Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "residuals in VGAM"
2005 Dec 13
sample matrix
Please, I??d like to store this sample matrix as a new object. How can I
do this ?
pulse <- c(67, 67, 68, 68, 68, 69, 69, 69, 69, 69, 70, 70, 70, 70, 71,
71, 72, 72, 73, 74)
m <- NULL
x <- 0
for (i in 1:5)
x <- sample(pulse,3)
m <- mean(x)
2005 Dec 14
Append tables
R Help:
I have read a number of tables into R with identical headings and I
would now like to make a single table that has all the data appended
under this single heading line.
for example:
t1 <- read.csv("f1",header=TRUE)
t2 <- read.csv("f2",header=TRUE)
all <- c(t1,t2)
#all is now twice as wide as t1 or t2 with the same number of row!!!!
#I need to know how
2005 Dec 13
creating a subset of a dataset using ifelse statement?
I am using R in a Microsoft Windows environment.
I have a dataset called “mp1b”. I have a variable called h.
h can take a value from -1 to 5.
If h <1, I want to create a new dataset called mp2 that is the same as mp1b:
If h > 0, I want to set create a dataset mp2, where I limit the original dataset to those where mp1b$group = =h. similar to:
2006 Oct 12
Should NA's in summary() output always be reported???
> summary(1:5)
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
1 2 3 3 4 5
> summary(c(1:5,NA))
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. NA's
1 2 3 3 4 5 1
Wouldn't it be more stringent if "NA's" was also reported in the first case??
2005 Dec 14
The fastest way to select and execute a few selected functions inside a function
Dear useRs?
I have the following problem! I have a function that calls one or more
functions, depending on the input parameters. I am searching for the fastest
way to select and execute the selected functions and return their results in
a list. The number of possible functions is 10, however usually only 2 are
selected (although sometimes more, even all).
For examples, if I have function
2005 Dec 07
Maintaining factors when copying from one data frame to another
Greetings all:
OK, this is bugging the @#@%* out of me. I know the answer is simple
and straightforward but for the life of me I cannot find it in the
documentation, in the archives, or in my notes (because I know I've
encountered this in the past). My problem is:
I have a data frame with columns A, B, C, D, and E. A, B, and E are
factors and C and D are numeric. I need a new data frame with
2006 Sep 29
if then else
What is the correct form to write statement meaning:
if (a==1) {b=2; c=3}; else {b=0; c=0};
Thank you
Jue Wang, Biostatistician
Contracted Position for Preclinical & Research Biostatistics
PrO Unlimited
(908) 231-3022
2006 Oct 05
matrix multiplication
Dear all,
I have 2 matrices, one is a 8x3 matrix, called X; the other matrix is a 3x3 indicator matrix with the diagonal element as 0 or 1. when a variable is included in the model, the corresponding diagonal element is 1, otherwise, it is 0. Let A be a set of matrices that contain the possible indicator matrix. e.g.,
A= [A1, A2, A3],
where A1= [1,0,0;0,0,0,0,0,0],
A2 =[1,0,0;0,1,0,0,0,0],
2006 Oct 05
convert day of week from number to character and include in lm
I am trying to include a day of week variable (1-7) in in a regression
model. I would like to have the day of week treated as a categorical
variable rather than a number
the code looks like
lm( dep ~ WKDY)
I know this is a basic question, but help would be appreciated
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Oct 11
extracting rows
I have a matrix with few hundred by a few hundred and want to extract rows,
e.g. (0,1,0), or (1.3, 2.4, 4). I made an example:
> A = rep(rep(c(0,1),4),2)
> B = rep(rep(c(0,1),each=4),2)
> C = rep(rep(rep(c(0,1),2),each=2),2)
> X = data.frame(A,B,C,rnorm(16))
[1,] 0 0 0 0.72767870
[2,] 1 0 0 -0.09673298
[3,] 0 0 1 0.51192790
[4,] 1 0 1 -1.54350441
[5,] 0 1 0
2006 Jul 13
set the bahavior that R deal with missing values?
Dear Rusers,
The default behavior in R when performing a regression model with missing
values is to exclude any case that contains a
missing value? How could i set the bahavior that R deal with missing values?
exclude cases listwise
exclude cases pairwise
replace with mean
Thanks very much!
Kind Regards,
Zhi Jie,Zhang ,PHD
Department of Epidemiology
School of Public Health
2006 May 19
I''m using Windows and Postgres 8.
I installed RMagic gem thingy and FileColumn plugin ok.
I followed instructions exactly as directed on FileColumn web site which
is very straight forward:
class My_model < ActiveRecord::Base
file_column :column_for_file_name
-----view -upload form--set to mulitpart
<%= file_column_field "my_model",
2005 May 28
Incompatibility with VGAM
I just discovered that when the VGAM package (not on CRAN) is loaded,
glm() doesn't work. This is because VGAM defines a family function()
which gets found
by glm() in place of the family function from stats.
Then VGAM:::family returns an object which doesn't have a $family
component, (it has a component
I thought namespaces should protect us from this happening?
2005 Apr 24
Model names in controllers
Please excuse yet another newbie question...
I''m getting this error:
MissingSourceFile in <controller not set>#<action not set>
c:/program files/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-1.8.1/lib/action_controller/dependencies.rb:75:in `require_dependencies'': Missing model MyModel.rb
From these lines of code:
class MyModelController < ApplicationController
2012 Jan 10
S4 summary method not being called (VGAM)
The symptom triggering this email is that an S4 summary method sometimes refuses to be invoked, even when a package is explicitly loaded, if the first load of the package is implicit. It may or may not be specific to 'summary' methods and/or the 'VGAM' package. I've sent to R-devel because (i) it looks like some kind of bug to me, but I'm not sure; (ii) it's not
2006 Oct 05
VGAM Package ?
Hi! R users
I would like to ask you where could we find the VGAM Package. I don't find
it in the list of packages.
Thak you for your help
Lassana KOITA
Etudes de S?curit? et d'Exploitation a?roportuaires / Safety Study &
Statistical analysis
Service Technique de l'Aviation Civile (STAC) / Civil Aviation Technical
Direction G?n?rale de l'Aviation Civile (DGAC) /
2013 Apr 17
Bug in VGAM z value and coefficient ?
When i multiply the y of a regression by 10, I would expect that the
coefficient would be multiply by 10 and the z value to stay constant. Here
some reproducible code to support the case.
*Ex 1*
2007 Oct 29
VGAM and vglm
Hi Folks,
I wonderif someone who is familiar with the details
of vglm in the VGAM package can assist me. I'm new
to using it, and there doesn;t seem much in the
documentation that's relevant to the question below.
Say I have a vector x of 0/1 responses and another
vector y of 0/1 responses, these in fact being a
bivariate set of 0/1 responses equivalent to
2008 Apr 18
rzinb (VGAM) and dnbinom in optim
Dear R-help gurus (and T.Yee, the VGAM maintainer) -
I've been banging my head against the keyboard for too long now, hopefully someone can pick up on the errors of my ways...
I am trying to use optim to fit a zero-inflated negative binomial distribution. No matter what I try I can't get optim to recognize my initial parameters. I think the problem is that dnbinom allows either
2011 Jun 22
VGAM constraints-related puzzle
Hello R users,
I have a puzzle with the VGAM package, on my first excursion into
generalized additive models, in that this very nice package seems to
want to do either more or less than what I want.
Precisely, I have a 4-component outcome, y, and am fitting multinomial
logistic regression with one predictor x. What I would like to find
out is, is there a single nonlinear function f(x) which acts