Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Multivariate Sampling"
2009 Jun 07
Survreg function for loglogistic hazard estimation
I am trying to use R to do loglogistic hazard estimation. My plan is to
generate a loglogistic hazard sample data and then use survreg to estimate
it. If everything is correct, survreg should return the parameters I have
used to generate the sample data.
I have written the following code to do a time invariant hazard estimation.
The output of summary(modloglog) shows the factor loading of
2009 May 04
Distribución log-logistica
Hola a tod@s,
Hace poco en la lista se discutieron algunas aproximaciones para determinar
la distribución de probabilidad que potencialmente podrían haber generado
los datos (ver [1]) y una de ellas fué el AIC. Haciendo uso del programa
enviado por Pablo Verde (ver [1]), estos son los resultados para mis datos:
weibull , AIC = 69839.44
exponential , AIC = 79488.77
gaussian , AIC = 69413.03
2007 Apr 12
Method dispatch for print() in package its
Dear all,
in the package its the print() method does not seem to correctly work in all circumstances:
> selectMethod(print, "its")
Method Definition:
function (x, ...)
print(x@.Data <mailto:x@.Data> , ...)
<environment: namespace:its>
target "its"
defined "its"
> fundPME.lst[[1]]$irr
An object of
2007 Aug 03
Problem with making dll under Windows
Dear all,
I have problems to compile a DLL for Windows XP with R version 2.5.1 (2007-06-27).
See output below:
C:\AZ_DATEN\C, C++\BE_speedup>R CMD SHLIB dmypow.c
Goto undefined subroutine &DynaLoader::bootstrap_inherit at C:\Programme\R\R-2.5
.1\share\perl/XSLoader.pm line 80.
Compilation failed in require at c:/Programme/Perl/lib/IO/Handle.pm line 262.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted
2006 Sep 04
generating loglogistic distribution in R
Hi Dear,
Can someone please inform me on genreating random variables of Loglogistic,
and PERT beta distributions?
Thanks for your time and help, in advance.
2011 Nov 16
"Non-finite finite-difference value" error in eha's aftreg
Hi list!
I'm getting an error message when trying to fit an accelerated failure
time parametric model using the aftreg() function from package eha:
> Error in optim(beta, Fmin, method = "BFGS", control = list(trace =
> as.integer(printlevel)), :
> non-finite finite-difference value [2]
This only happens when adding four specific covariates at the same time
in the
2004 Jun 23
Cannot Restore Workspace with R 1.9.1 (PR#7012)
Full_Name: Stefan Albrecht
Version: 1.9.1
OS: Windows NT 4.0
Submission from: (NULL) (
Hi all,
upgrading to R 1.9.1 I am no longer able to restore saved data in .RData with
after some involved data manipulations and calculations (fatal error!).
In addition I get the message
Error: object 'family' not found whilst loading namespace 'MASS'.
This problem does not
2004 Oct 06
lattice package for R 2.0.0
Dear all,
I am trying to install packages with the new R 2.0.0. However for
several packages, like MASS, lattice or R2HTML, I get an error like:
> library(lattice)
Error in library(lattice) : 'lattice' is not a valid package --
installed < 2.0.0?
However, I have just downloaded the latest versions from CRAN.
As far as lattice is concerned, it seems that the Windows binary is
2010 Nov 25
aftreg vs survreg loglogistic aft model (different intercept term)
Hi, I'm estimating a loglogistic aft (accelerated failure time) model, just a
simple plain vanilla one (without time dependent covariates), I'm comparing
the results that I obtain between aftreg (eha package) and survreg(surv
package). If I don't use any covariate the results are identical , if I add
covariates all the coefficients are the same until a precision of 10^4 or
10^-5 except
2007 Apr 19
rbind() of factors in data.frame
Dear all,
I would like to inquire, if it is a desired feature that the combination with rbind() of two data frames with factors columns does not sort the factors levels of the combined data frame.
