similar to: Princomp(), prcomp() and loadings()

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Princomp(), prcomp() and loadings()"

2008 Jan 13
What is the 'scale' in princomp() function?
Dear R users, When I tried to use princomp() from stats packages to do Principal Components Analysis, I am not very clear what is the "scale". And the scores are different from "PROC PRINCOMP" procedure from SAS. Using the example data from this package: restpc <- princomp(USArrests, cor = TRUE) > restpc$scale Murder Assault UrbanPop Rape 4.311735 82.500075
2011 Sep 09
prcomp: results with reversed sign in output?
Dear All, when I'm running a PCA with prcomp(USArrests, scale = TRUE) I get the right principal components, but with the wrong sign infront Rotation: PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 Murder 0.5358995 -0.4181809 0.3412327 0.64922780 Assault 0.5831836 -0.1879856 0.2681484 -0.74340748 UrbanPop 0.2781909 0.8728062 0.3780158 0.13387773 Rape 0.5434321 0.1673186 -0.8177779 0.08902432 instead of PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4
2005 Sep 16
About princomp
Hi, I run the example for princomp for R211 I got the following error for biplot > ## The variances of the variables in the > ## USArrests data vary by orders of magnitude, so scaling is appropriate > ( <> <- princomp(USArrests)) # inappropriate Erreur dans cov.wt(z) : 'x' must contain finite values only > princomp(USArrests, cor = TRUE) # =^=
2012 Aug 21
make check fails two tests on RHEL 6 build
I am installing R 2.15.1 onto RHEL 6, using gcc 4.7.0 with Intel MKL 10.3.7 and the following environment: export BLAS_LIBS="-Wl,--start-group /usr/caen/intel-12.1/mkl/lib/intel64/libmkl_gf_lp64.a /usr/caen/intel-12.1/mkl/lib/intel64/libmkl_sequential.a /usr/caen/intel-12.1/mkl/lib/intel64/libmkl_core.a -Wl,--end-group -lpthread" export LAPACK_LIBS="-Wl,--start-group
2008 Mar 06
Help with colinearity problem in multiple linear regression
Hello, For basic linear regression lm() does the job well, for datasets that are larger than memory biglm() seems to work. I'm working on a parallel implementation of multiple linear regression for datasets that are too large for memory. Currently I am working over least squares: calculating: t(X) %*% X and t(X) %*% y separately in parallel on each node This generates a
2012 Oct 19
factor score from PCA
Hi everyone, I am trying to get the factor score for each individual case from a principal component analysis, as I understand, both princomp() and prcomp() can not produce this factor score, the principal() in psych package has this option: scores=T, but after running the code, I could not figure out how to show the factor score results. Here is my code, could anyone give me some advice please?
2007 Jun 27
Condensed PCA Results
Hello all, I'm currently using R to do PCA Analysis, and was wondering if anyone knew the specific R Code that could limit the output of the PCA Analysis so that you only get the Principal Component features as your output and none of the extraneous words or numbers that you don't want. If that was unclear, let me use linear regression as an example: "lm(y~x)" is the normal
2009 Dec 23
prcomp : plotting only explanatory axis arrows
Dear all, I have a very large dataset (1712351 , 20) and would like to plot only the arrows that represent the contribution of each variables. On the sample below I woild like to plot only the explanatory variables (Murder, Assault..) and not the sites. prcomp(USArrests) # inappropriate prcomp(USArrests, scale = TRUE) prcomp(~ Murder + Assault + Rape, data = USArrests, scale = TRUE)
2000 Jul 20
Installing R-1.1.0 (PR#612)
Dear R-developers, I finally got around to install R 1.1.0 but had problems at the `make check' stage. After compiling the released R 1.1.0 version the `make check' stage stopped while checking the examples in base. There was some problem with the quantile function and the check stopped complaining that NA's are not allowed. But I assume that this problem is already known because
2017 Aug 09
arithmetic with zero-column data.frames
So as often there is more to it than you first think. Let's consider this an RFC (for experienced long time R users) : >>>>> Martin Maechler <maechler at> >>>>> on Wed, 9 Aug 2017 10:45:56 +0200 writes: >>>>> William Dunlap via R-devel <r-devel at> >>>>> on Tue, 8 Aug 2017 11:59:45
2010 Nov 25
Hi, I am running the RODBC examples form the help guide. I am trying to UPDATE a table in an Access data base but I am having an error. library(RODBC) library(termstrc) path = getwd() setwd(getwd()) dbName = "data.mdb" pathdbname = paste(path,"/",dbName,sep="") accesChannel = odbcConnectAccess(pathdbname, uid = "", pwd = "")
2009 Jan 13
PCA loadings differ vastly!
