Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "Variable name with a '-'"
2011 Sep 09
get mean from cdf
Hi All,
How can I get the expected value from a discrete cdf? Is there any R
function that can do this?
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2011 Aug 13
Latent flaw in SEXPREC definition
There seems to be a latent flaw in the definition of struct SEXPREC
in Rinternals.h, which likely doesn't cause problems now, but could
if the relative sizes of data types changes.
The SEXPREC structure contains a union that includes a primsxp,
symsxp, etc, but not a vecsxp. However, in allocVector in memory.c,
zero-length vectors are allocated using allocSExpNonCons, which
appears to
2011 Aug 03
syntax with do.call and `[`
Dear List,
i would like to mimic the behaviour or the following indexing with a do.call construct to be able to supply the arguments to `[` as a list:
test = matrix[1:4,2]
result = test[2,]
My try, however, did not work:
result = do.call(`[`,list(test,2,NULL))
result = do.call(`[`,list(test,2,))
result = do.call(`[`,list(test,2,''))
How can I use the do.call in that way with
2011 Aug 01
formula used by R to compute the t-values in a linear regression
I was wondering if someone knows the formula used by the function lm to compute the t-values.
I am trying to implement a linear regression myself. Assuming that I have K variables, and N observations, the formula I am using is:
For the k-th variable, t-value= b_k/sigma_k
With b_k is the coefficient for the k-th variable, and sigma_k =(t(x) x )^(-1) _kk is its standard deviation.
2011 Jul 23
sum part of a vector
Dear colleagues, I have a data set that looks roughly like this;
mydat<-data.frame(state=c(rep("Alabama", 5), rep("Delaware", 5), rep("California", 5)), news=runif(15, min=0, max=8), cum.news=rep(0, 15))
For each state, I'd like to cumulatively sum the value of "news" and make that put that value in cum.news.
I'm trying as follows but I get
2011 Sep 20
difficulty with 'parallel' in building r57032 -- missing Makefile?
From SVN revision 57032, with configuration
R is now configured for i686-pc-linux-gnu
Source directory: .
Installation directory: /usr/local
C compiler: gcc -std=gnu99 -g -O2
Fortran 77 compiler: gfortran -g -O2
C++ compiler: g++ -g -O2
Fortran 90/95 compiler: gfortran -g -O2
Obj-C compiler:
Interfaces supported: X11
2011 Sep 07
reporting ANOVA for nested models
I have the following results for an ANOVA comparing two nested models. I
wasn't sure how I am supposed to report this result in the area of
psychology. Specifically, am I supposed to report the DF's or just the F
ratio? I could manually calculate the degrees of freedoms, but there must be
a reason why R does not give this information, i.e. those are not
conventionally used in the
2011 Aug 06
How set lm() to don't return NA in summary()?
I've data from an incomplete fatorial design. One level of a factor doesn't
has the levels of the other. When I use lm(), the summary() return NA for
that non estimable parameters. Ok, I understant it. But I use
contrast::contrast(), gmodels::estimable(), multcomp::glht() and all these
fail when model has NA estimates. This is becouse vcov() and coef() has
different dimensions. Is
2011 Aug 02
Memory limit in Aggregate()
Dear all,
I am trying to aggregate a table (divided in two lists here), but get a
memory error.
Here is the code I'm running :
print(paste("memory.limit() ", memory.limit()))
print(paste("memory.size() ", memory.size()))
print(paste("memory.size(TRUE) ", memory.size(TRUE)))
print(paste("size listX ", object.size(listX)))
2011 Aug 01
Beta fit returns NaNs
sorry for repeating the question but this is kind of important to me and i
don't know whom should i ask.
So as noted before when I do a parameter fit to the beta distr i get:
Fitting of the distribution ' beta ' by maximum likelihood
estimate Std. Error
shape1 2.148779 0.1458042
shape2 810.067515 61.8608126
2011 Aug 02
Inverse of FAQ 7.31.
Why does R think these numbers ***are*** equal?
