similar to: [0.10.0] Index#search_each options ignored

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "[0.10.0] Index#search_each options ignored"

2006 Aug 26
[0.10.0] Index#search is not thread safe ?
This script ( give this result : "1" "0" "0" "0" Why the other thread does not have the same result ? Maybe, it''s not the correct way to use the index in a multi threaded environement but I don''t know how to do. Any ideas ? -- Posted via
2006 Aug 24
[0.10.0 - acts_as_ferret] Problem while saving new items
Disclaimer: ferret newbie here, don''t blame too hard. Hi, I''m trying to apply acts_as_ferret to apply search to my Person model: class Person < ActiveRecord::Base validates_presence_of :name, :surname acts_as_ferret :fields => [ ''name'', ''surname'' ] ... But when I try to save a new Person instance I get this error:
2006 Aug 30
[0.10.x] Index#search with wildcard bug
Hello all, This script ( return this : Total hits = 100 Total hits = 0 This is not cool :( Dave ? Jens ? Someone ? Do you have any idea ? Thanks in advance. -- Posted via
2006 Aug 23
Ferret 0.10.0 bugs
Hi all ! Is Ferret 0.10.0 realy stable ? Because I converted all my code to the new API and many strange things appened. For exemple this, when I run a import script : /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/ferret-0.10.0/lib/ferret/index.rb:98:in `initialize'': End-of-File Error occured at <except.c>:103 in xpop_context (EOFError) Error occured in store.c:197 - is_refill current
2006 Aug 26
[0.10.0] Index#add_document bug with strange value ?
Perhaps, I found where is my problem (during a big import). Why this silly (really silly :)) example crash ? /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/ferret/index.rb:211:in `add_document'': IO Error occured at <except.c>:79 in xraise (IOError) Error occured in fs_store.c:225 - fso_flush_i flushing src of length -2 from
2006 Sep 11
Boolean query bug
Hello all, At the end of this script :, I made two search. They have to return the same result, but the first return 2 matches and the second only one match. The first is clearly buggy. Do you have an idea ? Thanks. PS: I''ve tested with 0.10.4 -- Posted via
2006 Aug 25
End-of-File Error occured at <except.c>:103 in xpop_context
Hi, I get this when searching or adding a new record. I am using today''s version of trunk and gem ferret 0.10.0 any ideas? thanks! EOFError in DvbesController#new End-of-File Error occured at <except.c>:103 in xpop_context Error occured in store.c:197 - is_refill current pos = 0, file length = 182 RAILS_ROOT: script/../config/.. Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full
2007 Apr 12
Multiple Model Search
[from out-of-band communication with steven, just for the record] Hi! On Wed, Apr 11, 2007 at 01:47:49PM +0200, Steven Garcia wrote: > Hey Jens, > [..] > > 1. Is the Search model just an Active Record object or do I need to > set up a database for it as well (if so then with what columns)? No, that search model is just a plain class that backs your search form. If you want to
2006 Jun 29
find_by_contents not returning SearchResults?
The acts_as_ferret documentation says find_by_content returns an instance of SearchResults, but I see this error when I try to use the results. undefined method `total_hits'' for []:Array Here is the link to the documentation: But here is the actual code: result =
2006 May 01
pagination in acts_as_ferret
I''m just wondering where I would put the pagination for search results when using "acts_as_ferret". At the moment my search code is.. def search @query = params[:query] || '''' unless @query.blank? @results = Tutorial.find_by_contents @query end end Cheers SchmakO -- Posted via
2006 Sep 20
acts_as_ferret limit on multi_search not working?
I''m using acts_as_ferret to do a query like this: Model1.multi_search("my query",[Model2,Model3], :limit => 2) No matter what number i set limit to I get 10 items in the resultset. Am I doing something wrong? Thanks/David -- Posted via
2006 Aug 24
[0.10.0] LazyDoc#fields does not return symbols
Hi again, fields() method of Ferret::Index::LazyDoc return an array of integer (maybe the integer of the symbol? I don''t know) instead of symbols as explained in the doc : Any ideas ? -- Posted via
2007 Feb 28
Ferret quick dump&load
Hello Dave, Hello all, Some weeks ago, Maz submit a patch to quickly dump or load a ferret database in an other format to prevent index rebuilding (due to changes in the format) or to simplify backup/replication tasks. I re-paste this patch (it was against the 0.10.14) here : Do you think it''s intresting for ferret ? Do you have any plan for this patch ?
2007 May 16
return ONLY total_hits without querying from real database
Hey guys, I know I can run search(q).total_hits, but if I try to put :limit=>0 it gives me an error. I don''t want it actually query any of the results, I just want it to tell me how many total_hits I would have if I wanted to search it. How can I do this? -- Posted via
2007 Apr 13
undefined method `ferret_index'' for xxx:Class
Hi I am trying to use ferret; the regular search works; but when I use the find_storage_by_contents to highlight the results, I am getting the above error. Please help thanks -- Posted via
2006 Aug 26
Erratic behavior with ferret 0.95 and acts_as_ferret
I am getting this issue also... Does anyone know what this is? When will Acts as Ferret be available for v10? Thanks for your help in desperation! Caspar wrote: > Okay previous post related to me trying to fix this problem with an > upgrade to ferret 0.10.0 but acts as ferret is obviously not compatible > with this new version of ferret. > My app is about to go into production and
2007 Jul 03
problems with acts_as_ferret
Hi, I have i am trying to add a search feature to a ruby on rails blog, so ive decided to use ferret. So far i have had quite a few problems with it, from following a few tutorials i didnt really understand... i am at the point where i can make a search and it returns the score of the result. I want it to also show the title of the post and i think i have implemented it correctly but it
2007 Jul 13
More sorting problems with untokenized index
I''m having problems sorting on untokenized fields. I have one field that sorts fine, but there are others that seem to sort on a different field. Here''s the index description: acts_as_ferret :remote=>true,:fields=>{:name=>{:boost=>2},:name_for_sort=>{:index => :untokenized}, :city=>{:boost=>2}, :city_for_sort=>{:index=>:untokenized},
2006 Aug 30
AAF Sorting by date - what am I doing wrong?
I''m trying to sort my search results by Date, in descending order. I''ve done quite a bit of reading through the forums here, and I''ve tried two different suggestions. This just returns results in the same order as a search without a sort: sort_fields = [] sort_fields <<"ferret_created_at",:reverse => :true)
2007 Sep 27
QueryParser.parse question
Hi there, I am stomped as to why QueryParser''s parse method behaves differently between query ''a'' and ''b''. See Could someone please help me understand why that is the case. p.s. I also found ''i'' produce the same behavour as ''a'' Cheers, Andy