similar to: GEE with own link function

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "GEE with own link function"

2006 Aug 10
Convergence in geese/gee
We are currently analyzing data on children clustered in day care-centers (DCC). We have tried to use geepack and gee libraries to estimate an overall incidence rate for absences (=number of absences/risk time) by specifying geese(number.absences ~ offset(log(risktime)),, family=poisson("log"), data=dcc, corstr="exch",
2009 Sep 02
problem in loop
Hi R-users, I have a problem for updating the estimates of correlation coefficient in simulation loop. I want to get the matrix of correlation coefficients (matrix, name: est) from geese by using loop(500 times) . I used following code to update, nsim<-500 est<-matrix(ncol=2, nrow=nsim) for(i in 1:nsim){ fit <- geese(x ~ trt, id=subject, data=data_gee, family=binomial,
2008 Oct 29
call works with gee and yags, but not geepack
I have included data at the bottom of this email. It can be read in by highlighting the data and then using this command: dat <- read.table("clipboard", header = TRUE,sep="\t") I can obtain solutions with both of these: library(gee) fit.gee<-gee(score ~ chem + time, id=id, family=gaussian,corstr="exchangeable",data=dat) and library(yags) fit.yags <-
2006 Aug 25
Problem with geeglm is 0/1 and I dichotomized va to get va.2 to see if I could get geeglm to work. glm has no problem with the data but geeglm chokes. Each subject ( has at most 2 observations and more than 3/4 of the subjects have 2 observations. I have even worse problems trying to use glmmPQL from MASS and worse still trying to use lmer from lme4. But I figured a marginal model would work.
2005 Jun 07
user-defined spatial correlation structure in geeglm/geese
Dear all, We have got data (response and predictor variables) for each country of the world; I started by fitting standard GLM and tested for spatial correlation using variogram models (geoR) fitted to the residuals of the GLM. Spatial autocorrelation is significant. Therefore, I think about using general estimation equations (geeglm or geese in geepack) allowing for residual spatial
2008 Mar 05
problem with geepack
Hi all I am analyzing a data set containing information about the behaviour of marine molluscs on a vertical wall. Since I have replicate observations on the same individuals I was thinking to use the geepack library. The data are organised in a dataframe with the following variables Date = date of sampling, Size = dimensions (mm) Activity duration of activity (min) Water = duration of
2003 Oct 24
gee and geepack: different results?
Hi, I downloaded both gee and geepack, and I am trying to understand the differences between the two libraries. I used the same data and estimated the same model, with a correlation structure autoregressive of order 1. Surprisingly for me, I found very different results. Coefficients are slightly different in value but sometimes opposite in sign. Moreover, the estimate of rho (correlation
2003 Mar 03
lm, gee and lme
Behavioral science data is often collected from nested structures (students in schools, in districts, etc.). This can produce nonindependence among responses from individuals in the same groups. Consequently, researchers are advised to model the nested nature of the data to avoid biases in SE estimates. Failing to account for nonindependence can lead to SE estimates that are too large or too
2012 Sep 23
problems with function geese() in geepack
Good evening, In my research I am studying the marginal models, where the main goal is on the structure of the association. My practical example has cluster with up to 600 observations and with this database, the function geese() return me the following message: This application has requested the runtime to terminate it is on unusual way. Please contact the application’s support team
2012 Jan 02
How to get cov matrix of regression parameters in GEE using 'geese' or 'geeglm''
Dear R users, I fitted a GEE model using the function 'geese' (or 'geeglm') with user defined correlation matrix. I want to get the var-cov matrix of the regression coefficients. But the output provides only limited information. I would be very much thankful if you could kindly let me know how to get it..since I am struggling lot getting this. Thanks -- View this message in
2012 Sep 24
problems with function geese in geepack
Hi, In my research I am studying the marginal models, where the main goal is on the structure of the association. My practical example has cluster with up to 600 observations and with this database, the function geese() return me the following message: This application has requested the runtime to terminate it is on unusual way. Please contact the application’s support team for more
2004 Aug 19
GEEs for time series data
I want to run a GEE for a time series of counts. The data are daily respiratory mortality counts and so there aren't any 'clusters' in the longitudinal sense. Neither the gee or geese packages work. The gee one wont run at all and the geese one produces NaNs or just runs indefinitely depending on how long the time series is. Any ideas how to make these work of any other packages that
2004 Jan 30
GLMM (lme4) vs. glmmPQL output (summary with lme4 revised)
This is a summary and extension of the thread "GLMM (lme4) vs. glmmPQL output" In the new revision (#Version: 0.4-7) of lme4 the standard errors are close to those of the 4 other methods. Thanks to Douglas Bates, Saikat DebRoy for the revision, and to G?ran Brostr?m who run a simulation. In response to my first posting, Prof.
2013 Feb 05
duplicate data
Hello, I have a long list of x-, y- and z-data and try to generate a heatmap. Obviously there are several data with identical x- and y-values. I get the following error message: Error in interp.old(x, y, z, xo = xo, yo = yo, ncp = 0, extrap = extrap, : duplicate data points: need to set 'duplicate = ..' Unfortunately there seems no help screen on "duplicate". I'd prefer
2010 Jun 22
Generalised Estimating Equations on approx normal outcome with limited range
Dear R users I am analysing data from a group of twins and their siblings. The measures that we are interested in are all correlated within families, with the correlations being stronger between twins than between non-twin siblings. The measures are all calculated from survey answers and by definition have limited ranges (e.g. -5 to +5), though within the range they are approximately normally
2006 Mar 29
QIC from gee() or geese()
Hello, Is it possible to derive Pan's QIC (2001 Biometrics 57:120) from either a fitted gee() object in the gee package or from a geese() fit in the geepack package? If so, would anyone be kind enough to provide me with code to do so? I realize that QIC is part of the output from yags() but I would like to use one of the other functions. Thanks. Richard
2009 Dec 08
Difference in S.E. gee/yags and geeglm(/geese)
Hi A quick question. Standard errors reported by gee/yags differs from the ones in geeglm (geepack). require(gee) require(geepack) require(yags) mm <- gee(breaks ~ tension, id=wool, data=warpbreaks, corstr="exchangeable") mm2 <- geeglm(breaks ~ tension, id=wool, data=warpbreaks, corstr="exchangeable", std.err = "") mm3 <- yags(breaks ~
2004 Nov 12
I am working with geese from geepack, does anyone know how to get the predicted values from this program. I tried the predict function and got the error Error in predict(results.e, newdat = prog) : no applicable method for "predict" Thank you for any help you can send, Suzette ================================= Suzette Blanchard, Ph.D. UCSD-PPRU
2013 Apr 07
confidence interval calculation for gee
Hello, I have the following r-codes for solving a quasilikelihood estimating equation: >library(geepack) >fit<-geese(y~x1+x2+x3,jack=TRUE,id=id,scale.fix=TRUE,data=dat, = "logit", corstr="independence") Now my question is how can I calculate the confidence interval of the parameters of the above model "fit"? [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2004 Feb 18
Generalized Estimating Equations and log-likelihood calculation
Hi there, I'm working with clustered data sets and trying to calculate log-likelihood (and/or AIC, AICc) for my models. In using the gee and geese packages one gets Wald test output; but apparently there is no no applicable method for "logLik" (log-likelihood)calculation. Is anyone aware of a way to calculate log-likelihood for GEE models? Thanks for the help, Bruce