hi, I have two questions: #first (SPSS vs. R): I just compared the output of different PCA routines in R (pca, prcomp, princomp) with results from SPSS. the loadings of the variables differ vastly! in SPSS the variables load constantly higher than in R. I made sure that both progr. use the correlation matrix as basis. I found the same problem with rotated values (varimax rotation and rtex=T
2003 Apr 02
RODBC sqlSave problem.
Dear list, Being new to both the postgres database, ODBC and the RODBC interface, I am somewhat confused by some of the problems I am experiencing trying to connect R to the database. Whai I am trying is basically the example part of the help file for the sqlSave function: > library(RODBC) > odbcConnect("theodor") -> channel > data(USArrests) > sqlSave(channel,
2009 Apr 30
Creating datasets in packages
I am developing an R package which includes datasets. The build and install works correctly. However, when I access the dataset ("BowRiver"), I get: > data(BowRiver) > BowRiver Error: object "BowRiver" not found. However, I can access the dataset from > data Example R datasets (such as USArrests) are loaded and can be accessed by the dataset name: >
2004 Nov 25
Searching for a string in RSQLite
I'd like to search for a particular string in an SQLite database using RSQLite, but I'm running into problems constructing the query properly, because of embedded quotes and parens in the string. Is there a function that escapes these for me, or some other fixup that would let me do the queries below? In the real situation I don't have control over what strings get searched for.
2009 Nov 25
which to trust...princomp() or prcomp() or neither?
According to R help: princomp() uses eigenvalues of covariance data. prcomp() uses the SVD method. yet when I run the (eg., USArrests) data example and compare with my own "hand-written" versions of PCA I get what looks like the opposite. Example: comparing the variances I see: Using prcomp(USArrests) ------------------------------------- Standard deviations: [1] 83.732400 14.212402
2004 Feb 17
Comparison of % variance explained by each PC before AND after rotation
Hello again- Thanks to Prof. Ripley for responding to my previous question. I would like to clarify my question using sample code. I will use some sample code taken from ?prcomp Again, I would like to compare the % variance explained by each PC before and after rotation. < code follows > data(USArrests) pca = prcomp(USArrests, scale = TRUE) # proportion variance explained by each
2000 Apr 26
Factor Rotation
How does one rotate the loadings from a principal component analysis? Help on function prcomp() from package mva mentions rotation: Arguments retx a logical value indicating whether the rotated variables should be returned. Values rotation the matrix of variable loadings (i.e., a matrix whose olumns contain the eigenvectors). The function princomp returns this in the element
2008 Nov 03
Input correlation matrix directly to princomp, prcomp
Hello fellow Rers, I have a no-doubt simple question which is turning into a headache so would be grateful for any help. I want to do a principal components analysis directly on a correlation matrix object rather than inputting the raw data (and specifying cor = TRUE or the like). The reason behind this is I need to use polychoric correlation coefficients calculated with John Fox's
2004 Nov 25
Problem with ODBC access to SQL database
I have the following problem in getting the "sqlSave" function from the example code in the R package RODBC to work with MySQL as ODBC server: - a new database is created, but no data is written to it - the example code works just fine when I use MS Access as ODBC server. ----------- offending code and output ------------------- > library(RODBC); > channel <-