similar to: lme: Confusion about Variances

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "lme: Confusion about Variances"

2006 Jul 24
standardized random effects with ranef.lme()
Using ranef() (package nlme, version 3.1-75) with an 'lme' object I can obtain random effects for intercept and slope of a certain level (say: 1) - this corresponds to (say level 1) "residuals" in MLWin. Maybe I'm mistaken here, but the results are identical. However, if I try to get the standardized random effects adding the paramter "standard=T" to the
2010 May 26
regresion mixta
Hola a tod en s, estoy trabajando con modelos de regresión mixta con el paquete "nlme", concretamente con la función "lme". Una vez que hago mi modelo y el summary del mismo obtengo por ejemplo la significación (valor p) de la variable independiente, así como el valor del AIC para comparar mi modelo con otro similar, pero no sé cómo obtener un valor del grado de ajuste de la
2006 Oct 08
latex and anova.lme problem
Dear R-helpers, When I try > anova(txtE2.lme, txtE2.lme1) Model df AIC BIC logLik Test L.Ratio p-value txtE2.lme 1 10 8590 8638 -4285 txtE2.lme1 2 7 8591 8624 -4288 1 vs 2 6.79 0.0789 > latex(anova(txtE2.lme, txtE2.lme1)) Error: object "" not found I don't even see as one of the arguments of latex() I checked to see >
2006 Jun 16
Effect size in mixed models
Hello, Is there a way to compare the relative relevance of fixed and random effects in mixed models? I have in mind measures of effect size in ANOVAs, and would like to obtain similar information with mixed models. Are there information criteria that allow to compare the relevance of each of the effects in a mixed model to the overall fit? Thank you, Bruno
1999 Jun 02
lme problem ?
Dear friends. I tried the session below with 10 MB in both vsize and nsize but didn't get the example work. Is this a problem in LME or in me or both or somewhere else or undefined ? R : Copyright 1999, The R Development Core Team Version 0.64.0 Patched (May 3, 1999) R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type
2006 Apr 25
summary.lme: argument "adjustSigma"
Dear R-list I have a question concerning the argument "adjustSigma" in the function "lme" of the package "nlme". The help page says: "the residual standard error is multiplied by sqrt(nobs/(nobs - npar)), converting it to a REML-like estimate." Having a look into the code I found: stdFixed <- sqrt(diag(as.matrix(object$varFix))) if (object$method
2009 Aug 14
post hoc test after lme
Hi! I am quiet new with R and I have some problems to perform a posthoc test with an lme model. My model is the following: >lme1<-lme(eexp~meal+time, random=~1|id,na.action=na.omit) and then i try to get a post hoc test: >summary(glht(lme1,linfct=mcp(meal="Tukey))) but I get a warning message: Erreur dans as.vector(x, mode) : argument 'mode' incorrect Thank you for your
2001 Oct 09
PROC MIXED user trying to use (n)lme...
