similar to: Problem after upgrading to ferret 0.10.0

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "Problem after upgrading to ferret 0.10.0"

2006 Jul 09
acts_as_ferret.. what does it actually do?
Okay in this plea for help I''m going to repeat some of what i posted before but with a larger amount of background info in the hope that i can get a decent grip on ferret before it wriggles away.. Firstly, what does installing the acts_as_ferret plugin actually do? I install it and add it to my model and then the index is automatically generated and a few methods are added to it and
2006 Aug 28
How should this be done with ferret 0.10.1
Hi i like the new version of ferret, has solved a few of my problems but i''m unsure of how to implement the following code in the new version of ferret? if section if !section.empty? qp ="section") query = qp.parse("\"#{section}\"") bq.add_query(query, Ferret::Search::BooleanClause::Occur::MUST) filter_on =true end
2006 Sep 04
uninitialized constant BooleanClause
I''ve installed the latest Win32 gem and the acts_as_ferret plugin (i checked out the files and placed them in the vendor/plugins directory). When I try to search I get the following error: uninitialized constant BooleanClause RAILS_ROOT: ./script/../config/.. Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace
2007 Jul 28
Problem with acts_as_ferret demo
Hi Jens, I copied the demo folder into my rails apps and also created the ferret_production and ferret_test databases. when I start the server and type this in the browser: localhost:3000/content I get the following error: NameError in ContentController#new uninitialized constant Ferret::Search::BooleanClause RAILS_ROOT: ./script/../config/.. Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace
2006 Nov 06
NameError uninitialized constant Ferret::Index::FieldInfos
Hi Everyone, I''ve a RoR application. I am trying to build full text search capability into it. I installed Ferret. After that I installed the act_as_ferret plugin. I''ve also put the acts_as_ferret inside the <model>.rb file . I''m using the find_by_contents to get the search results. I''m getting the following error. I''ve no clue and I
2007 Jan 11
Ferret Locking issues
Dave and all, I run a medium RoR app using Ferret and acts_as_ferret. I get a lot of lock errors. Not always but around 5% of all searches (aspecially during peak periods). Here are the messages I get: A NameError occurred in szukaj#index: uninitialized constant Ferret::Index::Index::LockError [RAILS_ROOT]/vendor/rails/activesupport/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:478:in
2006 Aug 28
stop words and /''s
Hi new version of ferret and acts as ferret have sorted out the scary glibc *** linked list pointer errors, thank god! New version are good but some searches are still not working. It is mostly the stop words ones. For example the "For Sale/Free/Swap" fails but works when "for" is stripped out. I have read all the recent posts regarding this issue and failed to get it to
2006 Jul 14
Scaling Ferret Beyond One Server
Hi Everyone, I was wondering if folks here have had experience scaling Ferret beyond a single server? Currently, we are running Ferret in the same physical server as its Rails front end (via acts_as_ferret), but it is evident that we need a more scalable solution already. How would you split up the tasks (via dRB perhaps?) between two or three servers? Shared disk, replicated Ferret index (?),
2007 Oct 03
The ferret logs
Hi. We''ve had some problems with ferret not being able to load our classes (stack trace below for the curious). I nailed it down to a deployment issue, where an old instance of ferret drb was running. I don''t understand the details quite yet, but the result was the the old ferret was never shutdown during redeployment, and attempts were made to start up a new one. Anywho,
2006 Mar 29
Problems with Ferret 0.9.0
Hi, I upgraded from 0.3.2 to 0.9.0, and now my old search code doesn''t work anymore. I get a lot of ArgumentErrors, for example: "query.add_clause(, Search::BooleanClause::Occur::MUST))" raises: ArgumentError (wrong number of arguments (2 for 0)) "index_searcher.search_each(query)" raises: ArgumentError
2006 Jul 03
Ferret not returning the right results
I have ferret setup in my model with multiple fields, but when I do a search on the value that might be stored in two fields, I get no results. Here''s an example: "Jim 12333" Where Jim is a name field, and 12333 is a zip code. I have this in my model: acts_as_ferret :fields => [ ''name'', ''zip'' ] I''m not sure
2006 Aug 24
[0.10.0 - acts_as_ferret] Problem while saving new items
Disclaimer: ferret newbie here, don''t blame too hard. Hi, I''m trying to apply acts_as_ferret to apply search to my Person model: class Person < ActiveRecord::Base validates_presence_of :name, :surname acts_as_ferret :fields => [ ''name'', ''surname'' ] ... But when I try to save a new Person instance I get this error:
2006 Jul 06
querying returned results
Hi I''m using the acts_as_ferret to index one table in my database. The table contains formation about listed items and each of these items belongs to a section and a category. On the results page I want to have two drop down boxes whose contents are populated depeneding on the returned results. So for example the section drop down should only show sections that exist in the result set,
2006 Aug 23
Ferret 0.10.0 bugs
Hi all ! Is Ferret 0.10.0 realy stable ? Because I converted all my code to the new API and many strange things appened. For exemple this, when I run a import script : /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/ferret-0.10.0/lib/ferret/index.rb:98:in `initialize'': End-of-File Error occured at <except.c>:103 in xpop_context (EOFError) Error occured in store.c:197 - is_refill current
2006 Dec 21
Ferret and
Ok, first up, I''m a Rails newbie. My site is hosted on Godaddy has the Ferret GEM installed by default. They do not have acts_as_ferret installed so I can''t use that. I''m trying to follow the tutorial on the Ferret wiki It includes all of the code I need, but it doesn''t tell
2006 Jul 07
querying the SearchResults instance
Hi how do you search against the results returned by find_by_contents using ferret? i.e. how do you "search within these results"? This is an acts_as_ferret question again... thanks in advance.. cheers caspar -- Posted via
2006 Aug 14
Ferret 0.9.5
Hi, I was wondering if the latest version of acts_as_ferret (0.2.2) that is listed on is compatible with the latest version of Ferret 0.9.5. I noticed that the website above stated that it was supposed to work with 0.9.4, but I didn''t see anything about 0.9.5. Thanks, Aaron -- Posted via
2006 Jul 19
sorting and pagination
Hello All, Okay i think I''m finally getting all of what i want out of ferret working, thanks mostly to reading this forum and also getting ALOT of questions answered, thanks alot everyone. Anyway my last ferret task is too get the results sorted by a field called date_registered and have this working with pagination. here is what i''m doing at the moment:
2006 Dec 01
Ferret on Apache Installation
Hi, had my local linux box setup and ferret was working like a champ via Webrick. However, when I moved to a different linux box using Apache web server, search no the error listed below. The site itself comes up fine. I''ve tried deleting all the dirs under /index and restarted the webserver to see if re-indexing would help, but that made matters worse. Re-indexing
2007 Jun 04
Ferret install on WinXP fails - procedure entry point rb_w32
Hello. I''m trying to use the ''acts_as_ferret'' gem with Rails. Rails: 1.1.4 and 1.2.3 OS: WinXP I''ve installed both Ferret and the plugin using Ruby Gems: C:\>gem install ferret Successfully installed ferret-0.11.4-mswin32 Installing ri documentation for ferret-0.11.4-mswin32... Installing RDoc documentation for ferret-0.11.4-mswin32... C:\>gem install