Displaying 20 results from an estimated 800 matches similar to: "package"
2004 Oct 21
Insert image in Rd documentation files
Does anyone know if it is posssible to insert a picture (ps or jpg for example) in documentation files with Rd extension. I guess it's impossible but maybe there is a trick.
Thank you!
Eric Esposito
Direction de la Recherche
P??le Economie, Statistisques et Sociologie
361 avenue du Pr??sident Wilson - BP 33
93211 Saint-Denis La Plaine cedex
2004 Oct 21
Problem with vignettes
I'm trying to insert a vignette as a word document in my package. After compiling and installing the package, the word file is in the doc directory, but no link in the html
index for vignettes is created. I tried with a pdf file and there is the same problem. It seems that only sweave format files are taken into account, is it normal? Is there
something special to do to take other file
2003 Mar 04
linear model with arma errors
Dear all,
I'm looking for how can I estimate a linear model with ar(ma) errors :
y(t)=a*X(t)+e(t) with
where u is a white noise and P, Q are some polynomes.
Could you help me ?
Gr?gory Benmenzer
2003 Feb 06
Réf. : About STEM Plot in R
you can use the persp() function. The shade=0.7 option is very nice. With
matlab, it is possible to change of colors automaticalli with the value to
be plotted.
Does someone know to do that ?
f0z6305 at labs.tamu.edu@stat.math.ethz.ch on 06/02/2003 07:05:04
Envoy? par : r-help-admin at stat.math.ethz.ch
Pour : r-help at stat.math.ethz.ch
cc :
Objet : [R] About
2003 Jan 17
i have some prob when i try to use nls().
my data is 1D vector, I tried to use a polynomial function(order is 3) to
fit it.
the data series is stored in x.
the a0, a1, a2, a3 below is coefficient, which i hope i can get from
calls "nls"
> z <- nls( ~ a0 + a1 * x + a2 * x * x + a3 * x * x * x, data = x )
Error in match.call(definition, call, expand.dots) :
.Primitive... is
2018 Nov 03
Red Hat is Planning To Deprecate KDE on RHEL By 2024
On Sat, 3 Nov 2018 at 19:22, Nicolas Kovacs <info at microlinux.fr> wrote:
> My reaction to GNOME 3 has been roughly the same as with systemd. At
> first, I hated it with a passion. Then I saw everyone else seemed to use
> it. So I started to read the docs and experiment a little bit. And now
> I'm using it on a daily basis, and to my bewilderment, I've grown to
2003 Dec 22
runif and sample with reproducibility
I would like to sample a population but the result needs to be
reproducible, using 'runif' or 'sample' is the good way to do it but I
can't manage to make the results reproducible even with the 'set.seed'
My aim is that th call to 'sample(1:100,10)' gives always the same result,
how can I do that?
Eric Esposito
2009 Jun 18
filtering number of values in a data frame
Dear list,
given is the following data frame df():
Number Place Start End
1 218024740787 HHO 5 263 2008-01-02 00:21:14 2008-01-03 15:25:16
2 218024740787 HHO 5 263 2008-01-02 00:21:14 2008-01-02 00:21:14
3 318039091794 HHO 5 263 2008-01-02 00:21:14 2008-01-02 13:22:54
4 318039091794 HHO 5 263 2008-01-02 00:21:14 2008-01-02
2009 Dec 10
CELT codec on TI C55x
I am interested in using the CELT codec for an embedded
project around the DSP C55x family from TI.
Is this someone has already done?
Which is necessary to do that, which compiler, is there a specific
configuration ?
Is it necessary to have an Operating system to run the CELT codec ?
Is it possible to instantiate several times the CELT codec ?
Thank you in
2012 Nov 06
LazyData: no / yes
Hi the list
I have package foo0 with a big dataset 'myData'.
