similar to: gsub wildcard

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "gsub wildcard"

2011 Aug 19
gsub for numeric characters in string
Dear all, I have what is a bit of a confusing question, so I hope that I can explain clearly. Thank you for your help in advance. I would like to do a replacement procedure on several strings, but the way that I am currently going about it is not working. I have defined "len", which is a series comprising the lengths of different items, all preceded by a colon. > len [1]
2013 Jan 16
How to cut the time format short
Hello all, I have a time format looks like 31JAN2002:00:00:00.000 How could I cut it to 31JAN2002 ? I tried with format() but not work. Thanks, Rebecca ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This message, and any attachments, is for the intended r...{{dropped:5}}
2007 Oct 01
Disentagling formulas
I am writing a program in which I would like to take in a formula, change the response (Y) variable into something else, and then pass the formula, with the new Y variable to another function. That is, I am starting with formula <- Y~X1+X2+X3 and I'd like to do something like Y <- formula$Y newY <- f(Y) lm(newY~X1+X2+X3) So far, it seems that my
2011 Jul 27
plotting the ending point in a for loop
Hello, I would appreciate if someone could help me with this query. I would like to plot a line chart of all of the points in a "for" loop. I would also like to plot the final point with a symbol (to show where the random walk ends). Here is the code I am using: Brownian.fn <- function(mu, sigma, T, N){ dt <- T/N t <- c(rep(NA, N)) B1 <- c(rep(NA, N)) B2 <- c(rep(NA,
2009 Jan 19
sub and gsub treat \\ incorrectly (PR#13454)
Sub and gsub treat \\ replacement pattern incorrectly I expect sub("a","\\", "a", perl=T) to produce [1] "\" instead it generates [1] "" On the other hand, if I run sub("a","\\\\", "a", perl=T) it correctly outputs [1] "\\" The same issue applies to gsub. --please do not edit the information
2001 Aug 02
gsub() and parenthesis symbols
Dear R-users -- I'm using R 1.3.0 on a PC running SuSE Linux 7.1. I'm confused by the following behavior from the gsub() function. Am I doing something wrong? ## A string of characters > string<-c("q","w","e","(",")","q","w","e") ## Use gsub to replace `q' with `A' >
2002 Jul 23
sub() and gsub() (PR#1826)
Full_Name: Jerome Asselin Version: 1.5.1 OS: linux redhat 7.2 Submission from: (NULL) ( gsub() return different answers depending on how the input variables were created. Here is an example of code that replicates the problem. The vectors y and yy appear to be the same, but gsub() doesn't return the same answer. It should remove all the blanks when I use the vector y, but it
2012 Jan 24
gsub semicolon with double quotation mark
Hi, I would like to substitute a semicolon with two double quotation marks and a comma inbetween. It suppose to look like that: I have: FBpp0070086;FBpp0099643;FBpp0112915 I would like to have: "FBpp0070086","FBpp0099643","FBpp0112915" I tried with various numbers of backslashes, but noe have worked. for example: gsub(";", "\\\",\"",
2011 Jul 17
gsub() with unicode and escape character
Dear helpers, I'm trying to replace a character with a unicode code inside a data frame using gsub(), but unsuccessfully. > data.frame(animals=c("dog","wolf","cat"))-> > gsub("o","\u0254",$animals)->$animals >$animals [1] "d??g" "w??lf" "cat" It's not that a data
2004 Aug 27
gsub, backslash and xtable
R Version 1.9.1 (2004-06-21) Mac OS X.3.5 Dual 2GHz PowerPC G5 GUI = "AQUA" I have a data.frame comprising percentiles with the column headings containing % characters, e.g. > (pp <- colnames(temp2)) [1] "5%" "10%" "25%" "50%" "75%" "90%" "95%" I use xtable to convert the data.frame to Latex but I want to
2018 Feb 17
readLines interaction with gsub different in R-dev
| Confirmed for R-devel (current) on Ubuntu 17.10. But ... isn't the regexp | you use wrong, ie isn't R-devel giving the correct answer? No, I don't think R-devel is correct (or at least consistent with the documentation). My interpretation of gsub("(\\w)", "\\U\\1", entry, perl = TRUE) is "Take every word character and replace it with itself, converted to
2012 Sep 30
How to escape a forward slash with gsub, also does interpolation work with gsub?
I am trying this: I want to replace all the text in between java comments: /* start */ replace this text here /* end */ I''m trying: text.gsub(//* start */(.*)/* end *//im, replace_with) But i''m getting errors relating to expecting keyword_end. How should I be escaping /* and */ ? Also, does string interpolation work in gsub regex? Say I had variables like: start_tag =
2011 May 05
Using GSUB to obtain a printing "\"
Hello. I'd like to be able to print variable strings which contain "\" as-is, without interpreting (for example) "abcde\nuvxyz" as having an embedded newline (or whatever other escaped instruction). To do this, I've tried gsub, and here's some of my output (I've tried all kinds of variations to the arguments): >
2004 Jul 17
gsub(*, perl=TRUE) bug incl. seg.fault (PR#7108)
Experimenting a bit further, I've "found" the following 1) the problem seems only gsub(), not sub() > sub(" ", "", "b c + d | a * b", perl=TRUE) [1] "bc + d | a * b" > gsub(" ", "", "b c + d | a * b", perl=TRUE) NULL 2) only if perl = TRUE, not otherwise 3) Also modifying the replacement string
2013 Jan 22
plot two time series with different length and different starting point in one figure.
Hello, I do have two different time series A and B, they are different in length and starting point. A starts in Jan, 2012 and ends in Dec, 2012 and B starts in March, 2012 and ends in Nov, 2012. How can I plot those two series A and B in the same plot? I.E., from Jan. 2012 - Feb, 2012, it would have one data point from A and from Mar, 2012-Nov, 2012, it would have two data points from A and B,
2011 Nov 23
gsub, utf-8 replacements and the C-locale
Hi all, I'd like to discuss a infelicity/possible bug with gsub. Take the following function: f <- function(x) { gsub("\u{A0}", " ", gsub(" ", "\u{A0}", x)) } As you might expect, in utf-8 locales it is idempotent: Sys.setlocale("LC_ALL", "UTF-8") f("x y") # [1] "x y" But in the C locale it is not:
2012 Feb 23
multiple gsub
Hi Guys, I am relatively new to R and was wondering if I could next my gsub command in identifying one object I have data which looks like this: <name>Taiwan_250km</name> I want it to look like this: Taiwan_250km So essentially I just want to gsub '<name>' and </name> with nothing! So far I have got this: PolyNam <-
2013 Sep 09
Invalid UTF-8 with gsub(perl=TRUE) and iconv(sub="")
Hi! I experience an error with an invalid UTF-8 character passed to gsub(..., perl=TRUE); the interesting point is that with perl=FALSE (the default) no error happens. (The character itself was read from an invalid HTML file.) Illustration of the error: gsub("a", "", "\U3e3965", perl=FALSE) # [1] "\U3e3965" gsub("a", "",
2012 Mar 07
gsub: replacing double backslashes with single backslash
Hello everybody, this might be a trivial question, but I have been unable to find this using Google. I am trying to replace double backslashes with single backslashes using gsub. There seems to be some unexpected behaviour with regards to the replacement string "\\". The following example uses the string C:\\ which should be converted to C:\ . > gsub("\\\\",
2004 Sep 23
Hi A while back I used gsub to do the following temp<-"000US00231" gsub("something here", "", temp) "00231" I think it involved the `meta characters' somehow. I do not know how to do this anymore. I know strsplit will also work but I remember gsub was much faster. In essence the question is how to delete all characters before a particular