similar to: "conditional duplicates"?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: ""conditional duplicates"?"

2004 Aug 26
I am trying to use the LME package to run a multilevel logistic model using the following code: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------- Model1 = GLMM(WEAP ~ TSRAT2 , random = ~1 | GROUP , family = binomial, na.action = na.omit ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------
2007 Jan 24
Conversion of column matrix into a vector without duplicates
Hi R, I have a matrix A, A= [,1] [,2] [1,] a u [2,] b v [3,] c x [4,] d x [5,] e x I want to put the 2nd column of this matrix in a vector without duplicates. i.e., my vector v should be (u, v, x), whose length is 3. Can anybody help me on this? Thanks in advance Shubha. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2005 Aug 01
Conditional piece-wise dependent regression
Hi, after reading some R docs, I couldn?t figure out how can I find the solution for the following problem, therefore I would ask this friendly list for an advice. We?re making a least square approximation for an experiment described by the following model: T is the time, Y is some measured value. >From time=0 till time=U: Y = b + p*T >From time=U and on (some effect added): Y = b + p*T +
2004 Jul 19
converting character strings to eval
Hi there fellow R-users, I'm stuck on this seemingly trivial problem. All I want to coerce a character string into a command. For example: x<-rnorm(20) y<-rnorm(20) str<-"lm(y~x)" I want to evaluate the "str" command. I have tried eval(as.expression(str)) But it doesn't seem to work. I am aware of the call command, but for reasons I won't go
2004 Sep 28
An index of all possible combinations of variables in a data fram e
Hello list Does anybody know of any way to create an index of all the possible combinations of variables (factors) in a data frame? ie for 3 factors A, B & C we have A B C AB AC BC ABC which equates to columns 1, 2, 3, 1:2, (1,3), 2:3 and 1:3. I realise that a function like model.matrix does this, but how to get the seqence of the index? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
2009 Sep 11
Constructing variables conditional on two indicators
Dear R users I have a data frame that looks like this: m j X1 X2 1 1 1 2 1 ... 1 J 2 1 2 2 2 ... 2 J . . . M 1 M 2 M ... M J The data frame essentially looks like a panel: m and j are indicators where m is 1:M and j is 1:J (and M > J); X1 and X2 are variables. I
2006 May 12
Maximum likelihood estimate of bivariate vonmises-weibulldistribution
Thanks Dimitris!!! That's much clearer now. Still have a lot of work to do this weekend to understand every bit but your code will prove very useful. Cheers, Aziz -----Original Message----- From: Dimitrios Rizopoulos [mailto:Dimitris.Rizopoulos at] Sent: May 12, 2006 4:35 PM To: Chaouch, Aziz Subject: RE: [R] Maximum likelihood estimate of bivariate
2006 May 23
conditional replacement
Hi How can do this in R. >df 48 1 35 32 80 If df < 30 then replace it with 30 and else if df > 60 replace it with 60. I have a large dataset so I cant afford to identify indexes and then replace. Desired o/p: 48 30 35 32 60 Thanx in advance. Sachin
2008 Feb 11
Conditional rows
Hi, Given a simple example, test <- matrix(c(0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.1, 0.3, 0.1, 0.1), 3, 3) How to generate row indexes for which their corresponding row values are less than or equal to 0.2 ? For this example, row 2 and 3 are the correct ones. Thanks [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Apr 09
apply lm() for all the columns of a matrix
Hi all, My question is not really urgent. I can write a loop and solve the problem. But I know that I'll be in a similar situation many more times so it would be useful to find out the answer Is there a fast way to perform linear fit to all the columns of a matrix? (or in the one dimension of a multi-dimensional array.) I'm talking about many single linear fits, not about a multiple fit.
2004 Aug 26
gls: Newton-Raphson or EM?
Hello, Does anyone know whether the gls function in the nlme library uses the Newton-Raphson or EM algorithm to find the restricted log-likelihood or maximum log-likelihood estimates? Brendan Klick [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2004 May 28
The search at mentioned a function "gauss.hermite{rmutil}". However, 'install.packages("rmutil")' produced, 'No package "rmutil" on CRAN.' How can I find the current status of "gauss.hermite" and "rmutil"? Thanks, Spencer Graves
2004 Jun 08
How do I sort data containts character
Sorry, it's simple question: example : > data.test label value 1 one 21.35746 2 two 22.07592 3 three 20.74098 > I would like the return : label value 3 three 20.74098 1 one 21.35746 2 two 22.07592 Anyone can help it? Thanks, regards Unung Istopo
2004 Jun 09
Multiple regression
Hi, I am trying to do multiple regression on a set of data using backward stepwise regression....however backward stepwise regression is critised for overfitting data. To actually observe the bias and to come up with a better method to use..Could you all stats experts kindly give me pointers to any alternative procedure (or references) to use over backward stepwise regression from your
2004 Jun 22
Numerical methods of integration
Hi! I want to know if there is a function in R that makes integration using numerical methods. Thank's for helping! Talita Perciano Costa Leite Graduanda em Ci??ncia da Computa????o Universidade Federal de Alagoas - UFAL Departamento de Tecnologia da Informa????o - TCI Constru????o de Conhecimento por Agrupamento de Dados - CoCADa
2004 Sep 17
controlling printing precision in paste()
Rene, Look at ?format. Sean On Sep 17, 2004, at 9:21 AM, RenE J.V. Bertin wrote: > Hello, > > I can't seem to find the way to modify the precision with which > paste() prints its floating point numbers, more precisely the number > of decimal digits printed. This is apparently not controlled by > options( digits= ), and there is no appropriate argument to paste() >
2004 Sep 28
replacing values in vector
Hi everybody !! I have a vector named v1 with a lot of values from 0 to 10. Is there a solution to replace all 0 by 1 ?? I have tried with a 'FOR' loop... Thank you very much
2004 Oct 25
Multiple formula in one block
Hi Everybody: I want to draw some chart using command "histogram" and add another curve in it. Example: require(stats) data(singer) library(lattice) histogram( ~ height | voice.part, data = singer, nint = 17, endpoints = c(59.5, 76.5), layout = c(2,4), aspect = .5, xlab = "Height (inches)") Now I got a chart of 8 blocks, then I need add :"
2004 Aug 16
adding sem to a plot
R-help, I have a barplot and I wish to add standard erros (or deviations) bars to it. How? Thank you Luis Ridao Cruz Fiskiranns??knarstovan N??at??n 1 P.O. Box 3051 FR-110 T??rshavn Faroe Islands Phone: +298 353900 Phone(direct): +298 353912 Mobile: +298 580800 Fax: +298 353901 E-mail: luisr at Web:
2004 Oct 08
submitting to R
Dear Colleagues, would you like to explain in which way we can get possibility to use some version of R for Window. Sincerely yours Ziedonis Greislis ******************************************* Dr. Ziedonis Grislis Head of Laboratory of Quantitative Genetics Department of Animal Science LatviaUniversity of Agriculture 2, Liela Str, Jelgava, LV-3001 LATVIA Tel.: +371-30-05661,