Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "possible reason for merge not working"
2009 Dec 24
Question to use R plot GO pie chart
I have a list of IPI gene IDs. I want to find out whether there is a
package which can map the gene ontology to these IPIs, and plot the
pie chart to demonstrate the molecular function distributions.
The input is like the following gene IPI IDs:
2004 Nov 30
Opening connection to FTP site
Is it possible to open a connection to an FTP site such that I can read
the directory listing? Eg:
URL <- url("ftp://ftp.ensembl.org", open="r")
Error in url("ftp://ftp.ensembl.org", open="r") :
unable to open connection
URL <- url("ftp://ftp.ensembl.org")
Error in open.connection(URL) : unable to open connection
I think
2013 May 07
Problem with biomaRt::getSequence.
I can run the code some days ago . But cant run now.
Problem 1: Output is ok
ensembl = useDataset("hsapiens_gene_ensembl",mart=ensembl)
utr5 = getSequence(chromosome=3, start=185514033, end=185535839, type="entrezgene",seqType="5utr", mart=ensembl)
Output :
2013 Feb 08
Conflict command getSequence {biomaRt} and getSequence {seqinr} !!
Hi !
Facing problem with " getSequence" commend .
when only biomaRt package loaded the following example working well
>mart <- useMart("ensembl",dataset="hsapiens_gene_ensembl")
>seq = getSequence(id="BRCA1", type="hgnc_symbol", seqType="peptide", mart = mart)
but when i have loaded the seqinr, i got problem
2011 May 16
R CMD check: no visible binding for global variable
Dear All,
I have built a package which has a data.frame "annotIndex.rda
in its "data" folder.
I am using this data frame within two functions in my package.
Though my package works fine, yet when I do a
R CMD check
to my package I get the following two notes
get.affy.ensembl: no visible binding
2008 May 19
oligo ids
Dear list,
I am having a set of human oligo ids (H200006022 H200002025 H300004703
H200000442 H200005719 H300018350) which I want to map to Ensembl or RefSeq.
I am sure R has a function to do that. I downloaded the {oligo} package and
tried to use the probeNames function. Although the factor of ologo ids is an
object (as the argument to probeNames should be) I retrieve the following
2009 May 11
Removing any text beginning with...
Hi !
>From an Ensembl annotation like ENSGxxxx /// ENSGyyyyy /// ENSGzzzz, I am trying to keep only the first part: ENSGxxxx. I wasn't able to find any helpful information about how to do it. Could you help me with that please ? Is the use of the equivalent to the Excel * (any text) a good way of doing it and how ?
Your help will be very much appreciated.
2011 Aug 19
how to merge distance data based on location
Hi all,
I have two data frames, two columns each, 1000s of rows. Each row
represents a segment of the genome where a deletion has occurred.
First column is start position of the deletion in genomic distance,
second is end position.
So, e.g., first 3 rows of data frame A is:
1003 1023
5932 6120
12348 12689
first 3 rows of data frame B is:
852 5305
1010 1015
8500 9500
10000 13000
I want to merge
2009 Jun 16
Error using getBM() to query BioMart archives
I'm trying to identify the positions of all genes within a specific
chromosomal region using biomart. When using the current biomart
database I'm able to do this without issue. However, I need to use
build 36 of the mouse genome which was last included in ensembl mart
46. I selected this mart and the mouse dataset as follows:
2013 Jun 18
offset en bucle
Amigos de la erre.
He creado mi primer bucle con for para entrenar unos modelos con GAM. La
respuesta es quasipoisson porque estoy trabajando con densidades de peces.
Sin embargo, tengo un problema, no se muy bien como añadir el offset a la
formula siguiente cuando creo el bucle.
