Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "argument rationalization"
2004 Jun 11
rownames of single row matrices
I want to extract rows of a matrix, and preserve rownames even if only
one row is selected. Toy example:
R> a <- matrix(1:9,3,3)
R> rownames(a) <- letters[1:3]
R> colnames(a) <- LETTERS[1:3]
R> a
a 1 4 7
b 2 5 8
c 3 6 9
Extract the first two rows:
R> wanted <- 1:2
R> a[wanted,]
a 1 4 7
b 2 5 8
rownames come through fine. Now extract just
2004 Sep 08
do.call("[", ...) question
Hi again everyone
I have an arbitrarily dimensional array "a" and a list "jj" of length
length(dim(a)). The elements of jj are vectors of indexes.
How do I use do.call() to extract a[ jj[[1]], jj[[2]], jj[[3]], ...] ?
Toy example follows:
a <- matrix(1:30,5,6)
jj <- list(5:1,6:1)
I want the following
a[ jj[[1]],jj[[2]] ]
How do I do this?
2004 Nov 17
3d scatter plot with drop line
This is a follow up to my question from yesterday. I want to do in R
what is called a "3d scatter plot with drop lines" in S-PLUS.
Basically, it's a 3dscatterplot with lines connecting the x-y grid to
the z points.
The lines give a better perspective on the shape of the data surface.
How to?
Joel Bremson
UC Davis Statistics
2004 Oct 18
concatenating lists elementwise
How do I concatenate two lists element-by-element?
list.1 <- list(temperature=c("hot","cold") , size=c("big","medium"))
list.2 <- list(temperature=c("lukewarm") , size=c("massive","tiny"))
list.wanted <- list(temperature=c("hot","cold","lukewarm") ,
2004 Jan 14
arrows on contour lines
Hello everybody
I'm using contour() to draw streamlines of potential flow, eg
jj <- seq(from= -4, to=4,len=20)
jj <- outer(jj,jj,function(x,y){x})+1i*outer(jj,jj,function(x,y){y})
f <- function(x){x^2}
contour(Im(f(jj)), nlevels=44 , labels="")
How best to put arrows on the contour lines to show the direction of flow?
(ie I want contour lines looking like
2004 Nov 11
axis lines crossing at origin
how do I make my axes cross at the origin?
x <- seq(from=-pi,to=pi,len=30)
makes the axes cross at about (-pi,-1).
How do I get my x and y axes to cross in the centre of the graph,
with the sine curve passing through
the intersection?
I couldn't find anything in ?par or ?axis; searching R-FAQ for "axis"
didn't help.
Robin Hankin
2004 Sep 13
Rd files with "%" (was: permuting dimensions)
Professor Ripley
thanks for this. Very much appreciated.
The original subject line reflected my late-night conviction
that the answer might involve passing a strange list to do.call().
Anyway, package magic is broken (only in R-devel, I might add) because I have
a function called "%eq%".
R-2.0.0 CMD check is stopping (I think) because it interprets the
"%" as a
2004 Sep 15
Bessel function
Dear all
Currently, I'm implementing the generalized hyperbolic distribution into
Splus. Unfortunately the Bessel function is not implemented in Splus. In
R the Bessel function does exist but it is an internal function and I'm
not able to look at the code.
Is there any possibility to see the code of the Bessel function in R or
does anybody has an implementation of the Bessel function in
2005 Feb 25
restoring vector v from v[-i]
I have a little function that takes a vector v and an integer i. I
want to manipulate
v[-i] (to give v.new, say) and
then put (unmanipulated) v[i] back into the appropriate place. For
f <- function(v,i){
v.new <- v[-i]+10
(my example is adding 10 to v[-i], but the real version is the solution
of a complicated
2004 Mar 19
asp=1 and aspect ratio
Hi everyone
I want a square scatterplot with abline(0,1) going exactly through the
SW and NE corners. By "square" I mean that the plotting region is
exactly square, and that the axis limits are identical.
x <- 1:20
y <- x+rep(c(-1,1),10)
lims <- range(c(x,y))
None of the following do this:
plot(x,y) ; abline(0,1) #not square
plot(x,y,asp=1);abline(0,1) #diagonal
2004 May 27
block diagonal matrix function
Hello List
I have just written a little function that takes two matrices as
arguments and returns a large matrix that is composed of the two input
matrices in upper-left position and lower-right position with a padding
value everywhere else. (function definition and toy example below). I
need nonsquare matrices and rowname() and colname() inherited appropriately.
