Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "merge function"
2010 Jun 22
Displaying Iteration Count
I'm running a very long for loop that usually takes hours. For my own piece
of mind, it would be nice if I could check periodically and see which
iteration the loop is on. A line of code that told R to print the iteration
number every 100 or 200 iterations would be perfect.
Does anyone know something like this? I've never known how to print
anything within a for loop before the
2011 Sep 23
'save' saved object names instead of objects
I created an array to hold the results of a series of simulations I'm
d.eta <- array(0,dim=c(3,3,200))
<simulation goes here and populates the array but it's not important>
Then I tried to save the results using this:
save(d.eta,file="D:/Simulation Results/sim 9-23-11 deta")
When I later tried to reload them using this:
d.eta <-
2010 Aug 13
Equality of Vectors
Is there a way to get a single TRUE or FALSE statement from comparing two
vectors? For example,
c(1,2,3) == c(1,2,3)
where I would like it to produce only
for use in an if statement.
Likewise, when two vectors are not exactly identical (in all elements) I
would like a single FALSE result, as opposed to
c(1,2,3) == c(1,2,5)
Any ideas?
2011 May 17
Minimum value by ID
I have a longitudinal dataset where each individual has a different number
of entries. Thus, it is of the following structure:
x <- runif(12)
id.var <- factor(c(rep("D1",4),rep("D2",2),rep("D3",3),rep("D4",3)))
dat <- as.data.frame(x)
dat$id.var <- id.var
> dat
x id.var
1 0.9611269 D1
2 0.6738606 D1
2011 May 29
Setting max. iterations for lmer
I hate to ask a question which is directly addressed in the documentation,
but can someone please give me an example of how to change the maximum
number of iterations used by lmer. I'm having a hard time understanding
control a list of control parameters. See below for details.
a named list of control parameters for the estimation algorithm, specifying
2011 Nov 09
Installing binaries from R-Forge
I'm attempting to install the splm package from R-Forge.
The page says, "In order to successfully install the packages provided on
R-Forge, you have to switch to the most recent version of R..." It later
says "To install this package directly within R type:
2012 Mar 08
Panel models: Fixed effects & random coefficients in plm
I am using {plm} to estimate panel models. I want to estimate a model that
includes fixed effects for time and individual, but has a random individual
effect for the coefficient on the independent variable.
That is, I would like to estimate the model:
Y_it = a_i + a_t + B_i * X_it + e_it
Where i denotes individuals, t denotes time, X is my independent variable,
and B (beta) is the
2011 Feb 25
Hierarchical Power Analysis
A colleague is trying to do a fairly complicated power analysis for a
project. The project would be evaluating random assignment to one of three
conditions within each of 8 sites. The dependent variable would be binary
(we do not care at this point whether it would be analyzed with logit or
We can simulate the data in a bunch of iterations and do analyses in each
iteration, but
2010 Apr 19
I'd like to plot an empirical cumulative distribution function, except
instead of the fraction of values < x, I'd like the fraction of values > x.
I think this can be done using the ecdf function in {Hmisc}. I installed
the package and loaded it. However, when following the example given in the
documentation, I get an error:
x <- rnorm(100)
2010 Mar 11
VAR with contemporaneous effects
I would like to estimate a VAR of the form:
Ay_t = By_t-1 + Cy_t-2 + ... + Dx_t + e_t
Where A is a non-diagonal matrix of coefficients, B and C are matricies of
coefficients and D is a matrix of coefficients for the exogenous variables.
I don't think the package {vars} can do this because I want to include
contemporaneous cross-variable impacts.
So I want y1_t to affect y2_t and I
2011 Apr 24
merge with origin information in new variable names
Dear R-list,
Here is my simple question,
I have n data frames that I would like to merge, but I can't figure
out how to add information about the origin of the variable(s).
Here is my problem,
DF.wave.1 <- data.frame(id=1:10,var.A=sample(letters[1:4],10,TRUE))
DF.wave.2 <- data.frame(id=1:10,var.M=sample(letters[5:8],10,TRUE))
DF.wave.3 <-
2011 Jul 06
Tables and merge
----- Original Message -----
From: "Silvano" <silvano at uel.br>
To: <r-help at r-project.org>
Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2011 9:07 AM
Subject: Tables and merge
> Hi,
> I have 21 files which is common variable CODE.
> Each file refers to a question.
> I would like to join the 21 files into one, to construct
> tables for each question by CODE.
2018 Jan 08
Replace NAs in split lists
OPS! Sorry i did indeed posted the code in HTML; should have known better.
error. unexpected symbol in sdf2
On Mon, Jan 8, 2018 at 11:44 AM, Jeff Newmiller
<jdnewmil at dcn.davis.ca.us> wrote:
> I don't know. You seem to be posting in HTML so your code is mangled. Can you post plain text and use the reprex package to
2010 Apr 12
Strange results from Multivariate Normal Density
I'm using dmnorm from the package {mnormt} and getting strange results.
First, according to the documentation, dmnorm should return a vector of
densities, and I'm only getting one value returned (which is what I would
expect). I've been interpreting this as the joint density of all values in
the x vector (which is what I want). Should a vector of densities be
returned, and if
2012 Apr 23
.rda vs. .RData
Are they the same with .RData being the newer format?? Thanks,
2013 Oct 10
Rcpp and mclapply
Dear all,
I have an R script that uses Rcpp, and I have been trying to parallelize
it using mclapply (I tried with the multicore and the parallel library)
Sometimes (not always, interestingly), the CPU use for each core drops,
usually so that the total over all cores reaches 100%, i.e., as fast as if
using just one single core fully. I tried my code directly from within
emacs, and also using a
2018 Mar 01
how to make row.names based on column1 with duplicated values
Dear All,
Suppose I have a dataframe like this with many thousands rows all with
different names:
I want to set column "gene" as row.names, but there are duplicates (c, d),
which I want to transform into this as row names:
2013 Oct 12
I'm trying to user lmer function from lmerTest package because, if I
understood correectly, it allows to make better inference than lmer method
from lme4 package. However, whatever I do I keep getting this error:
Error in lme4::lFormula(formula = mark ~ ssCount + sTime+ : rank of X =
1660 < ncol(X) = 1895
any ideas what could be a problem?
[[alternative HTML
2012 Sep 07
Problem with duplicates in row.names
I am drawing a heatmap with hundreds of genes. Everything work fine, except when I want to had the name of the genes as the row.names with
>row.names (a)<-a$Name
And there''s this things that duplicate are not allowed...
How can I do to allow duplicates ??? I don''t have the choice I can''t just have numbers .
Thanks for your help, I am new in R ...
2013 Apr 17
Merging big data.frame
Hi all,
I am trying to merge 2 big data.frame. The problem is merge is memory
intensive so R is going out of memory error: cannot allocate vector of size
360.1 Mb. To overcome this, I am exploring option of using data.table
package. But its not helping in term of memory as merge in data.table is
fast but not memory efficient. Similar error is coming.
My inputs are
V1 V2
1 a i1
2 a i2
3 a