmpdi_read_i Tried to read past end of file. File length is <303> and tried to read to <351> ): what could be the problem? thanks -- Posted via
2006 Aug 24
[0.10.0] LazyDoc#fields does not return symbols
Hi again, fields() method of Ferret::Index::LazyDoc return an array of integer (maybe the integer of the symbol? I don''t know) instead of symbols as explained in the doc : Any ideas ? -- Posted via
2006 Nov 20
End-of-File Error occured at <except.c>:79 in xraise
On an average I get this error twice or thrice a week. After I rebuild the index Event.rebuild_index it works fine. I''m a bit puzzled by this behavior. Why does this happen? I am using AAF. End-of-File Error occured at <except.c>:79 in xraise Error occured in store.c:216 - is_refill current pos = 301, file length = 301 /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/ferret/index.rb:517:in
2006 Aug 26
Erratic behavior with ferret 0.95 and acts_as_ferret
I am getting this issue also... Does anyone know what this is? When will Acts as Ferret be available for v10? Thanks for your help in desperation! Caspar wrote: > Okay previous post related to me trying to fix this problem with an > upgrade to ferret 0.10.0 but acts as ferret is obviously not compatible > with this new version of ferret. > My app is about to go into production and
2006 Aug 24
[0.10.0] Index#search_each options ignored
Hi Dave, The options hash is not used in search_each() method. -- Posted via
2006 Sep 26
concurrency / #search_each problem / segfault
Hello everyone, I was stress-testing my application (running on Rails via FastCGI) by letting two concurrent users (not human .. an app called ''siege'') a) save an Article and b) search for all Articles. I am searching via Article.ferret_index.search_each( ..) do |doc_id,score| doc = index[doc_id] .. end and writing via Article.ferret_index <<
2006 Sep 27
Seg Fault - crashed our server
We were using ferret (with acts_as_ferret) on our production boxes. Everything was going OK for a few days then we got a seg fault from it that brought down the box. The specs: * Rails 1.1.6 * Ruby 1.8.4 * Ferret 0.10.6 * RedHat ES 3 * Apache * Pound * 5 instances of Mongrel Can ferret handle multiple processes accessing it''s files at the same time? Not that we were doing this (but
2006 Aug 26
[0.10.0] Index#search is not thread safe ?
This script ( give this result : "1" "0" "0" "0" Why the other thread does not have the same result ? Maybe, it''s not the correct way to use the index in a multi threaded environement but I don''t know how to do. Any ideas ? -- Posted via
2006 Oct 16
seg fault, ferret 0.10.11
Hi, we''re using Ferret 0.10.11 with acts_as_ferret (stable from svn), on a unix box, running rails 1.1.6 in production. a few days ago i rebuilt the index (by deleting the previous one and letting acts_as_ferret do its thing), and it ran fine for a few days. this evening i got a seg fault when one of the indexes was being updated via aaf, and now all ferret searches are busted,
2007 Mar 28
Newbie problem on production server
Hi, I just installed ferret for the first time and integrated it with my app. On my dev machine it''s fine but on my production server I get this when I call find_by_contents(): Processing LinksController#results (for at 2007-03-28 05:28:36) [POST] Session ID: 3f2dc7c17147c0e52178ba697a119833 Parameters: {"commit"=>"Search",
2006 Aug 24
[0.10.0 - acts_as_ferret] Problem while saving new items
Disclaimer: ferret newbie here, don''t blame too hard. Hi, I''m trying to apply acts_as_ferret to apply search to my Person model: class Person < ActiveRecord::Base validates_presence_of :name, :surname acts_as_ferret :fields => [ ''name'', ''surname'' ] ... But when I try to save a new Person instance I get this error:
2007 Feb 26
Ferret 0.11.0 tests segfault
I have an important segfault when I create the index (via Ferret::Index::FieldInfos#create_index). I decided to run the tests, this is what I have : $> ruby test_all.rb Loading once Loaded suite test_all Started ....................EEEEEEEE./unit/../unit/index/../../unit/store/../../unit/analysis/../../unit/utils/../../unit/query_parser/../../unit/search/tc_filter.rb:11: [BUG] Segmentation