GAM.A1 <-gam ((DYO)~s(DMA,k=4)+ s(WOD,k=4)+s(CIN,k=4)+s(DRA,k=4)+s(DBR,k=4)
2009 Jul 26
splitting multiple data in one column into multiple rows with one entry per column
Dear R colleagues,
I annotated a list of single nuclotide polymorphiosms (SNP) with the
corresponding genes using biomaRt. The result is the following
data.frame (pasted from R):
snp ensembl_gene_id
1 rs8032583
2 rs1071600 ENSG00000101605
3 rs13406898 ENSG00000167165
4 rs7030479
2007 Jan 26
[BioC] problem with biomaRt getHomolog function
When the new biomaRt tries to load it errors out because I do not have
RMySQL installed. There is not a Windows binary for RMySQL and it does
contain C code that I do not know how to build.
I do not use the MySQL option in biomaRt. Does RMySQL need to be a
required dependency? Below is my screen output and sessionINfo.
Loading required package: biomaRt
Loading required
2014 Sep 10
Manejo de imágenes con R
Hola, buen día.
Una consulta, no sé conozco en extenso todas las bondades de R, pero quería
saber exactamente si hay algún paquete que permita realizar análisis
ecológicos específicamente para comunidades marinas. Existen muchos
índices, indicadores, estimadores en general en muchos programas que están
a nivel de usuario, pero quería saber si todos estos pueden estar ya
disponibles en R.
2020 Jul 28
Superponer mapas en ggplot
Buenos días. Tengo dos mapas que hago con ggplot (abajo) y necesito
superponer el 2º al 1º. En el 1º se representa la variable PA, binomial (0,
1), en gris, y en el 2º la variable ExtTG7085, que es numérica y va de 0 a
200. La 2ª es un gradiente en rojo. Lo ideal sería que donde coinciden el
rojo de la 2ª se viera más oscuro, pero supongo que eso no es fácil. Podría
también ser en otro color, pero
2002 Oct 28
intermitent domain logon failures
I have an issue where at odd times, maybe after 3 days, maybe after a
week, people suddenly cant do domain logons. Unfortunately the machine
is 50km away so i'm sure theres more details I can glean once I can
interogate the users a bit more.
Things I have noticed:
Anyone currently logged in can still work fine.
A restart of samba fixes the issue (till it hapens next).
ps ax shows smbd and
2018 Nov 14
Los puntos no tapen el mapa hecho ggplot
Buenos días. Hago mis mapas con el código que os copio abajo, pero me
gustaría que me dibujase las líneas del mapa después de poner los
puntos para que se vean. Puedo hacer los puntos más pequeños, pero
entonces quedan separados y yo quiero que rellenen el mapa.
Gracias, como siempre,
2007 Dec 31
How to import ENSEMBL text data using R
Dear all,
I have a data which is in text file and i would like to import the data to R. From the manual, i?ve found the read.table command function is the most appropriate but when i wrote the command an error had occur. It say ?Error in read.table"C:/Users/user/Documents/cfa-1.txt", header = T, sep = "\t",skip=10) :more columns than column names?. Please help me with this as
2015 Nov 13
Colores en labels de un mapa
Estimados por solicitar su ayuda, estoy intentando cambiar el color de una
etiqueta de un gráfico, he realizado múltiples intentos sin un resultado
Debido a que necesito realizar múltiples gráficos he realizado una función
que dando parámetros de entrada me grafique las variables o los valores que
deseo. Mi problema es en la representación de los colores.
Los parámetros de la
2006 Jan 31
Need help and advised
Hi folks
Im currently doin firewall project.. the scenario is like this.. my
application server open port number 3079 the server ip is and
now the port can be accessed from everywhere. Now i want to block all the
everywhere accessed. But my problem is, the application will be accessed by
few locations that doing transaction with the application server. and the
said locations are
2006 Jan 27
Advice please - best hardware/config to combine 3 ISPs
I want to build a robust firewall for a resort installation. The
resort''s telephony is entirely VOIP, asterisk based. We have the
following internet feeds:
1) 512/512 kb fixed bandwidth leased line with static IP from Telco-
primary connection, expensive, to use for VOIP, VPN traffic, mail
server, SSH access for remote work. Reliable.
2) 256/512 kb ADSL from Telco, not fixed IP -