Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "help"
2010 Dec 30
Renaming IMAP folders does not affect children
we're using dovecot2.0 since August and very happy with it.
Just recently Thunderbird users reported problems when renaming folders,
and it seems that RFC 2060 (sec. 6.3.5) requires children of a renamed
folder to be renamed, too. This however does not happen:
Talking IMAP I get:
* LIST (\HasChildren) "." "INBOX.NNN1"
* LIST (\HasNoChildren) "."
2003 May 01
Dear all,
How could I use variables in a loop that their names are in a vector?
For example:
aaa <- 1:10
bbb <- aaa*2
ccc <- aaa+bbb
varn <- c("aaa", "bbb", "ccc")
m <- rep(NA, 3)
for (i in 1:length(varn)) m[i] <- mean(varn[i]) # wrong
thanks in advance
"Wars do not solve problems, wars generate even more problems"
2009 Nov 12
Reading a data file one record at a time [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Dear r-help,
I have a radar data file in the following format:
for (1 to n_rays)
{ some_data_info
for (1 to n_gates)
{ some_data_info}
N_rays=360 and n_gates=950
The data looks something like:
Header line1
Ray1 header
gate1 var1, var2,.....,varN
gate950 var1, var2,.....,varN
Ray2 header
gate1 var1, var2,.....,varN
2013 Apr 19
NAMESPACE and imports
I am cleaning up the rms package to not export functions not to be called
directly by users. rms uses generic functions defined in other packages.
For example there is a latex method in the Hmisc package, and rms has a
latex method for objects of class "anova.rms" so there are anova.rms and
latex.anova.rms functions in rms. I use:
2003 May 20
Extracting elements from an reStruct
Sorry if this is obvious, but my S skills aren't great and I haven't been
able to find it documented anywhere.
I want to write a new function for use with lme objects; the function will
simply calculate an ICC (aka "rho") for each level of a mixed-effects
model. What I need for this is pretty simple:
(c(var1..varn, residual)) / sum(c(var1..varn, residual))
where var1..varn
2010 Aug 02
Convert an expression to a function
Hi John,
Here is my code practicing. Please give me some advises. Thank you.
Wu Gong
# Extract the function string
f.str <- sub("y~","",exprtext)
# Get arglist from the text
sp1 <- paste("\\",c(getGroupMembers(Arith),"(",")"),sep="")
sp2 <- getGroupMembers(Math)
sps <-
2003 Apr 09
How to count the number of parameters in a function
I have the following function:
Myfunc <- function(var1,var2,.....,varN)
{ .....
In the above function I have a variable number of parameters (N>2). How can
I count how many parameters have been entered?
Any help appreciated
2016 Oct 11
Colapsar una matriz con NA en una única fila
Muchas gracias por su respuesta
Aunque no está funcionando, pues si ejecuto:
EncDTE1<- t.EncDTE1[ !is.na(t.EncDTE1$Var1),] obtengo Var1, Var2,
Var3,...Varn con datos "texto", NA, NA....NA
Pero al ejecutar
EncDTE1<- t.EncDTE1[ !is.na(t.EncDTE1$Var2),] obtengo Var1, Var2,
Var3,...Varn con datos NA,"texto", NA....NA
Estoy tratando de dar la vuelta con el loop
2011 Jun 07
What is wrong in m
Hi everyone,
What is wrong in below asterisk application? The output should be content of
field booth_status from table booths:
exten => _X.,1,MYSQL(Connect connid root password my-extensions)
exten => _X.,n,MYSQL(Query allow_call ${connid} SELECT extension_status FROM
mytable WHERE extension=${CALLERID(num)} ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1)
exten =>
2011 Jun 17
profile plot in R
Hi friends,
I have a matrix with following format.
group var1 var2 .......varN
c1 group1 1.2399 1.4990....-1.4829
c2 group4 0.8989 0.7849.....1.8933
c100 group10 .....