Dear R-users Coming from a proc mixed (SAS) background I am trying to get into the use of (n)lme. In this connection, I have some (presumably stupid) questions which I am sure someone out there can answer: 1) With proc mixed it is easy to get a hold on the estimated variance parameters as they can be put out into a SAS data set. How do I do the same with lme-objects? For example, I can see the
2007 Nov 09
Confidence Intervals for Random Effect BLUP's
I want to compute confidence intervals for the random effect estimates for each subject. From checking on postings, this is what I cobbled together using Orthodont data.frame as an example. There was some discussion of how to properly access lmer slots and bVar, but I'm not sure I understood. Is the approach shown below correct? Rick B. # Orthodont is from nlme (can't have both nlme and
2009 Jan 28
Character SNP data to binary MAF data
Hi I am sure there is a function out there already but I couldn't find it. I have SNP data, that is, a matrix which contains in each row two characters (they are different in each row) and I would like to convert this matrix to a binary one according to the minor allele frequency. For non-geneticists: I want to have a binary matrix for which in each row the 0 stands for the less frequent
2007 Jul 31
Extracting random parameters from summary lme and lmer
LS, I'm estimating multilevel regression models, using the lme-function from the nlme-package. Let's say that I estimated a model and stored it inside the object named 'model'. The summary of that model is shown below: Using summary(model)$tTable , I receive the following output: > summary(model)$tTable Value Std.Error DF t-value
2008 Aug 29
extract variance components
HI, I would like to extract the variance components estimation in lme function like<-lme(distance~age, data=aaa, random=~day/subject) There should be three variances \sigma_day, \sigma_{day %in% subject } and \sigma_e. I can extract the \sigma_e using something like$var. However, I cannot manage to extract the first two variance components. I can only see the results in
2008 Feb 26
AIC and anova, lme
Dear listers, Here we have a strange result we can hardly cope with. We want to compare a null mixed model with a mixed model with one independent variable. > lmmedt1<-lme(mediane~1, random=~1|site, na.action=na.omit, data=bdd2) > lmmedt9<-lme(mediane~log(0.0001+transat), random=~1|site, na.action=na.omit, data=bdd2) Using the Akaike Criterion and selMod of the package pgirmess
2004 Aug 27
degrees of freedom (lme4 and nlme)
Hi, I'm having some problems regarding the packages lme4 and nlme, more specifically in the denominator degrees of freedom. I used data Orthodont for the two packages. The commands used are below. require(nlme) data(Orthodont) fm1<-lme(distance~age+ Sex, data=Orthodont,random=~1|Subject, method="REML") anova(fm1) numDF DenDF F-value p-value (Intercept) 1
2004 Jun 16
subset and lme
I'm puzzled by the following problem, which appears when attempting to run an analysis on part of a dataset: If I try: csubset <- dat$Diagnosis==0 cont <- lme(fixed=cform, random = ~1|StudyName, data=dat,subset=csubset,na.action=na.omit) Then I get: Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : Object "csubset" not found But if I do
2010 Mar 17
hexadecimal colors
Hi I would like to produce a red shading I figured the easiest way to do that would be to use rgb in the following way: a <- seq(0,0.9,by=0.1) redshade <- rgb(red=1,green=a, blue=a) However, I don't really know how to plot things using hexadecimal colors. I used a function which tries to find the closest color to the rgb shades but it didn't work very well. Any
2009 Jan 18
System with manual options
Hi I was wondering if there was a way to run system when there is e.g. a C program which is not totally command-line driven. That is, I have a C program which requires manual input of options into the shell during the run. I would like to run this program from R and as far as I have seen system() does not handle manual options (?). Is there thus a way to use these C programs anyway through R
2009 Jan 11
Hi I have sent a previous email "Error in dyn.load()" for which, shame on me, I later found a partial answer. I have been trying to look into what I exactly need to include into Makevars and where it needs to be located and have not found a satisfying answer yet. Maybe the following questions are helpful for other people as well. Again, I am trying to include a C function tools.c into
2008 Aug 28
Adjusting for initial status (intercept) in lme growth models
Hi everyone, I have a quick and probably easy question about lme for this list. Say, for instance you want to model growth in pituitary distance as a function of age in the Orthodont dataset. fm1 = lme(distance ~ I(age-8), random = ~ 1 + I(age-8) | Subject, data = Orthodont) You notice that there is substantial variability in the intercepts (initial distance) for people at 8 years, and that
2000 Mar 07
Problems with nlme (PR#471)
Dear R developers, first of all let me join the chorus of congratulations for the release of R 1.0.0. Well, done! Unfortunately, I find it necessary to e-mail in a bug report regarding the `nlme' package. On my office machine I experience the following trouble: bossiaea:/opt/R$ R CMD check -c nlme Checking package `nlme' ... Massaging examples into `nlme-Ex.R' ... Running