Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "filled contour plot with contour lines"
2008 Jul 09
netCDF to TIFF
Greetings R users!
I am working with the ENSEMBLE climate data (10 min resolution daily
temperatures images for all of Europe 1950-2006). The data comes
packaged in a single netCDF file. I would like to read the data in and
export a subset (2002-2006) as geotiffs (one image per day). So far, I
can successfully read in the data and view the images within an R
display window. However, I have yet to
2006 Dec 08
how to create data.frame with dynamic count of values
Hello R-Group
I found how to fill the data.frame ->
N1 <- rnorm(4)
N2 <- rnorm(4)
N3 <- rnorm(4)
N4 <- rnorm(4)
X1 <- LETTERS[1:4]
nams <- c(paste("N", 1:4, sep = ""), "X1")
dat <- data.frame(lapply(nams, get))
names(dat) <- nams
But I need also to create
2010 Oct 27
"non-numeric argument to binary operator" error while reading ncdf file
Hi everyone,
I am a newbie in R and in this discussion list. I am trying to use R package
"ncdf" to read values of temperature from a NCDF file. I did it before to
another file using the function "get.var.ncdf", but now there is an error
that I can not solve, and I would really appreciate if you could help me.
I am using R version 2.11.1 (2010-05-31) in a machine with Linux
2015 Nov 14
Inexplicable ASAN report. Code generation bug?
On Thu, Nov 12, 2015 at 8:42 PM, Kostya Serebryany <kcc at google.com> wrote:
> 2 questions:
> - Do you see this with the fresh llvm trunk?
> - Can you prepare a minimized example?
Pretty recent, I updated a couple days ago. I tried to minimize the
attached but at the same time I didn't want to lose too many unions
and casts in case it didn't trigger any more.
$ clang
2008 Sep 18
graphing netCDF files
I'm working with a large hydrological data set stored in a netCDF format.
The file stores x and y coordinates in the UTM projected coordinate system,
yet when I use image to graphically display the z variable, the image is
distorted in the sense that it does not plot the map in the correct spatial
I'm wondering if I need to define the projection of the netCDF file
2006 Oct 27
Question: xyplot panel configurations for Trellis package
I am new to R community and I have a question on panel configurations in
the Trellis package.
Particularly, I have the following code:
plotTable <- NULL
Date <- seq(as.Date("2006-11-01"), as.Date("2009-12-01"), by = 1)
nYear <- length(unique(format(Date,"%Y")))
plotTable$Date <- as.Date(paste(unique(format(Date, "%Y-%m")),
2012 May 31
Incorporate a shapefile with an package animation
I'm working with NetCDF files in an animation and am trying to superimpose
a shapefile on the image as it is generates the html pages.
If I take out the lines for the shapefile, it works correctly, however I'm
having difficultly including the shapefile.
If anyone has any ideas I would greatly appreciate the assistance.
R Version 2.15.0 (2012-03-30)
Platform i386-pc-mingw32/i386
2011 Feb 01
Setting maximum value of the legend on an image.plot and animation
I'm doing the following:
saline <- open.ncdf("salinity_1990.nc")
salt = get.var.ncdf(nc=saline, varid="Salinity")
# create an animation of the complete temporal domain in the ncdf file.
for (i in 1:364) {
image.plot(salt[, , i])
}, img.name = "salinity.img",
2011 Feb 28
MultiDimensional arrays
I'm working with a 4 dimensional NetCDF file, trying to calculate some
summary statistics on a parameter.
