Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Zero Columns/Rows in Hessian Matrix"
2012 Feb 28
Error in solve.default(res$hessian * n.used) :Lapack routine dgesv: system is exactly singular
Hi there!
I´m a noob when it comes to R and I´m using it to run statisc analysis.
With the code for ARIMA below I´m getting this error: Error in
solve.default(res$hessian * n.used) :Lapack routine dgesv: system is
exactly singular
The code is:
> s.ts <- ts(x[,7], start = 2004, fre=12)
> get.best.arima <- function (x.ts, maxord=c(1,1,1,1,1,1))
+ {
+ best.aic <- 1e8
+ n <-
2004 Nov 02
problem to solve a matrix
Dear R group,
I have to solve a hessian matrix 40*40, called M, in order to obtain the
standart deviations of estimators.
When I use the function solve(M), I have the following error message:
"Error in solve.default(M) : Lapack routine dgesv: system is exactly singular"
Do you know an alternative approach which could succeed? I have found some
information about the function
2008 Sep 12
Error in solve.default(Hessian) : system is computationally singular
Hello everyone,
I'm trying to estimate the parameters of the returns series attached using the GARCH code below, but I get the following error message:
Error in solve.default(Hessian) :
system is computationally singular: reciprocal condition number = 0
Error in diag(solve(Hessian)) :
error in evaluating the argument 'x' in selecting a method for function 'diag'
2003 Dec 02
names of parameters from nonlinear model?
I've been trying to figure out how to build a list of terms from a nonlinear
model (terms() returns a error). I need to compute and evaluate the partial
derivatives (Jacobian) for each equaiton in a set of equations.
For example:
> eqn <- q ~ s0 + s1 * p + s2 * f + s3 * a
> sv2 <- c(d0=3,d1=4.234,d2=4,s0=-2.123,s1=0.234,s2=2.123,s3=4.234)
> names( sv2 )
[1] "d0"
2006 Mar 21
Hessian from optim()
Looking on how people use optim to get MLE I also noticed that one can
use returned Hessian to get corresponding standard errors i.e. something
result <- optim(<< snip >>, hessian=T)
result$par # point estimates
vc <- solve(result$hessian) # var-cov matrix
se <- sqrt(diag(vc)) # standard errors
What is actually Hessian representing here?
2008 Jun 24
Hessian in box-constraint problem - concern OPTIM function
Hello all useRs,
I am using the OPTIM function with particular interest in the method
because it is a box-constraint method.
I have interest in the errors estimates too.
I make:
s.e. <- sqrt( diag( solve( optim(...,method='L-BFGS-B',
hessian=TRUE)$hessian )))
but in help say:
"Note that this is the Hessian of the unconstrained problem even if the
box constraints
2003 Feb 10
Zero rows/cols in the hessian matrix
Dear R experts!
I try to minimize a function with external C fitting function.
I get the hessian matrix. Here it is:
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,] 1.8816631 0 0.8859803 0
[2,] 0.0000000 0 0.0000000 0
[3,] 0.8859803 0 0.4859983 0
[4,] 0.0000000 0 0.0000000 0
Second and fourth rows/columns have zero values only. That's OK,
because that ones related
2009 Feb 08
I am new to 'R' and also new to the concept of a 'Hessian' with non-linear optimization. I would like to avoid going through all of the reference articles given with ?optim as access to a library is not handy. Would someone be able to elighten me on what is in the Hessian matrix if 'hessian = TRUE' with optim? The documentation indicates that this is a numerically
2019 Feb 19
mle (stat4) crashing due to singular Hessian in covariance matrix calculation
Hi, R developers.
when running mle inside a loop I found a nasty behavior. From time to
time, my model had a degenerate minimum and the loop just crashed. I
tracked it down to "vcov <- if (length(coef)) solve(oout$hessian)" line,
being the hessian singular.
Note that the minimum reached was good, it just did not make sense to
calculate the covariance matrix as the inverse of a
2012 Nov 15
hessian fails for box-constrained problems when close to boundary?