I want to draw a profile plot
of each condition c1 to c100, which rows in above matrix and each line
representing a row should be uniquely colored according to the group(1
to 10).
I think this is simple task
2001 Apr 03
Still need help w/ making a table
Greetings again. I'm still trying to coerce a pile of data into a
frequency table format. I've managed to do so using perl, so I now have a
tab-delimited file that contains the contingency table I'm trying to use:
Group var1 var2 ... varn
B 42 11 3
C 44 1 12
X 12 0 19
I can read the table in using read.table(), but I end
2006 Jul 07
parametric proportional hazard regression
Dear all,
I am trying to find a suitable R-function for
parametric proportional hazard regressions. The
package survival contains the coxph() function which
performs a Cox regression which leaves the base hazard
unspecified, i.e. it is a semi-parametric method. The
package Design contains the function pphsm() which is
good for parametric proportional hazard regressions
when the underlying base
2016 Oct 11
Colapsar una matriz con NA en una única fila
Consulto por un problema que no consigo resolver.
Tengo un dataframe con muchas columnas todas de texto. Cada columna tiene
solamente un valor válido y el resto son NAs. También cada fila tiene un
único valor válido. Quiero colapsar ese data frame en uno que tenga
solamente una fila y todas las columnas. Intenté con loops, while, apply y
otros parecidos pero no lo logro
El ejemplo del
2016 Dec 02
pdftools on Ubuntu
Hi Francois,
Thanks for your quick response.
Actually, I had already done that...
sudo apt-get install libpoppler-cpp-dev
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
libpoppler-cpp-dev is already the newest version (0.41.0-0ubuntu1.1).
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 107 not upgraded.
Therefore, I assume I have this installed.
2016 Dec 02
pdftools on Ubuntu
I am trying to install pdftools package on R 3.3.1 (Ubuntu 16.04), but the
following issue occurs:
------------------------- ANTICONF ERROR ---------------------------
Configuration failed because poppler-cpp was not found. Try installing:
* deb: libpoppler-cpp-dev (Debian, Ubuntu, etc)
* rpm: poppler-cpp-devel (Fedora, CentOS, RHEL)
* csw: poppler_dev (Solaris)
* brew: poppler (Mac OSX)
2004 Nov 23
Weibull survival regression
Dear R users,
Please can you help me with a relatively straightforward problem that I
am struggling with? I am simply trying to plot a baseline survivor and
hazard function for a simple data set of lung cancer survival where
`futime' is follow up time in months and status is 1=dead and 0=alive.
Using the survival package:
lung.wbs <- survreg( Surv(futime, status)~ 1, data=lung,
2005 Aug 27
survival parametric question
Hi to all,
I am working on design package using survival function.
First using PSM and adopting a weibull specification for the baseline hazard , I have got the following results(since weibull has both PH and AFT propreties ,in addition I have used the PPHSm command):
Value Std. Error z p
(Intercept) 1.768 1.0007 1.77 7.73e-02
SIZE -0.707 0.0895 -7.90 2.80e-15
2019 Sep 23
Buenas tarde a todo en s:
Tenia la versión de R 3.6 y utilizaba la paquetería de pdftools para extraer información de archivos en pdf actualice la versión 3.6.1 y ya no reconoce la paquetería alguien que me pueda ayudar. Prácticamente no reconoce las funciones de pdftools
2019 Sep 24
Ahora cuando quiero instalar los paquetes pdftools, magick y otros más me salen
el siguiente error
WARNING: Rtools is required to build R packages but is not currently installed. Please download and install the appropriate version of Rtools before proceeding:
Installing package into ?C:/Users/bdominguez/Documents/R/win-library/3.6?
(as ?lib?
2005 Jan 20
(no subject)
I would like to compare the results obtained with a classical non
parametric proportionnal hazard model with a parametric proportionnal
hazard model using a Weibull.
How can we obtain the equivalence of the parameters using coxph(non
parametric model) and survreg(parametric model) ?