Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "Time series misalignment"
2005 Mar 24
RE: [R] Mapping actual to expected columns for princomp object
[Re-directing to R-devel, as I think this needs changes to the code.]
Can I suggest a modification to stats:predict.princomp so that it will check
for column (variable) names?
In src/library/stats/R/princomp-add.R, insert the following after line 4:
if (!is.null(cn <- names(object$center))) newdata <- newdata[, cn]
Now Dana's example looks like:
> predict(pca1, frz)
Error in
2010 Mar 12
sqldf not joining all the fields
Dear R users,
I have two data frames that were read from text files as follows:
x_data <- read.table("x.txt", header = TRUE, sep = "|", quote = "\"'",
dec = ".",as.is = TRUE,na.strings = "NA",colClasses = NA,
nrows = 3864284,
skip = 0, check.names = TRUE,fill=TRUE,
strip.white = TRUE,
2024 Nov 28
Linux desktop setup with authentication against Samba AD DC
Hi folks,
This is post no. 2, with technical information of how I set up the Linux
PCs, and additional information about setting up the server shares. It
will give the basic outlines to those trying to setup something similar,
using another Linux distribution. I will not go into any detail about
setting up the OS, and similar tasks, as it is assumed that the
interested reader has got the
2013 Mar 18
Hi All,
I have tried every fix on my try or tryCatch that I have found on the
internet, but so far have not been able to get my R code to continue with
the "for loop" after the lmer model results in an error.
Here is two attemps of my code, the input is a 3D array file, but really
any function would do....
a<-matrix(data=NA, nrow=dim(mydata)[3],
2003 Jul 30
Comparing two regression slopes
I've written a simple (although probably overly roundabout) function to
test whether two regression slope coefficients from two linear models on
independent data sets are significantly different. I'm a bit concerned,
because when I test it on simulated data with different sample sizes and
variances, the function seems to be extremely sensitive both of these. I am
wondering if
2005 Mar 09
multiple comparisons for lme using multcomp
Dear R-help list,
I would like to perform multiple comparisons for lme. Can you report to me
if my way to is correct or not? Please, note that I am not nor a
statistician nor a mathematician, so, some understandings are sometimes
quite hard for me. According to the previous helps on the topic in R-help
list May 2003 (please, see Torsten Hothorn advices) and books such as
Venables &
2006 May 06
How to test for significance of random effects?
Dear list members,
I'm interested in showing that within-group statistical dependence is
negligible, so I can use ordinary linear models without including random
effects. However, I can find no mention of testing a model with vs.
without random effects in either Venable & Ripley (2002) or Pinheiro and
Bates (2000). Our in-house statisticians are not familiar with this,
2006 Nov 30
data.frame within a function (PR#9294) (cont'd)
This continues the message "data.frame within a function (PR#9294)" that
was posted on 2006/10/12. Duncan Murdoch kindly replied. I'm using the
current version R 2.4.0, but the same issue exists. Just copy and paste
the following code under R, and compare the output of f1() and f2() and
the output of f3() and f4(). Does anybody have any idea? Thanks.
2005 Mar 24
Mapping actual to expected columns for princomp object
I am working with data sets in which the number and order of columns
may vary, but each column is uniquely identified by its name. E.g.,
one data set might have columns
MW logP Num_Rings Num_H_Donors
while another has columns
Num_Rings Num_Atoms Num_H_Donors logP MW
I would like to be able to perform a principal component analysis (PCA)
on one data set and save the PCA object to
2008 Sep 17
Command Prompt Question
Could someone please tell me how to stop the package/function name from
being included before the command prompt? This started happening today
after I made some changes to my Rprofile.site file and I don't know why.
For example: if I enter example(AIC), instead of just getting the
regular '>' before each output line, I get 'AIC>' instead. I only want
the '>'
2012 May 22
Adding Text to a Plot
Hi, all!
I'm pretty sure I'm missing something about this.
Is there a smart way of typping hat(R)^2 and it's value from a linear
I've just found this tricky one:
# Sample data
x <- sample(1:100,10)
y <- 2+3*x+rnorm(10)
# Run the regression
lm1 <- lm(y~x)
# Plotting
plot(x,y, main="Linear Regression", col="red")
2005 May 31
simple predict question
Excuse the simple question...
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong with predict, but let me use this example:
Suppose I do:
Suppose I want to generate the linearly-interpolated y-values between the
point (0,0) and (0,20) at every unit interval.
I thought I just do:
predict(lm1, data.frame(seq(0,10,1))) to get
2013 Jan 18
Object created within a function disappears after the function is run
Dear R-helpers,
I have run the code below which I expected to make an object called dd1,
but that object does not exist.
So, in summary, my problem is that my function is meant to make an object
(dd1), and it does indeed make that object (I know that the last line of
the function prints it out) but then, after the function has run, the
object has disappeared.
It's late on a Friday so I may
2010 Jun 17
Problems using allEffects() (package effect)
Dear R users,
I have some trouble using the allEffects() function to compute and
display effect plots for a linear model.
My data is quite simple, it concerns effects of 3 treatments on the
tumoral volume of mice. vTum codes for the qualitative initial volume,
from small to big, temps is the time in month since beginning of
treatment, and S?rie codes for the batch. Data is unbalanced.
2010 Oct 12
delta AIC for models with 2 variables using MuMIn
Dear List,
I want to ask a AIC question based on package library(MuMIn)
The relative importance of 16 explanatory variables
are assessed using delta AIC in a generalized linear model.
Please kindly advise if it is possible to show models
with any two only certain variables.
Thank you.
I asked a similar question and got a great help for models
with only one variable as below.
2010 Aug 17
how to selection model by BIC
Hi All:
the package "MuMIn" can be used to select the model based on AIC or AICc.
The code is as follows:
lm1 <- lm(y ~ ., data = Cement)
dd <- dredge(lm1,rank="AIC")
If I want to select the model by BIC, what code do I need to use? And when
to select the best model based on AIC, what the differences between the
function "dredge" in
2010 Apr 08
Overfitting/Calibration plots (Statistics question)
This isn't a question about R, but I'm hoping someone will be willing
to help. I've been looking at calibration plots in multiple regression
(plotting observed response Y on the vertical axis versus predicted
response [Y hat] on the horizontal axis).
According to Frank Harrell's "Regression Modeling Strategies" book
(pp. 61-63), when making such a plot on new data
2007 Apr 02
Why does lmList() fail when lm() doesn't?
Dear r-helpers,
Can anyone suggest why lm() doesn't complain here:
summary(osss.lm1 <- lm(logOdds ~ c.setSize %in% task, data = osss))
whereas in package:nlme (and in package:lme4)
osss.lmL <- lmList(logOdds ~ c.setSize %in% task | subj, data = osss)
# Error in `contrasts<-`(`*tmp*`, value = "contr.treatment") :
# contrasts can be applied only to factors with 2 or more
2006 Jun 07
R crashes on quantreg
I was trying "quantreg" package,
lm1 <- lm(y~x)
rq1 <- rq(y~x)
plot(summary(rq1)) #then got a warning says singular value, etc. but this
line can be omited
plot(lm1) #crash here
It happened every time on my PC, Windows XP Pro Serv. Pack 1, Pentium(4)
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2009 Jan 16
specifying model terms when using predict
I've recently encountered an issue when trying to use the predict.glm
I've gotten into the habit of using the dataframe$variablename method of
specifying terms in my model statements. I thought this unambiguous
notation would be acceptable in all situations but it seems models
written this way are not accepted by the predict function. Perhaps
others have encountered this