Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "Stacked bar plot of frequency vs time"
2011 Jul 21
Lattice: place ticks only on y-axis
I am using lattice for a bar plot, having a little trouble removing ticks,
tick labels from x-axis, but keeping them on the y-axis. I looked around
quite a bit (http://tolstoy.newcastle.edu.au/R/e7/help/09/06/1733.html, help
pages, etc), tried variations of "scales = list(alternating = c(0,0)",
"scales = list(alternating = c(0,0), tck = c(0,0))" and others, couldn't
2011 Feb 10
Ggplot: free x-scales in a facet-grid
I have a ggplot that has the looks of the plot that I want, but it doesn't
have the right layout.
The data is an ordered melted dataframe:
- ID
- type (to use for a faced grid)
- time - type
- time - value (POSIXct)
- pos (to use for a faced grid, this is an index to split the plot)
The goal of the plot is to create a time line for each ID (different points
of time). The ID's
2011 Jul 22
Lattice: distance of Y-axis label from plot
Basic question: I looked around quite a bit, still having a little trouble
manipulating the distance between the Y-axis label and the plot. In this
case, I would like to move the Y axis title closer to the plot.
# Data
tC <- textConnection("
Time Type1 Type2 Type3
1.3 .50 .10 .40
4.5 .45 .20 .35
5.2 .40 .30 .30
data1 <- read.table(header=TRUE, tC)
data2 <-
2013 Jul 31
[PATCH 0/9] tools: remove or disable old/useless/unused/unmainted stuff
depends on "autoconf: regenerate configure scripts with 4.4 version"
This series removes some of the really old deadwood from the tools build
and makes some other things which are on their way out configurable at
build time with a default depending on how far down the slope I judge
them to be.
* nuke in tree copy of libaio
* nuke obsolete tools: xsview, miniterm, lomount & sv
2013 Mar 05
[LLVMdev] tbaa metadata representation
Hi all,
A while ago there was a discussion on changing the current "set of trees"
representation of TBAA metadata to be more expressive, prompted by the need
to support C structs. Dan Gohman also talked about the issue here:
http://llvm.org/devmtg/2012-11/Gohman-AliasAnalysis.pdf. It was suggested
that the trees be replaced by a type DAG then. While working on this
2017 Aug 28
GFID attir is missing after adding large amounts of data
Hi Cluster Community,
we are seeing some problems when adding multiple terrabytes of data to a 2 node replicated GlusterFS installation.
The version is 3.8.11 on CentOS 7.
The machines are connected via 10Gbit LAN and are running 24/7. The OS is virtualized on VMWare.
After a restart of node-1 we see that the log files are growing to multiple Gigabytes a day.
Also there seem to be problems
2008 Jun 24
logistic regression
Hi everyone,
I'm sorry if this turns out to be more a statistical question than one
specifically about R - but would greatly appreciate your advice anyway.
I've been using a logistic regression model to look at the relationship
between a binary outcome (say, the odds of picking n white balls from a bag
containing m balls in total) and a variety of other binary parameters:
2006 Jan 10
extracting coefficients from lmer
Dear R-Helpers,
I want to compare the results of outputs from glmmPQL and lmer analyses.
I could do this if I could extract the coefficients and standard errors
from the summaries of the lmer models. This is easy to do for the glmmPQL
summaries, using
> glmm.fit <- try(glmmPQL(score ~ x*type, random = ~ 1 | subject, data = df,
family = binomial), TRUE)
> summary(glmmPQL.fit)$tTable
2009 Mar 17
converting null to some values
I have newbie question. Suppose I have the following data:
temp <- data.frame(type1 = c("male", "female", "male", "female", "female"),
type2 = c("low", "med", "high", "low", "med"), a = c(1,2,4, NA, 3), b =
type1 type2 a b c
1 male low 1 5 0
2 female
2017 Aug 29
GFID attir is missing after adding large amounts of data
This is strange, a couple of questions:
1. What volume type is this? What tuning have you done? gluster v info output would be helpful here.
2. How big are your bricks?
3. Can you write me a quick reproducer so I can try this in the lab? Is it just a single multi TB file you are untarring or many? If you give me the steps to repro, and I hit it, we can get a bug open.
