similar to: residuals in VGAM

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "residuals in VGAM"

2005 Dec 13
sample matrix
Please, I??d like to store this sample matrix as a new object. How can I do this ? pulse <- c(67, 67, 68, 68, 68, 69, 69, 69, 69, 69, 70, 70, 70, 70, 71, 71, 72, 72, 73, 74) m <- NULL x <- 0 for (i in 1:5) { x <- sample(pulse,3) m <- mean(x) cat(x,m,"\n") } Thanks, Mauricio
2005 Dec 14
Append tables
R Help: I have read a number of tables into R with identical headings and I would now like to make a single table that has all the data appended under this single heading line. for example: t1 <- read.csv("f1",header=TRUE) t2 <- read.csv("f2",header=TRUE) all <- c(t1,t2) #all is now twice as wide as t1 or t2 with the same number of row!!!! #I need to know how
2005 Dec 13
creating a subset of a dataset using ifelse statement?
I am using R in a Microsoft Windows environment. I have a dataset called “mp1b”. I have a variable called h. h can take a value from -1 to 5. If h <1, I want to create a new dataset called mp2 that is the same as mp1b: “mp2<-mp1b” If h > 0, I want to set create a dataset mp2, where I limit the original dataset to those where mp1b$group = =h. similar to:
2006 Oct 12
Should NA's in summary() output always be reported???
Consider > summary(1:5) Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. 1 2 3 3 4 5 > summary(c(1:5,NA)) Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. NA's 1 2 3 3 4 5 1 Wouldn't it be more stringent if "NA's" was also reported in the first case?? Regards S?ren
2005 Dec 14
The fastest way to select and execute a few selected functions inside a function
Dear useRs? I have the following problem! I have a function that calls one or more functions, depending on the input parameters. I am searching for the fastest way to select and execute the selected functions and return their results in a list. The number of possible functions is 10, however usually only 2 are selected (although sometimes more, even all). For examples, if I have function
2005 Dec 07
Maintaining factors when copying from one data frame to another
Greetings all: OK, this is bugging the @#@%* out of me. I know the answer is simple and straightforward but for the life of me I cannot find it in the documentation, in the archives, or in my notes (because I know I've encountered this in the past). My problem is: I have a data frame with columns A, B, C, D, and E. A, B, and E are factors and C and D are numeric. I need a new data frame with
2006 Sep 29
if then else
What is the correct form to write statement meaning: if (a==1) {b=2; c=3}; else {b=0; c=0}; Thank you Jue Wang, Biostatistician Contracted Position for Preclinical & Research Biostatistics PrO Unlimited (908) 231-3022
2006 Oct 05
matrix multiplication
Dear all, I have 2 matrices, one is a 8x3 matrix, called X; the other matrix is a 3x3 indicator matrix with the diagonal element as 0 or 1. when a variable is included in the model, the corresponding diagonal element is 1, otherwise, it is 0. Let A be a set of matrices that contain the possible indicator matrix. e.g., A= [A1, A2, A3], where A1= [1,0,0;0,0,0,0,0,0], A2 =[1,0,0;0,1,0,0,0,0], A3
2006 Oct 05
convert day of week from number to character and include in lm
All, I am trying to include a day of week variable (1-7) in in a regression model. I would like to have the day of week treated as a categorical variable rather than a number the code looks like lm( dep ~ WKDY) I know this is a basic question, but help would be appreciated thanks spencer [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Oct 11
extracting rows
Hi, I have a matrix with few hundred by a few hundred and want to extract rows, e.g. (0,1,0), or (1.3, 2.4, 4). I made an example: > A = rep(rep(c(0,1),4),2) > B = rep(rep(c(0,1),each=4),2) > C = rep(rep(rep(c(0,1),2),each=2),2) > X = data.frame(A,B,C,rnorm(16)) A B C [1,] 0 0 0 0.72767870 [2,] 1 0 0 -0.09673298 [3,] 0 0 1 0.51192790 [4,] 1 0 1 -1.54350441 [5,] 0 1 0
2006 Jul 13
set the bahavior that R deal with missing values?
