similar to: recode Variable in dependence of values of two other variables

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "recode Variable in dependence of values of two other variables"

2011 Apr 07
dotplot as a background for multiple barchart plots (with Lattice)
Hi R users, I'm kind stuck in my R experience... I want to have a multiple barchart with n windows, but with the same background for each window, and I want that background to be a recorded dotplot. First, is it possible ? If so, I guess I have to call a record plot in the panel function but how ? As there is no panel.plot and I can't use the recorded plot as an argument for the
2005 Oct 05
(no subject)
hi all why does the following not work??? this was someone elses code and i couldnt explain why it doesn't work. m=matrix(c(0,0),2,1) v=matrix(c(1,0,0,1),2,2) Y=function(X1,X2,mu=m,V=v) { X=matrix(c(X1,X2),2,1) a=(1/((2*pi)*sqrt(det(V))))*exp((-0.5)*(t(X-mu)%*%solve(V)%*%(X-mu))) a[1] } x1=seq(-1,1) x2=x1 Z=outer(x1,x2,FUN="Y",mu=m,V=v) persp(x1,x2,Z) my code:
2006 Apr 08
add lines to a plot with a loop without erase the last one
Hello, I want to plot several lines to a main plot but at the end of each loop, it erases the last one. Here my program: alpha<-5 beta<-10 var<-0.5 s<-runif(1000,0,50) m<-length(s) variancealpha<-0.002 variancebeta<-0.051 variancevar<-0.001 alphachap<-vector() betachap<-vector() varchap<-vector() epsilon<-vector() b<-vector()
2011 Aug 11
Splitting data
I want to implement the following algorithm in R: I want to split my data, use a t test to compare both means of the groups to see if they significantly differ from each other. If this is a yes (p < alpha) I want to split again (into 4 groups) and do the same procedure twice, and stop otherwise (here the problem arises). As a final result I would have different groups of data. I made some
2010 Aug 09
nested 'by'
Assuming a data frame or matrix with two columns representing variable that you want to aggregate over. you want to calculate column means, by year, for each Id example<-data.frame(id=c(rep(12345,5),rep(54321,6),rep(45678,7)),Year=rep(seq(1900,1902,by=1),6), x=seq(1,18,by=1),y=seq(18,1,by=-1)) example id Year x y 1 12345 1900 1 18 2 12345 1901 2 17 3 12345 1902 3 16 4 12345
2010 Dec 08
the output of function lars
Hi here is the code as example lars is in package lars > x<-matrix(rnorm(20*5,0,1),20,5) > bs<-matrix(sample(seq(1:10),5),5,1) > er<-rnorm(20,0,1) > y<-x%*%bs+er > lobj<-lars(x,y,type="lasso") > names(lobj) [1] "call" "type" "df" "lambda" "R2" [6] "RSS"
2010 Apr 07
recoding variables-recode not working
Hi, I have numerical variable that I want to recode into categories '0' and '1 and more' and do analysis with that data. I have tried various of possibilities to do so, but I am sucked and nothing is working. recode(Q12, "0='A';1:30='B'") cut(Q12, breaks=c(0,1,30), lables=c('0', '1 and more')) cat(Q12, "0=0;1-33=1") What should
2013 Jan 25
Recoding variables (without recode() )
Ein eingebundener Text mit undefiniertem Zeichensatz wurde abgetrennt. Name: nicht verf?gbar URL: <>
2008 Mar 27
Recode factors
I know this comes up, but I didn't see my exact issue in the archives. I have variables in a dataframe that need to be recoded. Here is what I'm dealing with I have a factor called aa > class(aa) [1] "factor" > table(aa) aa * 0 1 2 3 A B C D L N T 0 0 1908 725 2089 0 0 67 0 0 2 1 6 I need to recode
2006 Jul 02
how to recode in my dataset?
Dear Rusers, My question is about "recode variables". First, i'd like to say something about the idea of recoding: My dataset have three variables:type,soiltem and airtem,which means grass type, soil temperature and air temperature. As we all known, the change of air temperature is greater than soil temperature,so the values in those two different temperaturemay represent different
2010 Mar 30
How to recode variables using base R
Hi, Is there an efficient way recoding variables in a data.frame using base R? My purpose is to create new variables and attach them into old data.frame. The basic idea is shown below, but how to create recoding for A, B and C and assing them into new variables? df <- data.frame(A = c(1:5), B = c(3,6,2,8,10), C = c(0,15,5,9,12)) df$A[df$A <= 3] <- "x" df$A[df$A > 3 &
2008 Jul 25
Fit a 3-Dimensional Line to Data Points
Hi Experts, I am new to R, and was wondering how to do 3D linear regression in R. In other words, I need to Fit a 3-Dimensional Line to Data Points (input). I googled before posting this, and found that it is possible in Matlab and other commercial packages. For example, see the Matlab link:
2001 Mar 27
recode vector values to NA
Greetings, I'm in the painful process of migrating from SAS to R. In the process I've discovered that there are some basic things that I am getting hung up on. The most basic is the simple recoding of variables. Suppose I create a vector x <- rnorm(10000) and I want to recode all values of x > 1.5 to NA. How would I do that in R? TIA Cheers, Patrick
2009 Jun 12
Sweave recode(car) and Lyx, compiling but not executing on Mac
I am just beginning to use Sweave with Lyx on a Mac (R2.8.1). I have 12 chunks of Sweave code that work fine, but this piece: <<>>= library(car)
2013 May 07
recode categorial vars into binary data
Dear R-List, I would like to recode categorial variables into binary data, so that all values above median are coded 1 and all values below 0, separating each var into two equally large groups (e.g. good performers = 0 vs. bad performers =1). I have not succeeded so far in finding a nice solution to do that in R. I thought there might be a better way than ordering each column and recoding the
2013 May 07
recode categorial vars into binary data
Dear R-List, I would like to recode categorial variables into binary data, so that all values above median are coded 1 and all values below 0, separating each var into two equally large groups (e.g. good performers = 0 vs. bad performers =1). I have not succeeded so far in finding a nice solution to do that in R. I thought there might be a better way than ordering each column and recoding the
2009 Apr 01
Recode of text variables
Hi all I am trying to do a simple recode which I am stumbling on. I figure there must be any easy way but haven't come across it. Given data of A","B","C","D","E","A" it would be nice to recode this into say three categories ie A and B becomes "Treat1", C becomes "Treat 2" and E becomes "Treat 3". I tried
2006 Sep 28
recode problem - unexplained values
I am hoping for some advice regarding the difficulties I have been having recoding variables which are contained in a csv file. Table 1 (below) shows there are two types of blanks - as reported in the first two columns. I am using windows XP & the latets version of R. When blanks cells are replaced with a value of n using syntax: > affect [affect==""] <- "n" there
2005 Jul 28
Unexpected behavior in recode{car}
Thanks to the R creators for such a great statistical system. Thanks to the R help list, I have (finally) gotten far enough in R to have a question I hope to be worth posting. I'm using the recode function from John Fox's car package and have encountered some unexpected behavior. Consider the following example: ## Begin cut-and-paste example require( car ) set.seed(12345) nn <-
2008 Jul 06
Lots of huge matrices, for-loops, speed
Hello, we have 80 text files with matrices. Each matrix represents a map (rows for latitude and columns for longitude), the 80 maps represent steps in time. In addition, we have a vector x of length 80. We would like to compute a regression between matrices (response through time) and x and create maps representing coefficients, r2 etc. Problem: the 80 matrices are of the size 4000 x 3500 and we