Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1300 matches similar to: "grid"
2010 Jun 09
bootpred for multinomial
I applied bootpred for multinomial logistic reg. (with nnet package). I used same as theta.fit and theta.predict of R for my data. but give me error. Can I do this with
response vriable;7 levels
predictor variables:5 (1 classifier, 4 continuous)?
Thanks alot
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2010 Jun 08
I want to do leave-one-out cross-validation for multinomial logistic regression in R. I did multinomial logistic reg. by package nnet in R. How I do validation? by which function?
response variable has 7 levels
please help me
Thanks alot
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2010 Jun 03
increase memory
Dear All
Pleas help me to increase the memory in R.
In order increase memory, I read the FAQ and follow the instruction as below
Close R, then right-click on your R program icon (the icon on your desktop or in your programs directory). Select ``Properties'', and then select the ``Shortcut'' tab. Look for the ``Target'' field and after the closing quotes around the
2010 May 26
validation logistic regression
I did validation for prediction by logistic regression according to following:
validationsize <- 23
profilesample <- data[nrprofilesinsample,]
profilevalidation <- data[-nrprofilesinsample,]
salic.lr<-glm(salich~wetnessindex, profilesample,
2008 Jan 23
[PATCH 0/2] dm-band: The I/O bandwidth controller: Overview
Hi everyone,
I'm happy to announce that I've implemented a Block I/O bandwidth controller.
The controller is designed to be of use in a cgroup or virtual machine
environment. The current approach is that the controller is implemented as
a device-mapper driver.
What's dm-band all about?
Dm-band is an I/O bandwidth controller implemented as a device-mapper
2008 Jan 23
[PATCH 0/2] dm-band: The I/O bandwidth controller: Overview
Hi everyone,
I'm happy to announce that I've implemented a Block I/O bandwidth controller.
The controller is designed to be of use in a cgroup or virtual machine
environment. The current approach is that the controller is implemented as
a device-mapper driver.
What's dm-band all about?
Dm-band is an I/O bandwidth controller implemented as a device-mapper
2012 Aug 03
SEM standardized path coefficients
I have conducted an SEM in which the resultant standardized path coefficients are much higher than would be expected from the raw correlation matrix. To explore further, I stripped the model down to a simple bivariate relationship between two variables (NDVI, and species richness), where it's my understanding that the SEM's standardized path coefficient should equal the correlation
2010 Jul 16
threshold in plot
I want to draw a plot from observed and predicted data and also shows threshold and data before threshold are identified with different color from data after threshold.
abserved data are 0 or 1
predicted data= 0 to 1
Thanks alot
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2011 May 01
vector file
Dear All
I want to import the vector file ( .shp) to R. I could import the file by rgdal package before, by following:
but now there is an error:
Error in ogrInfo(dsn = dsn, layer = layer, input_field_name_encoding = input_field_name_encoding) :
GDAL Error 4: .shx file is unreadable, or corrupt.
2011 May 06
replace NA
Hello all
I have a geology map that has three level, bellow
lithology landscape landform
landform level is used as covariate (with codes=1,2,3,4,5) for training of neural network, but this level has missing data as NA.
I want to replace the missing data of landform level with 0 (zero). Finally, landform will have codes 0,1,2,3,4,5.
please help me
Thanks alot.
2012 Oct 16
gam (mgcv) problem: Error in while (mean(ldxx/(ldxx + ldss)) > 0.4) { :, missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
Hi All,
I'm running into a problem with GAM (in the MGCV package). When I try
to estimate the model, I get the following error message:
1> fit <-
data=dsub, weights=wvec)
Error in while (mean(ldxx/(ldxx + ldss)) > 0.4) { :
missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
2011 Feb 18
Shared nearest neighbor (SNN) clustering algorithm implementation?
is there an implementation available for a shared nearest neighbor
(SNN) clustering algorithm?
2010 Oct 06
R getting slower until it breaks...
Hello R-users,
I'm currently facing a pretty hard problem which I'm hopping you'll be able to help me with. I'm using R to create images. That alone is not the problem, the problem is that I'm using R to create 168 000 images... My code (which is given below) use different package (raster and rgdal) to import a image (size 20gig) and divide it into 168 000 pictures that are
2011 Jun 15
Legend in lattice
Dear all, I have been working in a plot based on figure 5.6 of the Lattice book (http://lmdvr.r-forge.r-project.org/figures/figures.html).
have already modified it to include the size of the circles as another
variable, but I would like to modify the legend to show it (like they do
it in http://www.jstatsoft.org/v15/i05/paper). I have divided my variable in intervals:
DATA$s_Shape_2 <-
2004 Mar 20
labels on axis(4) and adaptation of legend to size of the plot
Hi weekend R helpers,
*Is it possible to get a ylabel on the right hand side axis ==> axis(4)?
opar <- par(mfrow = c(2,1))
plot(ts.Origi[,1],ylab='NDII', main=name)
# Add the legend text in the right order
legend.txt <- c("NDII", "Inverse KBDI")
legend(2001.8,0.29, legend.txt,col=c(1,2), lty=1)
2012 Aug 14
Error; contrasts can be applied only to factors with 2 or more levels
I have been running the same code without problem for the last few days,
changing data sets etc with no issue.
Today I changed the covariates for the model and am now getting this error
Error in `contrasts<-`(`*tmp*`, value = contr.funs[1 + isOF[nn]]) :
contrasts can be applied only to factors with 2 or more levels
Everything in the code looks the same to me, but I'm a
2004 Nov 26
Multi-figure plotting
Dear R-ians,
I have a question concerning plotting different plots on one figure. I
have written a script to plot an image, a legend (based on different
rectangles) and a timeseries plot on one figure.
In my R-lagnuage it looks like this (without arguments that are not
usefull for my question):
#---> I first define the functions
#-->Plot the
2017 Jun 22
MODISTools Help
I am using MODIS Tools and am having a lot of difficulty troubleshooting my code.
I am a PhD student studying African buffalo in Kruger National Park, South Africa. The study I am currently working on involves a herd of 200 African buffalo caught every six months for 4 years. I am trying to use EVI and NDVI to assess seasonal variation thus I would like mean EVI and NDVI for each observation
2017 Jun 23
MODISTools help - with reproducible examples
> On Jun 22, 2017, at 4:44 PM, Caroline <gliddeca at science.oregonstate.edu> wrote:
> I am using the R-package MODISTools (different than MODIS) and am having a lot of difficulty troubleshooting my code. I have spent awhile going through MODISTools tutorials, searching for my error code, looking at the source code. However, I have not been able to find any relevant information
2017 Jun 22
MODISTools help - with reproducible examples
I am using the R-package MODISTools (different than MODIS) and am having a lot of difficulty troubleshooting my code. I have spent awhile going through MODISTools tutorials, searching for my error code, looking at the source code. However, I have not been able to find any relevant information related to my error message.
The study I am currently working on involves a herd of 200 African buffalo