Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "Clustering Large Applications..sort of"
2014 Nov 26
Duda sobre cómo analizar un experimento factorial con algoritmos de extracción de características, clustering y clasificación como factores
Hola, Daniel:
Quizá deberías ser más explícito porque de la información que
suministras yo solo te puedo decir que no veo la relación entre los 3
tipos de algoritmos que nombras:
- un análisis de componentes principales puede ser una fase previa de
los otros dos
- hacer un cluster es un tipo de aprendizaje no supervisado, mientras
que un clasificador normalmente es utilizado en aprendizaje
2003 May 07
-means, hybrid clustering or similar implementations on R
I would like to know if someone knows an extended implementation of k-means in R to find appropriate number of clusters for a given k-dimensional data.
Also, I am working on clustering for forecasting, if someone is interested or has knowledge on implementational details please mail me, I would appreciate it.
Skanda Kallur
"Cogito, ergo sum" (I think, therefore I
2012 Feb 23
Advice on exploration of sub-clusters in hierarchical dendrogram
Dear R user,
I am a biochemist/bioinformatician, at the moment working on protein
clusterings by conformation similarity.
I only started seriously working with R about a couple of months ago.
I have been able so far to read my way through tutorials and set-up my
hierarchical clusterings. My problem is that I cannot find a way to obtain
information on the rooting of specific nodes, i.e. of
2010 Dec 31
Silhouette function problem
I am using code below to get a plot that will show me on the X axis the
number of clusters and on the Y axis the cluster average widths. However I
am getting this error:
Error in summary(silhouette(cutree(d, x), dist(iris[, -5])))$si.summary :
$ operator is invalid for atomic vectors
the code I am using is:
2014 Nov 26
Duda sobre cómo analizar un experimento factorial con algoritmos de extracción de características, clustering y clasificación como factores
El miércoles, 26 de noviembre de 2014, Daniel Carrillo Zapata <
daniel.carrillo2 en um.es> escribió:
> Hola Isidro,
> mira, te explico mejor: tengo una base de datos con información de
> 10 conductores en un recorrido de 30 minutos en coche. Para cada
> conductor, se le midió parámetros
2008 Oct 30
PAM: how to get the best number of clusters
I have a pretty big similarity matrix (2870x2870). I will produce even
bigger ones soon.
I am using PAM to generate clusters.
The desired number of output clusters is a PAM input parameter.
I do not know a-priopri what is the best clusters layout .
I resorted to the silhouette test. It takes forever as I have to run PAM
with all possible
numbers of clusters.
I wonder whether there is some faster
2003 Apr 18
Question about PAM clustering method
Hello everyone. I just started learning R for clustering analysis in my
research project. I tried k-means method and PAM method, both of which
were properly processed with my data. I have some questions about PAM
graphical output.
Suppose to do the commands shown below;
pm<-pam(D, 6)
I got two charts after prompted. In the first chart, 6 oval clusters are
drawn together
2003 Jun 17
Clustering quality measure
Hi all,
I am running a series of experiments where after manipulating my data I
run several clustering algorithms (agnes, diana and a clustering method
of my own) on the data. I wanted to determine which clustering method
did the best job, so therefore I had defined my own quality measure
using two criteria: compactness of the data within the clusters
themselves and the amount of seperation
2015 Apr 29
cantidad de datos
Yo en vez de utilizar análisis cluster que impliquen distancias,
probaría con un kmedias o con un pam (partition around medoids) pero
utilizando muestras, la función clara de la librería cluster puede
ayudarte. Pego el details de la ayuda de 'clara'
clara is fully described in chapter 3 of Kaufman and Rousseeuw (1990).
Compared to other partitioning methods such as pam,
2014 Nov 26
Duda sobre cómo analizar un experimento factorial con algoritmos de extracción de características, clustering y clasificación como factores
Hola de nuevo a todos,
me gustaría pediros disculpas por los correos que he enviado. La razón de enviarlos es que pensaba que era también un foro en el que podía plantear cuestiones estadísticas, no solo sobre R en concreto.