I am trying to recover the hessian of a problem optimised with
box-constraints. The problem is that in some cases, my estimates are very
close to the boundary, which will make optim(..., hessian=TRUE) or
optimHessian() fail, as they do not follow the box-constraints, and hence
estimate the function in the unfeasible parameter space.
As a simple example (my problem is more complex though,
2004 Apr 02
Hessian in constrOptim
Dear R-users,
In the function constrOptim there is an option to get an approximation
to the hessian of the surrogate function R at MLE by declaring
hessian=TRUE in the calls to the function optim. I would like to ask
if it is advisable to get an approximate hessian for the funcrion f as
2010 Nov 09
convergence message & SE calculation when using optim( )
Hi R-users,
I am trying to estimate function parameters using optim(). My count
observations follows a Poisson like distribution. The problem is that I
wanna express the lambda coefficient, in the passion likelihood
function, as a linear function of other covariates (and thus of other
coefficients). The codes that I am using (except data frame) are the
following (FYI the parameters need to be
2008 May 12
hessian in constrained optimization (constrOptim)
Dear helpers,
I am using the function "constrOptim" to estimate a model with ML with an
inequality constraint using the option method='Nelder-Mead'.
When I specify the option: hessian = TRUE I obtain the response:
Error in f(theta, ...) : unused argument(s) (hessian = TRUE)
I guess the function "constrOptim" does not allow this argument which, on
the other hand, is
2004 Feb 19
Obtaining SE from the hessian matrix
Dear R experts,
In R-intro, under the 'Nonlinear least squares and maximum likelihood
models' there are ttwo examples considered how to use 'nlm' function.
In 'Least squares' the Standard Errors obtained as follows:
After the fitting, out$minimum is the SSE, and out$estimates are the
least squares estimates of the parameters. To obtain the approximate
2009 Apr 29
Optim and hessian
Hi, my name is Marcel R. Lopes. My problem is,
I made a code to calculate the estimates of a Cox model with random effects.
Used to optimize the R command for this. The estimates were calculated
correctly, but the Hessian matrix does not have good values. The same thing
was done in SAS and gave good results for the Hessian Matrix. Where is the
problem in R? As the Hessian is calculated?. How
2011 Sep 22
nlm's Hessian update method
Hi R-help!
I'm trying to understand how R's nlm function updates its estimate of the Hessian matrix. The Dennis/Schnabel book cited in the references presents a number of different ways to do this, and seems to conclude that the positive-definite secant method (BFGS) works best in practice (p201). However, when I run my code through the optim function with the method as "BFGS",
2007 Feb 16
optim() and resultant hessian
R users;
A question about optimization within R.
I've been using both optim() and nlminb() to estimate parameters and all
seems to be working fine. For context (but without getting into specifics -
sorry), I'm working with a problem that is known to have correlated
parameters, and parameter estimation can be difficult. I have a question on
optim() - I'm using
2003 Oct 17
nlm, hessian, and derivatives in obj function?
I've been working on a new package and I have a few questions regarding the
behaviour of the nlm function. I've been (for better or worse) using the nlm
function to fit a linear model without suppling the hessian or gradient
attributes in the objective function. I'm curious as to why the nlm requires
31 iterations (for the linear model), and then it doesn't work when I try to
2007 Oct 04
hessian matrix in arima
I am working or arima.
I think arima uses non-linear optimisation for parameter optimisation. The
standard error for parameters are computed from hessian matrix. When I use
arima model, how can I see the finial hessian got from non-linear
optimisation (BFGS for example).
Any help is appreciated.
Many thanks.
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2007 May 29
Estimate Fisher Information by Hessian from OPTIM
Dear All,
I am trying to find MLE by using "OPTIM" function.
Difficult in differentiating some parameter in my objective function, I
would like to use the returned hessian matrix to yield an estimate of
Fisher's Information matrix.
My question: Since the hessian is calculated by numerical differentiate, is
it a reliable estimate? Otherwise I would have to do a lot of work to