Two questions:
(1) Is there a
2004 Oct 06
crossprod vs %*% timing
the manpage says that crossprod(x,y) is formally equivalent to, but
faster than, the call 't(x) %*% y'.
I have a vector 'a' and a matrix 'A', and need to evaluate 't(a) %*% A
%*% a' many many times, and performance is becoming crucial. With
f1 <- function(a,X){ ignore <- t(a) %*% X %*% a }
f2 <- function(a,X){ ignore <-
2004 Oct 28
Problem with "outer" function
I am having a problem with the "outer" function.
I am using R 1.9.1 on Windows 2000. My problem may be described as follows:
I have a function f of 3 variables and 3 vectors, aa, bb and cc. I would like
to evaluate this function in a 3-dimensional grid of points corresponding to
all combinations of the elements of the 3 vectors. For example, if
2004 Apr 14
binary numbers
Is there a function in R that lets one represent an integer in binary
format for a given number of bits? So an example would be....
> binary.function(num=5, num.of.bits=8)
> "00000101"
Or, is this something I have to write myself?
Any help would be appreciated.
2010 Jul 16
Mixed Conditional Logit with nested data
Hello Everyone,
This is my first attempt to do something in R. As a precursor to a Willingness to Pay analysis, I want to conduct a Mixed Conditional Logit analysis but am unsure how to proceed because of some nesting within my data.
Below is some data and code that illustrate what I’m trying to do. The data are based on responses to a conjoint survey obtained during pilot testing. In the
2004 Jul 13
(no subject)
Dear R users,
First of all, thanks for the incredibly fast answers and help of Rolf,
Marc and Robert.
Yes, I noticed that it was a lot of permutacions, but my intention was to
make this process automatic and take only 5.000 - 10.000 permutations.
Therefore, I wanted only to take that "interesting permutations" with "some
information" [inter-block permutations].
2004 Mar 10
aperm() and as.list() args to "["
Hi everyone.
I'm playing with aperm():
a <- 1:24
dim(a) <- c(2,3,2,2)
permutation <- c(1,2,4,3)
b <- aperm(a,permutation)
So if my understanding is right,
a[1,3,2,1] == b[c(1,3,2,1)[permutation] ]
but this isn't what I want because the RHS evaluates to a vector, and
I am trying to identify a single element of b.
How do I modify the RHS to give what I want?
2004 Jul 28
elegant matrix creation
Hello everybody.
I am trying to reproduce a particular matrix in an elegant way. If I
jj1 <-
2),.Dim = as.integer(c(9,9)))
[ image(jj1) is good here ] then I can get this with
2004 Jul 13
Dear R users,
I?m a beginner user of R and I?ve a problem with permutations that I don?t
know how to solve. I?ve 12 elements in blocks of 3 elements and I want only
to make permutations inter-blocks (no intra-blocks) (sorry if the
terminology is not accurate), something similar to:
1 2 3 | 4 5 6 | 7 8 9 | 10 11 12 ----------1st permutation
1 3 2 | 4 5 6 | 7 8 9 | 10 11 12 NO
- -
3 2 1
2004 May 25
vectorize an expression
Hi guys. Another thing I cannot vectorize:
I have an array "a", of size 5-by-2, for example, of 5 2D vectors. I
also have a distance function that computes the distance between two
vectors (usual Euclidean distance is a good example but I have other metrics I
want to use as well). I want a 5-by-5 array with the [i,j]th element being
the distance from a[i,] to a[j,]
To Wit: