similar to: bitmap (blank image) plot rendering without X11

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "bitmap (blank image) plot rendering without X11"

2010 May 12
plot error
Hello All: I am having the following error message when I increase the resolution ("res=30" to "res=350") of my graph: Error in plot.xy(xy, type, ...) : ignoring SIGPIPE signal Calls: plot -> plot.default -> plot.xy Execution halted Here is the code: ofn <- "MAY11.png" bitmap(ofn, type = "png256", width = 21, height = 30, pointsize = 30, bg =
2009 Jul 27
numbers on barplot
Hello all, I have this simple barplot code: ifn <- "id.dat" dat <- read.table(ifn) ofn <- "id.png" bitmap(ofn, type = "png256", width = 30, height = 30, pointsize = 30, bg = "white",res=50) par(mar=c(5, 5, 3, 2),lwd=5) par(cex.main=1.6,cex.lab=1.6,cex.axis=1.6) names(dat)<-c("NumberOfPeople","Average")
2009 Aug 06
Hello All: Can anybody tell me what is the problem with my program please. I have an error message as appears below. My program is: ifn <- "Jul08_09.LM" data <- read.table(ifn) ofn <- "Jul.png" bitmap(ofn, type = "png256", width = 30, height = 30, pointsize = 30, bg = "white",res=50) par(mar=c(5, 5, 3, 2),lwd=5)
2008 Jan 16
Error in : figure margins too large
Hi I am getting error : Error in : figure margins too large Can you please help -----code is ------------------------------------------------------------ temp <- seq(5500000/2, 22000000, 5500000/2) sV2 <- c(1, 1+temp[-length(temp)]) eV2 <- temp i=1 bitmap(paste("c:/vidhu/poster/poster_56half_2", LETTERS[i], ".png", sep = ""), "png256",
2003 Sep 13
(no subject)
Dear all, for an interactive web application i need to produce a lot of graphics (up to 50) on demand. In the moment i'm using the png format. The png() ...using png(file="Rplot%03d.png", ...); 'plots' ; produces very good graphics. The problem is it takes too long to produce the png files. The bitmap() ...using bitmap(file="Rplot%03d.png",
2001 Sep 18
nice job guys
just wanted to say it. Not everything runs, and there are a few bugs, but I appreciate the magnitude of what you have done & are doing. rev eng the win32 api cannot be easy. Best Regards, Beracah
2007 Mar 31
Too long pathname in bitmap() crashes R on WinXP
Hi, using too long pathnames for bitmap() crash R on WinXP. I've verified that this is the case with R version 2.4.1 Patched (2007-03-25 r40958) and R version 2.5.0 alpha (2007-03-30 r40957). I cannot reproduce it on Linux. REPRODUCIBLE EXAMPLE: % Rterm --vanilla # Tell R where Ghostscript is gsexe <- "C:/gs/gs8.54/bin/gswin32c.exe"; gsexe <- "C:/Program
2010 May 13
ESP Ghostscrip ...