In a somewhat bizarre set of circumstances I calculated
x0 <- 0.03580067
x1 <- 0.03474075
y0 <- 0.4918823
y1 <- 0.4474461
dx <- x1 - x0
dy <- y1 - y0
xx <- (x0 + x1)/2
yy <- (y0 + y1)/2
chk <- yy*dx - xx*dy + x0*dy - y0*dx
If you think about it ***very*** carefully ( :-) )
2011 Aug 01
fill Matrix quicker
dear all,
i have a quite simple question, i want to fill up a Matrix like done in the
following function,
but the performance is very bad for large dimensions
is there a way to do this like with apply or something similar?
makeMatrix <- function(a, b,dim) {
for (i in c(1:dim)){
for (j in c(1:dim)) {
if (i==j) {X[i,j]<-a}
else { X[i,j]<- exp((
2011 Aug 12
Getting data from an *.RData file into a data.frame object.
Hi, all.
I'm new to R. I've been a SAS programmer for 20 years.
I seem to be having trouble with the most basic task - bringing a table in
an *.RData file into a data.frame object.
Here's how I created the *.RData file.
db <- odbcConnect("*******")
df <- sqlQuery(
, "select * from schema.table where year(someDate)=2006"
2011 Jul 29
Different result on using apply.
Dear R-helpers,
In the following example I compute ret and returns the SAME way. In ret I
use compute returns for EACH column and in returns I do it for the whole
data frame. Could someone please tell me why I see a lagged result,by which
I mean ret and returns are different by one lag.
ret<-apply(GOOG,2,function(x) diff(log(x)) / lag(x,1) )
2011 Aug 08
on "do.call" function
Dear all,
Even though one of R users answered my question, I cannot understand, so I
re-ask this question.
I am trying to use "do.call", but I don't think I totally understand this
Here is an simple example.
> B <- matrix(c(.5,.1,.2,.3),2,2)
> B
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 0.5 0.2
[2,] 0.1 0.3
> x <- c(.1,.2)
2011 Aug 03
R.app installer probs on Snow Leopard
Have tried to install R.app several times (6, in fact: versions 2.12, 13 & 14, both 32 and 64 bit versions), using packages freshly downloaded from the official project page, and failed every time, given exception reports such as the following (appended below, the 2 reports arising out of my 1st & 6th attempts).
Machine & software version specifics are all contained therein.
2011 Sep 08
lmtp -- save failed to INBOX: BUG: Unknown internal error
I've had 18 instances of this error the last 24 hours:
Sep 8 08:56:00 popimap1 dovecot:: lmtp(10529, first.last at example.om): mGdAOtdlaE4hKQAAg/aw4w: msgid=<B8FA3D5B230184409450D51D522678404E5052 at ASP-EX02.ASP.lan>: save failed to INBOX: BUG: Unknown internal error
17 on lmtp-server A, and one on lmtp-server B.
On server A it was a message with 55 recepients, where 17 failed
2015 Jul 13
Crear datos aleatorios con restriciones
Esta pregunta la hice en stackoverflow
nadie pudo contestarla.
1. Quiero generar N escuelas, con G grados y C divisiones.
2. Quiero asignar cada uno de T maestros a 2 divisiones en un grado y
Si tengo C=4 divisiones, puedo lograr lo que quiero con
2015 Jul 13
Crear datos aleatorios con restriciones
0. La falta de 'elegancia' hace que sea mas dificil hacer cambios al
codigo. Por ejemplo cambiar n.classrooms <- 4 a n.classrooms <- 20
1. Cuando tengo solo 4 puedo hacer esto:
schoolGrade$A <- Teachers$Teacher.ID[1:cuttoff1]
schoolGrade$B <- Teachers$Teacher.ID[1:cuttoff1]
schoolGrade$C <- Teachers$Teacher.ID[(cuttoff1+1):n.teachers]
schoolGrade$D <-
2015 Jul 13
Crear datos aleatorios con restriciones
Gracias Carlos,
Tu codigo es un gran paso en el sentido correcto pero no produce
exactamente lo que estoy buscando.
Mi "solucion" en stackoverflow
produce un data frame `schoolGrade` con 240 observaciones y 7 variables. Mi
objetivo es poder generar un data