> str(rbind(data.frame(a = factor(c(4, 3))), data.frame(a = factor(c(2, 1)))))
'data.frame': 4 obs. of 1 variable:
$ a: Factor w/ 4 levels
2006 Jul 07
parametric proportional hazard regression
Dear all,
I am trying to find a suitable R-function for
parametric proportional hazard regressions. The
package survival contains the coxph() function which
performs a Cox regression which leaves the base hazard
unspecified, i.e. it is a semi-parametric method. The
package Design contains the function pphsm() which is
good for parametric proportional hazard regressions
when the underlying base
2005 Aug 06
is there any similar function in R to S function qq.loglogistic, which
produces a Q-Q plot?
Thanks a lot
2005 Oct 18
Inconsistency with matrix indexing (PR#8214)
Full_Name: Stefan Albrecht
Version: 2.2.0
OS: Windows XP
Submission from: (NULL) (
Dear all,
in the new R 2.2.0, the matrix indexing has been changed. In my opinion, this
leads to an inconsistency when indexing one-row matrices.
> (mat <- matrix(1:9, nrow = 3, dimnames = list(paste("r", 1:3, sep = ""),
paste("c", 1:3, sep = ""))))
2006 Nov 10
lattice: histogram of factor variable
Dear all,
I am encountering a problem with lattice in the current version 0.14-13
with R version 2.4.0 on a Windows XP system.
For example,
histogram(~voice.part, singer)
is not labeling the x labels according to the factor levels of
voice.part, which it should do (and has done in former versions of
lattice, as far as I remember).
In addition, I get the warnings
Warning messages:
2006 Nov 23
Problem with as.ts(zoo-object)
Dear all,
I have an error message, when I try to convert a zoo object (called
test) to ts (on R 2.4.0, Package zoo version 1.2-1, Windows XP)
> test
1994-05-10 1994-06-09 1994-07-09
0.0024943889 0.0024881824 0.0006955831
> str(test)
atomic [1:3] 0.002494 0.002488 0.000696
- attr(*, "index")=Class 'Date' num [1:3] 8895 8925 8955
> is.regular(test)
[1] TRUE
2017 Oct 16
survival analysis - predict function
I'm trying to predict the values for a survreg object called
loglogistic_na. Here is the definition of loglogistic_na and following that
the syntax used for the predict function. But upon execution I don't get
any output. Not sure what I'm doing wrong:
loglogistic_na <- survreg(Surv(time_na,event_na) ~ t_na, dist="loglogistic")
2006 Nov 14
Error in str(its-object)
Dear all,
on my Windows XP R 2.4.0 version with Package its version 1.1.4 I have a problem with
str() applied on an its-object after a simple matrix manipulation on the its object (see below).
I am not sure, whether this a problem with my application, its or str().
Of course, one can make
> str(core(its(mat)) / 1)
num [1:2, 1:3] 1 2 3 4 5 6
- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
2007 Oct 05
Linux editor for R+LaTeX, but not Emacs
Using Tinn-R (in windows) is possible to run latex and R from the same
editor, which was great. Now, I am using Ubuntu-linux, which has been
better than WinXP. Currently, I am using Emacs (and then install ESS)
for running LaTeX and R from a same editor-program (like i was doing
with Tinn-R in windows). Nevertheless, and even though i have been using
Emacs for almost 2 years, it is not as
2009 Jan 14
Memory use
Dear R-help list,
I am just trying to increase my memory for R, but for some reason I cannot really increase the memory size as much as I would like. I have 3 GB of RAM on a Windows XP (R 2.8.1)
> memory.size()
[1] 879.4667
> memory.size(T)
[1] 1162.75
> memory.limit()
[1] 3072
> gc()
used (Mb) gc trigger (Mb) max used (Mb)
Ncells 421697 11.3 1476915 39.5 1476915 39.5
2011 May 31
Latin Hypercube Sampling with a condition
Hello all,
I am trying to do a Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS) to a 5-parameter
design matrix. I start as follows:
p1<-randomLHS(1000, 5)
If I check the distribution of each parameter (column), they are
perfectly uniformly distributed (as expected).For example,
Now the hard (maybe strange) question. I want the combination of the
first three parameters to sum up to