similar to: read.xlsx handle NAs

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "read.xlsx handle NAs"

2012 Feb 08
remove NAs from list collectively
Hi, I am importing dataframe from an Excel file (xlsx package). The columns contain acutally measurements for single species and the column-length is of variable. As it is imported as a dataframe the difference to the "longest" column is filled with NA. To explain it with an example, my dataframe looks like: A <- seq(1:10) B <- c(seq(1:5),rep(NA,5)) C <- c(seq(1:7),rep(NA,3))
2010 May 13
ggplot2: qplot won't work
I have a script running in the StatET Eclipse environment that executes the ggplot2 command qplot in a function: # Creates the plot createPlot <- function(){ print("Lets plot!") qplot(1:10, letters[1:10]) } When executing the qplot line directly, it works. When executing the script it does not open a window and it it does not plot. Is there something important I have forgotten? I
2011 Mar 01
odbcConnectExcel2007 creates corrupted files
I tried creating a .xlsx file using odbcConnectExcel2007 and adding a worksheet with sqlSave. This seems to work, I am even able to query the worksheet, but when I try opening the file in Excel I get the following message: "Excel cannot open the file 'test.xlx' because the file format or file extension is not valid. Verify that the file has not been corrupted and that the file
2011 Aug 15
how can I read a xlsx file
Hello, How can I read a xlsx file using xlsx package? Thanks Albert [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Sep 06
Help on write.xlsx library(xlsx)
Hi Adrian, dat=data.frame(matrix(0,3,3)) write.xlsx(dat,"z:/dat.xlsx",sheetName="sheet1",append=F) write.xlsx(dat,"z:/dat.xlsx",sheetName="sheet2",append=F) The above code works and creates new worksheets. But if I want to append to an existing worksheet I seem to get an error.
2012 May 09
Can't read xlsx file into R. Seem, Seem to have XLConnect loaded.
I have spent hours on R in Windows 7. Just installed 2 days ago so the R package should be current. Currently I am using the RGui (64-bit) for Windows. I can not read an Excel file into R from my computer. Have hours on this. Completely crazy!! I have the XLConnect package loaded. I think it is loaded because when I enter: > loadedNamespaces() [1] "base"
2009 Apr 27
RODBC - XLSX files - dropping/clearing sheets
Hi! I'm manipulating XLSX data using RODBC, however a limitation which appears to be driver based is that you can't clear or drop sheets from the XLSX files, as per the following example: > library(RODBC) > xlsx<-odbcDriverConnect("DRIVER=Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls, *.xlsx, *.xlsm, *.xlsb);DBQ=c:\\documents and settings\\desktop\\testxlsx.xlsx; ReadOnly=False") >
2010 Jul 13
RODBC and Excel 2010 xlsx
Hi List, just to know if the issue is only a problem of mine or if it is a general issue due to the new MS Office pack. I'm using R 2.11.1 32 bits in a Windows 7 x64 with the MS office 2010 x64 installed. I can import .xls files normally (the same way I did with my Excel 2007 32 bits). But the function odbcConnectExcel2007 isn't able to import .xlsx files now that I have the new version of
2020 Oct 23
openxlsx::read.xlsx can't read data without a header
Hi, I try to read 6 rows (from 5th to 10th) from Excel, but I can always get 5. The first row of the 6 becomes the header. How can I add something like "header = FALSE" in the formula, so that the resulting data would be all the 6 rows? A similar problem occurs in readxl::read_xlsx. Thank you! > temp <- openxlsx::read.xlsx(fl_trilem_sgko, sheet="Korea", rows=5:10,
2011 Aug 23
NA in last row while reading xlsx file
Hi, I am using this script to read a xlsx file to a data frame: library(xlsx) File <- file.path("d:", "car ", "car95-99.xlsx") B_car <- read.xlsx(File, "raw_data") Car2x <- data.frame(month = B_car$Date,Ch = B_car$Ch.des, lat=B_car$Latitude) The last row in the data.frame is always NA, how can I remove it? Thx. -- View this message in
2010 Jul 29
xlsx [path input]
Good morning , i want to read in a file with the xlsx package... the documentation says, that i could define the desired destination with an absolute path. the argument 'file' in the function-call should be: quote : "file->the absolute path to the file which the data are to be read from" ( ; pagina 14) But it doesn?t work.
2016 Apr 23
Java memory error when reading a small xlsx file
Hi, I tried to read a (small) xlsx file by "readWorksheetFromFile" function of "XLConnect" package and "read.xlsx" function in "xlsx" package, but I got this error message: Error: OutOfMemoryError (Java): Java heap space I tried to follow the solution on the web
2012 Dec 03
xlsx file read in R
Dear all, How can I read .xlsx files in R Regards Nico [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Feb 12
Help on loading "xlsx" package
Dear R users, Im trying to load *"xlsx"* package which depends on *"xlsxjars"* and * "rJava"* packages. All the 3 packages (zipped files) are installed successfully in windows. I have added "C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_03\bin\client" to the PATH variable to get rJava working. However, the following error message results after inputting
2013 Jan 09
writing to .xlsx
Dear r helpers; I'm interested in reading from and writing to large .xlsx files fairly regularly. (Why, the naysayers may ask - and the answer is basically colleagues and clients who prefer that format). I've tried out the XLConnect and xlsx libraries, but the java implementation they use just takes too much RAM for the files I'm working with. gdata leverages perl and works really
2024 Mar 15
write.xlsx error message
I think remember this error from trying to write an Excel file that already existed. If this file already exists, try to delete it and see, if this solves the issue. Besides that you're writing that you are "Using write.xlsx to extract data from an Excel file", write.xlsx() is to write an Excel file, not to read from it. Should be read.xlsx() then iirc. ? ? Gesendet:?Freitag, 15.
2011 Jan 28
Error using write.xlsx library(xlsx)
Dear Adrian, I would like to export a quite large matrix from R to Excel (40 columns, 257 597 rows). After 10 minutes of work, I get the following error message: Error in .jcall(row[[ir]], "Lorg/apache/poi/ss/usermodel/Cell;", "createCell", : Java Exception <no description because toString() failed> This is the code I used: write.xlsx(wvs19812008hm,
2010 Aug 03
xlsx package
HI, I was trying to install xlsx package for reading in Excel 2007 files. The installation went smoothly. But when I tried to load the library, I got the following error message: > library(xlsx) Loading required package: xlsxjars Loading required package: rJava Error : .onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for 'xlsxjars', details: call: .jinit() error: cannot obtain
2013 Apr 05
problems with indexing xlsx files
Hello, I have a number of Excel .xlsx files that aren't indexed properly. To illustrate, I have a file called "this is a test.xlsx". It consists of four cells: | this | | is | | a | | test | It gets indexed but I am unable to search for it. I was able to determine the index number and use delve to see the term list: #delve users -r 16496 Term List for record #16496:
2011 Jul 03
Error with package xlsx
Hi, Could anyone help me with this error? I have no idea what that is about... > file <- system.file("DADOSCASUMCCORMICK.xlsx", package = "xlsx") ­> data <- read.xlsx(file, 1) Error in .jnew("java/io/FileInputStream", file) : (No such file or directory) Thanks! -- Regards, || ------ || Sergio Henrique Bento de Mira