similar to: How to change letters after space into capital letters

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "How to change letters after space into capital letters"

2004 Oct 04
inverse function of order()
I have: d <- sample(10:100, 9) o <- order(d) r <- d[o] How I can get d (in the original order), knowing only r and o? Thanks - Wolfram
2002 May 03
sub() of matrix returns a vector and not a matrix
Is there a simple possibility to become directly a matrix from a call of sub() on a matrix? --------- START OF LOGFILE ---------------- # R 1.4.1 > a <- matrix( letters[1:6], 2, 3 ) # a is a matrix > print( a ) [,1] [,2] [,3] [1,] "a" "c" "e" [2,] "b" "d" "f" > b <- sub( '(.)', '-\\1-', a )
2006 Nov 29
Why the factor levels returned by cut() are not ordered?
What is the reason, that the levels of the factor returned by cut() are not marked as ordered levels? > is.ordered( cut( breaks=3, sample(10 ) ) ) FALSE > help(factor) ... If 'ordered' is 'TRUE', the factor levels are assumed to be ordered. ... Wolfram
2003 Jan 24
new function: showcolors {base}
I propose to add a function that allows to display colors selected by a text pattern or by color vectors in a plot. Wolfram Fischer #--- showcolors.R showcolors <- function( col = "red" , index = NULL , pie = TRUE , lwd = 6 , cex = 1.0 , main = NULL , sub = NULL , ... ){ n.colors <- length( col ) if( n.colors > 1 ){ main <- deparse( substitute( col ) )
2003 Aug 29
length() and nchar()
I would propose to add " See also: `nchar' for counting the number of character in character vectors. " to the helpfile of length(), because it is rather difficult to find nchar() if one has only search terms as "length", "len", "strlen" in mind. Sincerly Wolfram Fischer
2004 Dec 07
how to test the existence of a name in a dataframe
I wanted to test if there exists already a name (which is incidentally a substring of another name) in a dataframe. I did e.g.: > data(swiss) > names(swiss) [1] "Fertility" "Agriculture" "Examination" "Education" [5] "Catholic" "Infant.Mortality" > ! is.null(swiss$EduX) [1] FALSE > !
2005 Apr 15
function corresponding to map of perl
Is there a function in R that corresponds to the function ``map'' of perl? It could be called like: vector.a <- map( vector.b, FUN, args.for.FUN ) It should execute for each element ele.b of vector.b: FUN( vector.b, args.for.FUN) It should return a vector (or data.frame) of the results of the calls of FUN. It nearly works using: apply( data.frame( vector.b ), 1, FUN,
2007 Feb 15
Problems with 'delay'/'delayedAssign' when installing data package
I downloaded: described as: Package: hgu95av2 Title: A data package containing annotation data for hgu95av2 Version: 1.7.0 Created: Wed Jan 12 16:57:23 2005 Author: Lin,Chenwei Description: Annotation data file for hgu95av2 assembled using data from public data repositories Maintainer:
2006 Dec 08
lattice: defining an own function using args for "formula" and "groups" <- function( formula, data ) dotplot( formula, data ) x.grp <- function( formula, groups, data ) dotplot( formula, groups, data ) data( barley ) > variety ~ yield | site, data=barley ) # no problem > dotplot( variety ~ yield | site, groups=year, data=barley ) # no problem > x.grp( variety ~ yield | site, groups=year, data=barley ) object "year" not found
2002 May 21
plotting functions with line width (lwd) as vectors
If I want to plot different widths of line segments or arrows I have to program loops to plot each line apartly. Is that right? n <- 6 x <- 1:n y <- rnorm(1:n) q <- ( x %% 3 + 1 ) * 2 plot( x, y, cex=q ) for( i in 1:(n-1) ) lines( x[i:(i+1)], y[i:(i+1)], lwd=q[i], col=q[i] ) Would it not be possible to make plotting functions accept vectors of line widths (as they
2004 Oct 22
ave gives unexpected NA's
