Displaying 20 results from an estimated 800 matches similar to: "studentized and standarized residuals"
2010 Nov 10
standardized/studentized residuals with loess
Hi all,
I'm trying to apply loess regression to my data and then use the fitted
model to get the *standardized/studentized residuals. I understood that for
linear regression (lm) there are functions to do that:*
fit1 = lm(y~x)
stdres.fit1 = rstandard(fit1)
studres.fit1 = rstudent(fit1)
I was wondering if there is an equally simple way to get
the standardized/studentized residuals for a
2009 Apr 06
Need help in calculating studentized residuals/leverage values of non-linear model [nls()]
Hi there,
I hope I can get advice regarding the calculation of leverage values or
studentized residual values of a non-linear regression model. It seems like
rstudent() does not work on a nls object.
Many thanks in advance!
Best regards,
2012 May 03
NA's when subset in a dataframe
Dear community,
I'm having this silly problem.
I've a linear model. After fixing it, I wanted to know which data had
studentized residuals larger than 3, so i tried this:
d1 <- cooks.distance(lmmodel)
r <- sqrt(abs(rstandard(lmmodel)))
rstu <- abs(rstudent(lmmodel))
a <- cbind( mydata, d1, r,rstu)
alargerthan3 <- a[rstu >3, ]
And suddenly a[rstu >3, ] has
2013 May 01
Trouble with methods() after loading gdata package.
Greetings to r-help land.
I've run into some program crashes and I've traced them back to methods()
after the package gdata is loaded. I provide now a minimal re-producible
example. This seems bugish to me. How about you?
dat <- data.frame(x = rnorm(100), y = rnorm(100))
lm1 <- lm(y ~ x, data = dat)
methods(class = "lm")
## OK so far
2005 Dec 06
standardized residuals (rstandard & plot.lm) (PR#8367)
Full_Name: Heather Turner
Version: 2.2.0
OS: Windows XP
Submission from: (NULL) (
Standardized residuals as calculated by rstandard.lm, rstandard.glm and plot.lm
are Inf/NaN rather than zero when the un-standardized residuals are zero. This
causes plot.lm to break when calculating 'ylim' for any of the plots of
standardized residuals. Example:
2011 Feb 09
Removing Outliers Function
I am working on a function that will remove outliers for regression analysis.
I am stating that a data point is an outlier if its studentized residual is
above or below 3 and -3, respectively. The code below is what i have thus
far for the function
x = c(1:20)
y = c(1,3,4,2,5,6,18,8,10,8,11,13,14,14,15,85,17,19,19,20)
data1 = data.frame(x,y)
rm.outliers =
2011 Mar 14
Standardized Pearson residuals
Is there any reason that rstandard.glm doesn't have a "pearson" option?
And if not, can it be added?
Background: I'm currently teaching an undergrad/grad-service course from
Agresti's "Introduction to Categorical Data Analysis (2nd edn)" and
deviance residuals are not used in the text. For now I'll just provide
the students with a simple function to use, but I
2006 Jul 03
how to get the studentized residuals in lm()
Dear friends,
In s-plus, lm() generates the the studentized residuals
automatically for us, and In R, it seems don't have the results: After
i fitted lm(), i use attibutes() to see the objects and didn't find
studentized residuals .
How to get the the studentized residuals in lm(),have i missed something?
thanks very much!
Kind Regards,
Zhi Jie,Zhang ,PHD
Department of Epidemiology
2004 Feb 24
rstandard does not produce standardized residuals
Dear all,
the application of the function rstandard() in the base package
to a glm object does not produce residuals standardized to
have variance one:
the reason is that the deviance residuals are divided
by the dispersion estimate and not by the
square root of the estimate for the dispersion.
Should the function not be changed to produce residuals
with a variance about 1?
R 1.8.1 on
2017 Apr 04
Some "lm" methods give wrong results when applied to "mlm" objects
I had a look at some influence measures, and it seems to me that currently several methods handle multiple lm (mlm) objects wrongly in R. In some cases there are separate "mlm" methods, but usually "mlm" objects are handled by the same methods as univariate "lm" methods, and in some cases this fails.
There are two general patterns of problems in influence measures:
2003 Feb 26
plot as .ps file: where are the axes and labels gone
Sorry, I am sure, this must be documented somewhere (but there are that
many docs and tutorials to scan for topics..., actually a great thing...
but if you are in a hurry..):
I want to save a plot as .ps (or .eps):
> postscript("plot1.eps", horizontal=FALSE,
> plot(hpfit$fit,rstudent(hpfit),xlab="Fitted
2004 Jan 20
rstandard.glm() in base/R/lm.influence.R
I contacted John Fox about this first, because parts of the file are
attributed to him. He says that he didn't write rstandard.glm(), and
suggests asking r-devel.
As it stands, rstandard.glm() has summary(model)$dispersion outside the
sqrt(), while in rstandard.lm(), the sd is already sqrt()ed. This seems to
follow stdres() in VR/MASS/R/stdres.R.
Of course for the c("poisson",
2018 Feb 23
How to Save the residuals of an LM object greater or less than a certin value to an R object?
Dear list members,
I want to save residuals above or less than a certain value to an R
object. I have performed a multiple linear regression, and now I want
to find out which cases have a residual of above + 2.5 and ? 2.5.
Below I provide the R commands I have used.
Reg<-lm(a~b+c+d+e+f) # perform multiple regression with a as the
dependent variable.
Residuals<-residuals(reg) # store
2005 Jul 28
conversion from SAS
Hi, I wonder if anybody could help me in converting
this easy SAS program into R.
(I'm still trying to do that!)
DATAFILE= "C:\Documents and
data chla_italian;
set chla_italian;
2003 Jul 12
Problem with library "car"
I am using the Unix version of R (version 1.7.0), installed via fink on a G4
Macintosh. I recently upgraded from version 1.6.0 and found that the "car"
library now has a problem:
---Begin transcript---
Attaching package 'car':
The following object(s) are masked from package:base :
dfbeta dfbeta.lm dfbetas dfbetas.lm hatvalues hatvalues.lm
2009 Jun 12
Studentized intervals
I am trying to find studentized bootstrap intervals for the skewness of a data set. I have tried the following (nerve.dat is a set of data containing observations on one variable) (using Windows XP):
x <- scan("e:/Flashbackup2009/Nonparametrics/nerve.dat")
n <- length(x)
sampleskew <- function(x,d) {return(skewness(x[d]))}
bb <-
2011 Apr 21
Residuals -- was: Rcmdr vs SPSS in hungarian
Inline below:
2011/4/21 Jeremy Miles <jeremy.miles at gmail.com>
> Just because it comes from a book does not make it true or correct.
> Books are subject to considerably less peer review than journal
> articles.
Yes, but ... Peer review among journals is uneven, especially for
those from private for-profit publishers. And even for top flight
journals, dealing with
2000 Mar 23
Tukey multiple comparisons
I am embarrassed to have to ask this but can anyone tell me of a Tukey
multiple comparisons procedure available for R? I have looked through
the search page, through the FAQ, and in the index of V&R (1999), and
I still can't find such a thing. I see there is a ptukey function and
a qtukey function but that is as far as I got. Do I need to roll my
Douglas Bates
2004 Apr 05
studentized deleted residuals and NA's
Dear R-Help,
I am using the studres function from the MASS package to compute
studentized deleted residuals in a oneway anova. I'm having trouble
interpreting the results in situations where a factor level has only one
observation. Sometimes studres yields an NaN and sometimes it produces a
numeric value for cases where a factor level has only one observation. I
would think it should
2011 Apr 20
Rcmdr vs SPSS
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