Siempre es importante aprender algo de todo lo que haces, así que lo que me llevo es el conocimiento de que aquí solo puedo plantear cuestiones de implementación en R, y
2007 Oct 10
silhouette: clustering labels have to be consecutive intergers starting from 1?
Hi list,
When I was using 'silhouette' from the 'cluster' package to calculate
clustering performances, R crashed. I traced the problem to the fact that
my clustering labels only have 2's and 3's. when I replaced them with 1's
and 2's, the problem was solved. Is the function purposely written in this
way so when I have clustering labels, "2" and
2005 May 13
cluster results using fanny
I am using fanny and I have estrange results. I am wondering if
someone out there can help me understand why this happens.
First of all in most of my tries, it gives me a result in which each
object has equal membership in all clusters. I have read that that
means "the clustering is entirely fuzzy". Looking at the graphics it
is really difficult to understand how objects with so
2015 Apr 29
cantidad de datos
El inconveniente con un K-medias, es que se tiene que se tiene que pre definir el número de segmentos, pero eso es algo con lo q no cuento. La solución de Javier me parece q sería la única opción.
Ricardo Alva Valiente
-----Mensaje original-----
De: R-help-es [mailto:r-help-es-bounces en r-project.org] En nombre de javier.ruben.marcuzzi en gmail.com
Enviado el: miércoles, 29 de abril de
2003 Feb 06
function 'silhouette' in package 'cluster'
Dear all,
I am trying (without much success) to use the fuction 'silhouette'.
Would anyone encountered that before (or would know where I am wrong ?)
Please find below the R ouput. Thanks in advance,
> s <- silhouette(ct, as.dist(metric))
Error in "[<-"(*tmp*, iC, "sil_width", value = s.i) :
number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement
2004 Jan 21
silhoutte.default bugs
Hello all,
This might have been fixed in later versions (I am using R1.7.0), r-help
archive contains messages reporting similar problems but no reports of
codes fixes. I have encountered a couple of problems using the
silhouette function. one occurs when the clustering contains clusters
composed of 1 element (Martin Maechler posted code few months ago that
fixes a similar problem that occurs
2011 Aug 24
Importing data from MS EXCEL (.xls) to R XXXX
Hello everyone,
What is the simplest, most RELIABLE way to import data from MS EXCEL (.xls)
format to R? In the past I have used the read.xls() function from the
xlsReadWrite package, however, I have been wrestling with it all afternoon
long with no success. I continue to receive the following error message:
> {widge<-read.xls("F:\\Classes\\Z1.Data\\stat.3010\\WidgeOne.xls",
2011 Jan 05
List to a summary table
Suppose you have the code below. The result I get from the cat function is
from the avgs object. Now, I have 30 diferent objects like this and I wish
to make a summary table, something like:
Avgs1 Avgs2
i= 2 average= 0.515983i i= 2 average= 0.746983 i= 2
average= 0.2665983
i= 3 average=
2008 Dec 17
bug (?!) in "pam()" clustering from fpc package ?
Hello all.
I wish to run k-means with "manhattan" distance.
Since this is not supported by the function "kmeans", I turned to the "pam"
function in the "fpc" package.
Yet, when I tried to have the algorithm run with different starting points,
I found that pam ignores and keep on starting the algorithm from the same
starting-points (medoids).
For my
2012 Jan 10
problem installing packages
I was using version 2.13.2 and I have just downloaded the latest version
2.14.1. However, I''m trying to install the packages I was using and when I
look for them in the packages list, I can´t find many in the CRAN binaries
(e.g. "vegan"). I do find them in the CRAN sources but the installation
fails. I tried downloading the version 2.14.0 and I had the same problem. I
2011 Aug 24
help with "by" command
I am a new user of R, and I'd be grateful if someone could help me with the
I would like to compute the mean of variable "trust" in dataframe "foo", but
separately for each level of variable V2. That is, I'd like to compute the
mean of trust at each level of V2.
I have done this:
> tmp <- by(foo, foo$V2, function(x) mean(foo$trust, na.rm=T))