Hello All: Could anybody tell me please what is the meaning of this error message: ESP Ghostscript 815.02: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1 Error in plot.xy(xy, type, ...) : ignoring SIGPIPE signal Calls: plot -> plot.default -> plot.xy Execution halted My code has to go to 18 loops for three times and in each loop it has to read a file which is 100-300 Megs. It always crashes at loop 14
2003 Feb 12
Three questions - loading(sourcing a file??), summaries to bitmaps, and error messages
R helpers, I have three questions about R and was wondering if I could get some help. First, I am trying to send the output of a a summary command - summary("info") to a bitmap file instead of the default device. Anybody know how to send a summary to a bitmap device? Second - this question is more difficult. What I am trying to do is have Perl (because I already have the data
2004 Oct 14
fidelity of generated raster images (R and perl)
Hi: Goal: use R to turn a matrix of 1's and 0's into a corresponding image (e.g. png) of black and white pixels. Why R: Yes, I can do this more efficiently and precisely with a perl module like Image::PBM. Been there, done that many times, etc. (Just humor me. I'm trying to do this with R for a number of reasons.) Problem:
2003 Apr 01
Autogenerated png, bitmap images
I have two questions - 1. I am trying to create R png graphs via cron. I have this part working using Xvfb (X virtual frame buffer). One problem that I have, though, is that all the fonts on my graphs get messed up. Anybody have any nija R commands to make all fonts look great? Anybody have any idea how to fix this? So far, no luck on Solaris or Linux making the Xvfb fonts look good. I was
2003 Jun 13
Using jpeg() function over cgi
Hi I have seen a few posts to this list regarding problems accessing the x11() device over cgi - namely, when trying to create a graphic using the jpeg() function, everything is fine from the command line but it won't work over cgi, producing the error: "Unable to open connection to X11 display" Has anyone actually solved this particular problem satisfactorily? Please reply
2010 Feb 12
Y average in plot
Hello All: Can somebody please tell me how I can have the average of 'y' on the graph for different values of 'x in the following code? ofn <- "xy.png" bitmap(ofn, type = "png256", width = 21, height = 30, pointsize = 30, bg = "white",res=50) ifn <- sprintf("xy.txt") data <- read.table(ifn) names(data) <-
2007 Sep 12
: Error on tomcat...
Hi, I am using TOMCAT 6.0.14 on Solaris 10 i86. I wrote a perl script which is running a cgi on tomcat, from there i am taking input value's and using the following way to create a graph using R and accessing that graph to attach it on webpage: .... .... my $to_run = "/usr/local/bin/R --vanilla --slave --args $selected_host $graph_start $graph_end < ..\/..\/..\/page\/R\/" .
2003 Nov 19
howto improve sharpeness of fonts in a jpg-image producedby R ?
My original question had the subject of making jpg-image files with the bitmap-function. Firstly I was told, that the problem was in my ghostscript-installation which is called by the bitmap-function - not in R itself. I got a lot of good suggestions (also off-list) about what problems in my ghostscript-installation might give some low-quality font-sharpeness in my jpg-grafics produced by
2006 Oct 18
dev2bitmap handling or else?
Hy all, I wish to get rid of starting X to get graphics, i tryed dev2bitmap and i've being working around without finding good parameters. By example : Dev2bitmap(file="Rplot001.png", type = "png256",width=600/72,height=486/72) par(mar=c(5,2,1,1),xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i",ps=13) I tryed with res=something inside dev2bitmap too and i'm
2003 Sep 14
(no subject)
I was using png() last week and also found it was very slow. But if you try: win.metafile('C:/temp/filename.png', width = 9, height = 10) plot(rnorm(100)) It will speed up quite a lot. But one thing I don't understand is I always get truncated graph (I lost a bit at the right end of the plot). I make up a very long title for the graph and then I get an entire graph. I
2002 Jul 09
writing to a png file with a script
Dear R-freaks, I am new to R and loke to write plots directly to a file with a script in batch-mode. the following error occured: # writing section > x11() Error in x11() : the x11 device has not been loaded Execution halted I do not know what to do! thanks for your help cheers steph -- Linux: the operating system with a CLUE... Command Line User Environment.
1999 Oct 04
bitmap copies of plots
Michael Lapsley was suggesting on R-help direct copies to gif/png/jpeg. The following seems to do a sensible job for me of copying the current device to any bitmap format supported by gs. The manipulation is needed to work around assumptions made by postscript(), and I think better fixed in postscript() (but not a couple of days before a release). I want to make onefile=FALSE work on
2003 Apr 07
Justifying only the X-label
In the attached plot, how do I move just the X-label(Time) to the right. Basically, I just want to do a par ( adj = 1) on just the X-label, not all my labels. Any ideas how to accomplish this? Thanks, Tony Tony Vargas Cisco Systems Engineering Computing Services (408) 525-4113 tvargas at -------------- next part -------------- <-