similar to: ordering rows within CrossTable

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "ordering rows within CrossTable"

2009 May 31
Bug in gmodels CrossTable()?
Is the code below showing a bug in Crosstable()? My expectation was that the values produced by xtabs were rounded instead of truncated: library(gmodels) abc <- c("a", "a", "b", "b", "c", "c") def <- c("d", "e", "f", "f", "d", "e") wgt <- c(0.8, 0.6, 0.4, 0.5, 1.4, 1.3)
2008 Oct 01
Help with CrossTable
Hi, I am using the CrossTable function from library(gmodels). x=unique(data[,c("L1","L1_Revenues","RIC")]) L1_Classification=CrossTable(x$L1,x$L1_Revenues,exclude = c("NA","","0%","0"),prop.r=FALSE,prop.c=FALSE,prop.t=FALSE,prop.chisq=FA LSE,dnn=c("L1_Classification","Revenue")) What I would like
2008 Mar 09
question for crosstable
Good evening R-users! I have the following problem: i want to get a weighted crosstable along with the adjusted standardized residuals test Example: a<-c(1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3) b<-c(10,10,23,24,33,45,46,70,21,66) c<-c(3,3,2,3,4,1,1,1,3,3) d<-c("a", "b","b","c","a","a","a", "b",
2006 Apr 25
by() and CrossTable()
I am attempting to produce crosstabulations between two variables for subgroups defined by a third factor variable. I'm using by() and CrossTable() in package gmodels. I get the printing of the tables first and then a printing of each level of the INDICES. For example: library(gmodels) by(warpbreaks, warpbreaks$tension, function(x){CrossTable(x$wool, x$breaks > 30,
2009 Jan 29
Question On CrossTable function in gmodels package
Hi R-users, I have the following problem with CrossTable function within ?gmodels? package: the output of the function (format ?spss? and asresid=T) can not be stored within another object. For example: >library(gmodels) >data(infert, package = "datasets") > CrossTable(infert$education, infert$induced)->aa # the function prints everything ok on the screen > aa # works
2008 Feb 15
Transfer Crosstable to Word-Document
# Dear list, # I am an R-beginner and # spent the last days looking for a method to insert tables produced # with R into a word document. I thought about SPPS: copy a table from # an SPO-file and paste it into a word document # (if needed do some formatting with that table). # Annother idea was, to produce a TEX-file, # insert it and make it a word-table. # I found the following libraries, which
2006 May 02
Is there a bug in CrossTable (gmodels)
Library gmodels include a function CrossTable that is useful for crosstabulation. In the help, it is indicated that one can call this function as CrossTable(data), were data is a matrix. However, when I try to use this option, it doesn't help. Any idea? Is there a bug? Thanks for your help. Prof. Albert Sorribas Grup de Biomatem?tica i Bioestad?stica Departament de Ci?ncies M?diques B?siques
2006 Apr 26
Were to find appropriate functions for a given task in R
This is a generic request concerning were to look for finding appropriate information on a precise procedure in R. I’m using R for teaching introductory statistics and my students are learning how to deal with it. However, I find it difficult to locate some of the procedures. For instance, for basic crosstabulation, it is obvious that basic functions as table, ftable, and prop.table can be used.
2012 Dec 15
Could Rstd_Busy do something (src/unix/sys-std.c)?
Currently the function Rstd_Busy() does nothing (src/unix/sys-std.c): void attribute_hidden Rstd_Busy(int which) { } The function is called through a pointer and R interfaces can change this pointer and, thus, use a different function. I don't plan to create a whole new interface to R, but I maintain a package whose aim is to provide a new feature to R when it's running in a
2009 Sep 15
comma as decimal separator in xtable
Hello, How can I make xtable print a comma as decimal separator? Setting the option OutDec isn't enough for xtable: library(xtable) options(OutDec = ",") x <- c(1.1, 1.2, 1.3) y <- c(2.3, 2.2, 2.1) d <- data.frame(x, y) d print(xtable(d)) Thanks! Jakson Aquino
2010 Sep 08
Newbie cross tabulation issue
hi, i'm new in R and i need some help. Please, ¿do you know a function how can process cross tables for many variables and show the result in one table who look like this?: +----------------------------------------------------+ |------------------ | X variable | |----------------- | Xop1 | Xop2 | Xop3|.....| +----------------------------------------------------+ |Yvar1 |
2009 May 08
Vim R plugin-2
Dear R users, People who uses vim in Linux/Unix may be interested in checking the plugin for R that I'm developing: The plugin includes omni completion for R objects, code indentation and communication with R running in a terminal emulator (xterm or gnome-terminal). This last feature was already present in Johannes Ranke's plugin.
2004 Dec 13
Percentages in contingency tables *warning trivial question*
I hesitate to post this question in the light of recent threads, indeed I have hesitated for several weeks, however I have come to a full stop and really need some help if I am going to progress. I am a new user of R for medical statistics. I have attempted to read all the relevant documents, but would welcome any suggestions as to what I have missed. I am trying to contruct "table 1"
2009 Jan 10
Setting a contingency table
Hi, I want to set a make a contingency table which will look like this.. The problem is that I can't  set the table like the following.                      col1     col2       Total     row1              a         b         n10                      rp1       rp2        100                      cp1       cp2       rtp1   ---------------------------------------------     row2            
2009 Oct 05
Vim-R-plugin (new version)
Dear R users, The author of Tinn-R (Jose Claudio Faria) now is co-author of Vim-R-plugin2, a plugin that makes it possible to send commands from the Vim text editor to R. We added many new key bindings, restructured the menu and created new Tool Bar buttons. The new version is available at: NOTES: (1) Some old key binding changed,
2006 Feb 01
format of 2x2 table
Does anyone know how I can generate a 2x2 table in a format where in each cell of the table, it contains a) count (frequency) b) total percentage c) row percentage d) column percentage. SAS can generate this format easily, is there a R package that can do this? Frequency | Percent | Row Pct | Col Pct | positive negative | Total --------------------------------|------- disease |
2009 Aug 06
Is there a 'vi' mode in R?
Hi, I'm wondering if R provide a vi mode in the command line just like other shells such as bash do. Can somebody let me know? Regards, Peng
2009 Mar 02
Cross Tables with odfTable in odfweave
Hi, I've been trying to prepare some crosstables for some survey questions for a client. I have been using the CrossTable function in the gmodels package. However, this command only seems to be able to create CrossTables in text documents. I've been trying to use odfTable in odfweave to create tables that are standalone objects in the document that I can then convert to other
2004 Feb 29
Proportions again
Hello. I asked before and it was great, cause as a beginner I learned a lot. But, if I have this in R (1 and 2 are codes for sex): > sex<-c(1,2,2,1,1,2,2,2) > sex [1] 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 I´d like to obtain the proportion according to sex.So I type: > prop.table(sex) [1] 0.07692308 0.15384615 0.15384615 0.07692308 0.07692308 0.15384615 0.15384615 [8] 0.15384615 The result is OK, but I
2009 Apr 07
newbie query: simple crosstabs
I've been playing around with various table tools, trying to construct a fairly simple cross-tab. It shouldn't be hard, but for some reason it turning out to be (for me). If I want to see how many men and how many women agree with a agree/disagree question (coded 1,0), I can do this: >attach(mydata) >mytable <- table(male, q1.bin) # gender and a binary response variable