In DESCRIPTION, if I use 'LazyData: no', then I get:
- when I open a R session : memory used=20 908
- when I attach 'library(foo0)' : memory used=24364
- then I load the set 'data(myData)' : memory used=39 668
If I use LazyData: yes', then I get
- when I open a R session : memory used=20 908
2012 Oct 13
Problem with a submission to jss
Hi the list,
I am about to submit an article describing an R package to the Journal of Statistical Software but I
encounter a strange behavior of LaTeX: the numbering of the figure is correct (1. 2. 3. ...), but
when I make a reference to a figure, the section (or the subsection) number appears instead of the
figure number.
I check if this behavior occurs with the file example provide in the
1997 Dec 08
R-alpha: Bug in tapply in the Windows version of September
The function tapply is not working in the Windows version of R=20
(Version 0.50 Beta (Sept 29, 1997))
tapply <- function (x, INDEX, FUN=3DNULL, simplify=3DTRUE, ...)=20
The part:
if (simplify && all(unlist(lapply(ans, length)) =3D=3D 1)) {
ans <- unlist(ans, recursive =3D FALSE)
should be replaced by
if (simplify
2010 Aug 30
'mgcv' package, problem with predicting binomial (logit) data
Dear R-help list,
I?m using the mgcv package to plot predictions based on the gam function.
I predict the chance of being a (frequent) participant at theater plays vs.
not being a participant by age.
Because my outcome variable is dichotomous, I use the binomial family with
logit link function.
Dataset in attachment, code to read it in R:
data <- read.spss("pas_r.sav")
2003 Mar 12
How to collect the Rtools to build packages
After reading the readme.packages file, I would like to install the R tools
in order to build my own packages, but the internet portal
http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/pub/Rtools/ hasn't been working since a few days.
Where can I get the file tools.zip?
Thank you!
Eric Esposito
2012 Nov 06
Hi the list
In the DESCRIPTION file of my package foo0, I have:
Depends: foo1
Imports: foo2
Suggest: foo3
Enhence: foo4
If I understand correctly, to install foo0 on my computer, I need to already have foo1, foo2, foo3.
foo4 is not necessary.
I my R sesssion, when I will write: library(foo0), then the package foo1 will be attach. foo2, foo3
and foo4 will not. Is that correct?
But what is
2005 Aug 23
Linux to Windows
Hello to all,
I have a script which uses rsync quite nicely to backup my Linux mail server to my XP machine from time to time to facilitate CDR archives. The scrip is run as a batch file on the XP box and is scheduled via Windows Scheduler.
It works quite well with one exception: many of the mail files come through as 0KB files and it seems that most of these have unusual filenames,
2009 Jul 03
Can't install RMagick due to MagickWand problems
I''m trying to install/update rmagick on a Debian machine using:
gem install --local rmagick-2.10.0.gem
and get following error:
/usr/local/bin/ruby extconf.rb install --local rmagick-2.10.0.gem
checking for Ruby version >= 1.8.5... yes
checking for gcc... yes
checking for Magick-config... yes
Warning: Found more than one ImageMagick installation. This could cause
problems at
2007 Mar 21
Problem installing packages in R 2.4.1
I am attempting to install a anchoring vingettes package for R and I seem to
have a problem with unzipping the files in R. I use the command that can be
found here <http://wand.stanford.edu/anchors/>.
Here is the dialog I get after entering the command:
> install.packages("anchors", dependencies = TRUE,
2006 Oct 10
possible bug? (PR#9285)
I use the FEAR package available from=20
which works perfectly in Rv2.2.0; after installing from a local zip and
loading I find:
USING R version 2.2.0
> local({pkg <- select.list(sort(.packages(all.available =3D TRUE)))
+ if(nchar(pkg)) library(pkg, character.only=3DTRUE)})
Loading required package:
2011 Oct 09
pdIdent in smoothing regression model
Hi there,
I am reading the 2004 paper "Smoothing with mixed model software" in
Journal of Statistical Software, by Ngo and Wand. I tried to run
their first example in Section 2.1 using R but I had some problems.
Here is the code:
fossil <- read.table("fossil.dat",header=T)
x <- fossil$age
y <- 100000*fossil$strontium.ratio
knots <-