similar to: Scatter plot in R

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Scatter plot in R"

2010 Jul 19
Setting a root_url
I know how to setup a roo_url using map.root in "routes.rb". The issue I''m currently having is as follows: I walking through this Rails cast regarding Authlogic: I decided that I make my map.root the "login" page, that is, the index.html.erb of the user_sessions_controller. So, what I did is typed the following in the
2010 Jun 14
I know that the following statement loads the scaffold stylesheet, but what exactly does stylesheet_link_tag do here? <%= stylesheet_link_tag ''scaffold'' %> Thanks. -- Posted via -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to
2010 Sep 22
ActiveScaffold and partials
I was thinking of doing partials as I did in the simple Rails application I worked on today. But, since I''m using ActiveScaffold, I didn''t find any *.html.erb in the views folder of the Rails application that I need to make my partials! How can I work with partials in ActiveScaffold? Thanks. -- Posted via -- You received this message because you
2011 May 04
scatter plot with Z value
Hi all, I would like to create a scatter plot of two variables (y, x) whith third value (z) written on the plot? After that i would like to add a line (Y=0.7*(x-20)) to the graph. I tried plot(x~y) but there is no command for the third vairable to be shown on the graph also i can't find a way to add a Y=x*(0.7-20) to the chart. Thanks, m [[alternative HTML version
2010 Sep 15
Hide an image in show.html.erb
I have the following "show.html.erb" script, and I get as an output TWO images since I use a method to draw an image. How can I HIDE the RESOURCE image? Thanks. Here is the script: <canvas id="line" height="512" width="512"> </canvas> <p id="notice"><%= notice %></p> <p> <b> Name </b> <%=
2010 Sep 21
Combined plot: Scatter + density plot
Hi, in order to save space for a publication, it would be nice to have a combined scatter and density plot similar to what is shows on I wonder if anybody perhaps has already developed code for this and is willing to share. This is the reproducible code for the histogram version obtained from the site: def.par <-
2010 Aug 12
I tried to understand what a "session" means in Ruby on Rails, and found this site: But, really, I couldn''t get the idea well yet. Can you just explain what "session" means mire further? Thanks. -- Posted via -- You received this message because you are subscribed to
2010 Aug 18
undefined method `eq' for nil:NilClass
I''m walking through an example in the "Head First Rails" book, but, instead doing the examples using Rails3.0.0.rc. But, I''m getting this error when browsing for example: http://localhost:3000/advs/1 undefined method `eq'' for nil:NilClass Provided that my advs_controller.rb is as follows: Any ideas why
2009 Mar 03
scatter plot question
Hi R Users, I have a dataframe like this: id x rho A 1 0.1 B 20 0.5 C 2 0.9 ... I want to do a scatter plot of "x" versus "rho" but for each point on the scatter plot I want the corresponding entry for "id" instead of points. In STATA I can do so by twoway (scatter x rho, mlabel(id)) How can I do the same in R? I am sure there is some simple way to do
2005 Jun 17
3D Scatter Plot
Hello: I would like to be able to do a 3D scatter plot from 3 variables, 2 independent and 1 dependent. The closest R function I could find for this is "cloud". However cloud uses, as input, a matrix where the value of each matrix element is the dependent variable value at that matrix coordinate. My problem is that the independent variable values are floating point and can be of
2009 Dec 01
draw a box at 10% lower and upper in scatter plot
Hi,   I would like to draw a box at each corner of lower 10% and upper 10% in the scatter plot on(0,1)*(0,1)  to indicate the lower and upper tail.  I hope somebody can help me.   Here is my code: ## scatter plot plot(hume_uni[,2],beec_uni[,2], pch=19, xlab="Hume_uni", ylab="Beec_uni", col= "blue")  title(main="Scatter plot of uniformised data of Hume and
2004 Oct 04
scatter plot and marginal
Hallo, I would like to add the marginal distributions along the X and the Y axis to a scatter plot. Can anybody help me, please? Thank you, Paolo -- Paolo Bulla Istituto di Metodi Quantitativi Universit?? "L. Bocconi" viale Isonzo 25 20136 Milano paolo.bulla at
2009 Nov 22
scatter plot & equation
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2009 Jul 30
Scatter Plot
Dear Sir I want to write the numbers 1,2,3,----on a scatter plot instead of points, like 1 corresponding to first point on plot, 2 corresponding second point etc. Help in this regard. Regards -- AMINA SHAHZADI Department of Statistics GC University Lahore, Pakistan. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 Apr 27
Scatter Plot in R - Help
Dear All, I am using the following commands to do the scatter plot of two vectors, say X and Y. plot(X,Y, col="blue") abline(a=1,b=1, col="red") abline(a=-1,b=1, col="green") I would like to split the scatter plot into 3 part with 3 different colors: (i) points lies between 2 lines, (ii) points above line 1, and (iii) points below line 2. I am struggling to do
2009 May 23
how to adding colors to data points in scatter plot in R?
Does anybody know how to adding colors to data points in scatter plot in R? I have the following R data frame - Voter_Name, Education_years, Income, Registered Ricky, 18, 40000, Y Lisa, 20, 34000, N Jon, 10, 35000, Y ... I am doing a scatter plot in R for those data points - Income vs. EducationYears. I would also like to using different colors to differentiate whether that data point is a
2010 May 02
adding year information to a scatter plot
Hi R users, I would like to add year information to each point in a scatter plot. The following example shows what i mean: df=data.frame(year=c(2001,2002,2003),a=c(8,9,7),b=c(100,90,95)) df plot(b~a,data=df) Now, I would like to see which point belongs to 2001, 2002 and 2003 in the above graphic. Thank you very much, ozan [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Mar 04
colored 3d scatter plot
Hi All, I have data for two groups, group with 100 points and group B with 15 points. i needed plot these two groups in one scatter plot, each group with a different color. I tried plot3d(data, col = c("red", "blue")[c(rep(1, 100), rep(2, 15))], pch=20) . this works but the graph does not look good. the other option that I tried is scatterplot3d(data, type="p",
2003 Jun 04
3d scatter plot
how can i draw a 3d scatter plot? thank you.
2004 Nov 17
3d scatter plot with drop line
This is a follow up to my question from yesterday. I want to do in R what is called a "3d scatter plot with drop lines" in S-PLUS. Basically, it's a 3dscatterplot with lines connecting the x-y grid to the z points. The lines give a better perspective on the shape of the data surface. How to? Joel Bremson UC Davis Statistics