4. Other than
2007 Feb 12
[LLVMdev] bitconvert for multi-typed RegisterClasses
Hi All,
I'm working on a back end for an architecture that makes use of multi-
typed register classes.
def MR: RegisterClass<"namespace", [type1, type2, ... ], ... >
When running some preliminary tests I found that the instruction
selector refused to select certain ops (specifically stores) for some
instructions when the operand type wasn't the first type for the
2011 Apr 18
Predicting with a principal component regression model: "non-conformable arguments" error
Hello all,
I have generated a principal components regression model using the pcr()
function from the PLS package (R version 2.12.0). I am getting a
"non-conformable arguments" error when I try to use the predict() function
on new data, but only when I try to read in the new data from a separate
More specifically, when my data looks like this
#########training data
2012 Feb 07
Setting up infile for R CMD BATCH
Suppose I create an R program called myTest.R with only one line like
the following:
type <- as.integer(readline("input type (1: type1; 2: type2)? "))
Then I'd like to run myTest.R in batch mode by constructing an input
file called answers.R with the following:
When I ran the following at the terminal:
R CMD BATCH answer.R output.Rout
it failed
2007 Feb 12
[LLVMdev] bitconvert for multi-typed RegisterClasses
On Feb 12, 2007, at 1:41 AM, Christopher Lamb wrote:
> selector refused to select certain ops (specifically stores) for some
> instructions when the operand type wasn't the first type for the
> register class. After some digging around I seem to have solved the
> problem by creating bitconvert patterns between the types in the
> register class like the following:
2005 May 24
rsync incorrectly deletes files ?
rsync -e 'ssh -x' --log-format="%o /%n %b" -tLr --delete --files-from=files-to-sync --exclude-from=files-to-exclude user@host:/ /temp/
del. /etc/mail/spamfilter/mx1/whitelist.conf 0
del. /etc/mail/spamfilter/mx1/blacklist.conf 0
recv /etc/mail/spamfilter/mx1/ 0
recv /etc/mail/spamfilter/mx1/blacklist.conf 211
recv /etc/mail/spamfilter/mx1/whitelist.conf 924
Why does rsync
2010 Mar 29
about data export
Hello all,
This is Meghana.
Well, I have some analysis output in 3 dimensional array form.
for example:
, , type1
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
, , type2
This array is very big. and I want to export this to either text form or
excel(csv is preffered) so that different parts of aaray should be easily
extractable from that excel/text sheet.
How can I go about it?
2009 Dec 09
reshape() makes R run out of memory (PR#14121)
Full_Name: Alexander L. Belikoff
Version: 2.8.1
OS: Ubuntu 9.04 (x86_64)
Submission from: (NULL) (
I'm trying to reshape the following data frame:
'abcd1233' 2009-11-12 2009-12-23 'TYPE1' 123.45
VALUE_TYPE is a string and is a factor with only 2 values
2002 Apr 26
different data series on one graph
I'm looking for a way to plot different data series on one graph.
I have a series of hourly rainfall and quarterly flow
measurements (i.e. 4 times an hour) of a catchment. The rainfall
should be plotted in bars, the flow as a line. Both on the same X
axe (time) but with different Y axes.
The problem is the plot() function does not support add=TRUE...
Furthermore I'm not sure
2009 Apr 26
Conditional plot labels
Hi all,
I'm trying to do multiple graphs in a window like this:
___ ___ ___
ylab |__| |__| |__|
___ ___ ___
ylab |__| |__| |__|
___ ___ ___
ylab |__| |__| |__|
xl xl xl
If I try to put the labels manually, some graphs become smaller than
other and the output is really ugly.
In the thread title I put the word
2005 Jul 24
Multiple series plot with different 'type' argument
I need to plot two time series in the same plot and
they cover the same time range and have the same
frequency. With
RSiteSearch("multiple series plot")
i found this post by Gabor Grothendieck:
Exactly what i need except for one detail. I want one series
to be made of points and the other by a line. When I simply