[R 2.0.0 on Linux] I tried: > df <- data.frame( grp1=factor( c('A' ,'A' ,'A' ,'D', 'D' ) ) , grp2=factor( c('a1','a2','a2','d1','d1') ) ) > df grp1 grp2 val 1 A a1 1 2 A a2 2 3 A a2 4 4 D d1 8 5 D d1 16 I got: > with( df, ave( val, grp1, grp2, FUN=sum ) )
2002 Nov 11
repeating a dataframe n times in the direction of the rows
Question: How can a repeat a dataframe n times in the direction of the rows? (Or: How I can rbind a dataframe n times ?) Example Data: x <- data.frame( alpha=letters[1:3], num=1:3 ) n <- 4 Complicated solution: To rbind a dataframe n times I can program a loop: xr <- x for( i in 2:n ) xr <- rbind( xr, n ) Observation: To cbind a dataframe n times I
2008 Feb 14
{lattice/grid} "Error using packet 1" and traceback
On some errors during the plot of a lattice/grid graphics, there is written a message like "Error using packet 1: missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed" into the concering panel and the next panel is plotted. Which option I could use to stop the execution to have a look at the error by a traceback? Regards - Wolfram
2003 Dec 22
[R] lattice: levelplot: error: min not meaningful for factor (PR#6005)
R 1.8.1: ___COMMAND____________________________________________ levelplot( yield ~ year * variety | site, barley ) ___ERROR_MESSAGE______________________________________ Error in Summary.factor(..., na.rm = na.rm) : "min" not meaningful for factors ___COMMENT____________________________________________ levelplot( yield ~ as.numeric(year) * as.numeric(variety) | site,
2002 Nov 04
[R] CTRL-C suspends echo of shell (R versions 1.6.0 and 1.6.1) (PR#2253)
Problem: - Shell does not echo anymore after using CTRL-C (to interrupt calculations) once during a R session. Procedure: - [start session] R - [input] CTRL-C - [end session] q() Some details: - `stty` before: speed 38400 baud; line = 0; lnext = <undef>; - `stty` after: speed 38400 baud; line = 0; lnext = <undef>; min = 1; time = 0; -icrnl -icanon -echo I
2003 Jan 22
text() does not accept data of type POSIXlt (PR#2487)
[R 1.6.1] PROBLEM If text() is called with an argument of type POSIXlt, I get the following error message: "Error in as.double.default(x) : (list) object cannot be coerced to vector type 14" REMARK plot() accepts this data. EXAMPLE data( Lifeboats, package='vcd' ) attach(Lifeboats) plot( launch, total ) text( launch, total,
2003 Dec 05
R 1.8.1 ./configure with "," in working directory (PR#5536)
PROBLEM ``./configure'' creates empty Makefiles and the following error messages if there is a ``,'' in the name of the working directory. REMARK As I have seen, ``,'' is used as separator for the sed statements in config.status. Would it be possible to use instead a character which cannot be used in a pathname, e.g. ``;''? ERROR MESSAGES ... checking for lpr...
2004 Mar 10
converting lists got by tapply to dataframes
I have two lists: xa <- list( X=c(1,2,3), Y=c(4,5,6), Z=c(7,8,9) ) xb <- with( barley, tapply( X=seq(1:nrow(barley)), INDEX=site , FUN=function(z)yield[z])) I can convert xa to a dataframe easily with: But if i try the same with xb I get: Error in : can't coerce array into a data.frame What
2004 Jul 08
Getting elements of a matrix by a vector of column indice s
See if the following helps: > m <- outer(letters[1:5], 1:4, paste, sep="") > m [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [1,] "a1" "a2" "a3" "a4" [2,] "b1" "b2" "b3" "b4" [3,] "c1" "c2" "c3" "c4" [4,] "d1" "d2" "d3" "d4" [5,]
2004 Feb 12
lattice: showing panels for factor levels with no values
How to show panels for factor levels of conditioning variables which do have no values? E.g. there are panels for "Grand Rapids" when they have values: data( barley ) with( barley, dotplot(variety ~ yield | year * site, layout=c(6,2) ) ) There are no panels for "Grand Rapids" when there are no values for "Grand Rapids": my.barley <- subset( barley, ! ( site ==