The dimensions are number of rows and columns, time and days. The
attribute in question in this case happens
to be a probability of woodstork foraging success. But it could be anything
My question is whether the following code is efficient to grab the
probability values ? I am
2011 Dec 12
i can't read large NETCDF file like CRU
i use library(ncdf) to read this file as follow
sst.nc = open.ncdf(title)
lonall = get.var.ncdf(sst.nc,'lon')
latall = get.var.ncdf(sst.nc,'lat')
precip = get.var.ncdf(sst.nc,'pre')
if i use this method my pc freeze and not respond until i restart it is
View this message in context:
2009 Feb 02
Upgrading to TINN - R
I know this has been addressed before, but I'm still confused by the
When running TINN - R (ver with R (2.8.0) I have lost the
functionality of TINN-R
It returns an error
source(.trPaths[5], echo=TRUE, max.deparse.length=150)
I modified the RProfile.site file as follows:
'C:/Documents and
2009 Dec 08
Upgrading To 2.10 from 2.6.2
I have a Linux machine (Ubuntu 8.04 hardy, Gcc version 4.2.4
(i486-linux-gnu) currently running R 2.6.2. I'd like to upgrade to 2.10.
First Question): What is the appropriate way to remove the old version of
Part 2.
After downloading r-base_2.10.0.orig.tar.gz and opening the archive. I
ran the ./configure routine.
It failed claiming that it could not find the F77 compiler.
2011 Nov 03
Plotting skewed normal distribution with a bar plot
I need to create a plot (type = "h") and then overlay a skewed-normal
curve on this distribution, but I'm not finding a procedure to accomplish
this. I want to use the plot function here in order to control the bin
I have explored the sn library and found the dsn function. dsn uses known
location, scaling and shape parameters associated with a given input
2010 Oct 19
Clustering with ordinal data
I've been asked to help evaluate a vegetation data set, specifically to
examine it for community similarity. The initial problem I see is that the
data is ordinal. At best this only captures a relative ranking of
abundance and ordinal ranks are assigned after data collection. I've
been trying to find a procedure in R that can handle ordinal based
classification and so far have
2010 Jul 09
Ctree Question
I've been using ctree and have developed a 55 node - 28 terminal solution.
As can be imagined, the plot is difficult to travel down each of the major
I've read the help files for ctree I saw where terminal nodes can be color
plot(airct, type = "simple")
> plot(airct, terminal_panel = node_boxplot(airct, col = "blue", + fill =
2009 Feb 11
More help with Binary Files
Does anyone else have any insights to this issue:
Henrick, thank you for your very quick response. I've examined the readBin
help file with respect to endian and I'm still not sure I'm getting this
Here is what I'm coding:
con <- file(file.choose(), open="rb")
Year66 <- readBin(con, what=integer(), signed = TRUE, size = 2,
endian="little", n
2009 Mar 31
labeling panels in lattice plots
I am using windows XP with R 2.8.1
I am generating a lattice plot of annual rain patterns using the following
> xyplot(rain.stats$min+ rain.stats$max + rain.stats$ave ~
rain.stats$month |rain.stats$year,
lty = 1, data = rain.stats, type = c("l","l", "l"), col =
c("red", "blue", "green"), distribute.type =
2010 Feb 24
mlogit is not an S4 object error
I've been getting the following error when using the mlogit function from
the mlogit package
This is one of the examples provided in the Package "mlogit" January 27,
2010 description
data("Fishing", package="mlogit")
Fish <- mlogit.data(Fishing, varying = c(4:11), shape="wide",
summary(mlogit(mode ~ pr + ca - 1,
2010 May 10
Installing randomForest on Ubuntu Errors
I've tried to install randomForest on a Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron system.
I've repeatedly rec'd the error:
> install.packages("randomForest", dependencies = TRUE)
ERROR: compiliation failed for package 'randomForest'
** Removing '/home/admuser/R/i486-pc-linux-gnu-library/2.6/randomForest'
The downloaded packages are in
2009 May 18
Superscripts and subscripts in trellis graphics
I'd like to annotate an xyplot with an R^2 value, but can not find the
syntax to define the superscript format for the text.
I'd appreciate suggestions,
xyplot(SharkSloughEggs.df$Sharkeggs.rel +
SharkSloughEggs.df$SharkHatched.rel + SharkSloughEggs.df$SharkFlooded.rel +
HSI.shark$MEAN ~ Year,
pch=c(1,9,5,4), lty=c(1,6,3,4), lwd = c(2), col = c("black",