Dear Rusers, The default behavior in R when performing a regression model with missing values is to exclude any case that contains a missing value? How could i set the bahavior that R deal with missing values? e.g.: exclude cases listwise exclude cases pairwise replace with mean Thanks very much! -- Kind Regards, Zhi Jie,Zhang ,PHD Department of Epidemiology School of Public Health Fudan
2006 May 19
I''m using Windows and Postgres 8. I installed RMagic gem thingy and FileColumn plugin ok. I followed instructions exactly as directed on FileColumn web site which is very straight forward: ---model class My_model < ActiveRecord::Base file_column :column_for_file_name end -----view -upload form--set to mulitpart <%= file_column_field "my_model",
2005 May 28
Incompatibility with VGAM
I just discovered that when the VGAM package (not on CRAN) is loaded, glm() doesn't work. This is because VGAM defines a family function() which gets found by glm() in place of the family function from stats. Then VGAM:::family returns an object which doesn't have a $family component, (it has a component $vfamily). I thought namespaces should protect us from this happening? Kjetil --
2005 Apr 24
Model names in controllers
Please excuse yet another newbie question... I''m getting this error: MissingSourceFile in <controller not set>#<action not set> c:/program files/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-1.8.1/lib/action_controller/dependencies.rb:75:in `require_dependencies'': Missing model MyModel.rb From these lines of code: class MyModelController < ApplicationController
2012 Jan 10
S4 summary method not being called (VGAM)
The symptom triggering this email is that an S4 summary method sometimes refuses to be invoked, even when a package is explicitly loaded, if the first load of the package is implicit. It may or may not be specific to 'summary' methods and/or the 'VGAM' package. I've sent to R-devel because (i) it looks like some kind of bug to me, but I'm not sure; (ii) it's not
2006 Oct 05
VGAM Package ?
Hi! R users I would like to ask you where could we find the VGAM Package. I don't find it in the list of packages. Thak you for your help Lassana KOITA Etudes de S?curit? et d'Exploitation a?roportuaires / Safety Study & Statistical analysis Service Technique de l'Aviation Civile (STAC) / Civil Aviation Technical Department Direction G?n?rale de l'Aviation Civile (DGAC) /
2013 Apr 17
Bug in VGAM z value and coefficient ?
Dear, When i multiply the y of a regression by 10, I would expect that the coefficient would be multiply by 10 and the z value to stay constant. Here some reproducible code to support the case. *Ex 1* library(mvtnorm) library(VGAM) set.seed(1) x=rmvnorm(1000,sigma=matrix(c(1,0.75,0.75,1),2,2))
2007 Oct 29
VGAM and vglm
Hi Folks, I wonderif someone who is familiar with the details of vglm in the VGAM package can assist me. I'm new to using it, and there doesn;t seem much in the documentation that's relevant to the question below. Say I have a vector x of 0/1 responses and another vector y of 0/1 responses, these in fact being a bivariate set of 0/1 responses equivalent to cbind(x,y). E.g.
2008 Apr 18
rzinb (VGAM) and dnbinom in optim
Dear R-help gurus (and T.Yee, the VGAM maintainer) - I've been banging my head against the keyboard for too long now, hopefully someone can pick up on the errors of my ways... I am trying to use optim to fit a zero-inflated negative binomial distribution. No matter what I try I can't get optim to recognize my initial parameters. I think the problem is that dnbinom allows either
2011 Jun 22
VGAM constraints-related puzzle
Hello R users, I have a puzzle with the VGAM package, on my first excursion into generalized additive models, in that this very nice package seems to want to do either more or less than what I want. Precisely, I have a 4-component outcome, y, and am fitting multinomial logistic regression with one predictor x. What I would like to find out is, is there a single nonlinear function f(x) which acts