similar to: ok to use glht() when interaction is NOT significant?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "ok to use glht() when interaction is NOT significant?"

2011 Nov 22
glht for lme object with significant interaction term
Dear all, I'm working on some data from an experiment on the breeding behavior of birds. In short, I have been measuring how the time spent on performing a certain task (variable 'mean_on_active') differs over time (variable 'day', 2 levels) across three experimental categories (variable 'treat'; levels 'C', 'R', 'E'). The model shows a
2012 Jan 02
Is using glht with "Tukey" for lme post-hoc comparisons an appropriate substitute to TukeyHSD?
Hello, I am trying to determine the most appropriate way to run post-hoc comparisons on my lme model. I had originally planned to use Tukey HSD method as I am interested in all possible comparisons between my treatment levels. TukeyHSD, however, does not work with lme. The only other code that I was able to find, and which also seems to be widely used, is glht specified with Tukey:
2011 Apr 22
post-hoc test (glht?) which takes treatment into account not just explanatory variable overall
Hi R helpers! I have used a glht as a post-hoc test on an lmer with: -2 treatments (A & B) -1 categorical explanatory variable (song type) -1 response variable (latency to respond) I wanted to make comparisons between the categorical variables depending on treatment. At the moment the glht simply returns comparisons of each of the (3) categorical explanatory variables with each other
2010 Jul 21
post hoc test for lme using glht ?
Hi, I have a fairly simple repeated measures-type data set I've been attempting to analyze using the lme function in the nlme package. Repeated searches here and other places lead me to believe I have specified my model correctly. However, I am having trouble with post-hoc tests. From what I gather, other people are successfully using the glht function from the multcomp package to
2012 Dec 05
Using multcomp::glht() with Anova object
Hello everyone, I've conducted a Type III repeated-measures ANOVA using Anova() from the car package, based on the suggestions at 3) and My ANOVA has two factors: Condition (3 levels) and Region (6 levels) and their interaction. Below is code to run the Anova
2012 Jan 12
glht (multicomparisons) with an interaction factor
Hi, i was working with this model > mq<-glm(rojos~edadysexo*zona*estacion,quasipoisson) and i get this minimal adequate model > anova(mq5,test="F") Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev F Pr(>F) NULL 518 64799 edadysexo 2 1556.5 516 63243 8.9434 0.0001524 *** zona 4
2012 Jan 11
problems with glht for ancova
I've run an ancova, edadysexo is a factor with 3 levels,and log(lcc) is the covariate (continous variable) I get this results > ancova<-aov(log(peso)~edadysexo*log(lcc)) > summary(ancova) Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) edadysexo 2 31.859 15.9294 803.9843 <2e-16 *** log(lcc) 1 11.389 11.3887 574.8081 <2e-16 ***
2013 Jul 05
multcomp on significant interaction in coxme model
Dear R community I currently try to get post hoc multiple comparisons with the package multcomp from a cox mixed-effects model, where the survival is explained by two variables (cover with levels: nocover and cover; treatment with levels: tx, uv, meta), whose interaction is significant. I read Hothorn, T. 2011: Additional multcomp Examples and there is an example involving a two-way ANOVA with
2011 Feb 09
comparing proportions
Hi, I have a dataset that has 2 groups of samples. For each sample, then response measured is the number of success (no.success) obatined with the number of trials (no.trials). So a porportion of success (prpop.success) can be computed as no.success/no.trials. Now the objective is to test if there is a statistical significant difference in the proportion of success between the 2 groups of
2011 May 18
R Style Guide -- Was Post-hoc tests in MASS using glm.nb
Thanks Bill. Do you and others think that a link to this guide (or another)should be included in the Posting Guide and/or R FAQ? -- Bert On Tue, May 17, 2011 at 4:07 PM, <Bill.Venables at> wrote: > Amen to all of that, Bert. ?Nicely put. ?The google style guide (not perfect, but a thoughtful contribution on these kinds of issues, has avoiding attach() as its very first line.
2010 May 30
How to use the function "glht" of multcomp package to test interaction?
It's been a few weeks I'm racking my brains on how to use the function glht the package multcomp to test interactions. Unfortunately, the creator of the package forgot to put a sample in pdf package how to do it. I have looked in several places, but found nothing. If someone for the love of God can help me I'll be extremely grateful. The model is glm. -- View this message in context:
2008 May 28
Tukey HSD (or other post hoc tests) following repeated measures ANOVA
Hi everyone, I am fairly new to R, and I am aware that others have had this problem before, but I have failed to solve the problem from previous replies I found in the archives. As this is such a standard procedure in psychological science, there must be an elegant solution to this...I think. I would much appreciate a solution that even I could understand... ;-) Now, I want to calculate a
2012 Feb 02
Post hoc test for lm() or glm() ?
Hi R-helpers, TukeyHSD() works for models fitted with aov(), but could anyone point me to a function that performs a similar post hoc test for models fitted with lm() or glm()? Thanks in advance, Mark
2008 Jan 10
general linear hypothesis glht() to work with lme()
Hi, I am trying to test some contrasts, using glht() in multcomp package on fixed effects in a linear mixed model fitted with lme() in nlme package. The command I used is: ## a simple randomized block design, ## type is fixed effect ## batch is random effect ## model with interaction dat.lme<-lme(info.index~type, random=~1|batch/type, data=dat) glht(dat.lme, linfct = mcp(type
2011 Aug 06
multcomp::glht() doesn't work for an incomplete factorial using aov()?
Hi R users, I sent a message yesterday about NA in model estimates ( If I use aov() instead of lm() I get no NA in model estimates and I use gmodels::estimable() without problems. Ok! Now I'm performing a lot of contrasts and I need correcting for multiplicity. So, I can use multcomp::glht() for this.
2007 Apr 16
Difficulties Using glht.mmc to Calculate Tukey Intervals for Means
Greetings, In the following one-way ANOVA I am attempting to calculate the means of each treatment along with their 95% Tukey confidence intervals for the data shown below using a routine from the HH package. library(HH) options(digits=10) # load data treat voltage 1 130 1 74 1 155 1 180 2 150 2 159 2 188 2 126 3 138 3 168 3 110 3 160 4 34
2010 Aug 30
Help With Post-hoc Testing
I am trying to do post-hoc tests associated with a repeated measures analysis with on factor nested within respondents. The factor (SOI) has 17 levels. The overall testing is working fine, but I can''t seem to get the multiple comparisons to work. The first step is to "stack" the data. Then I used "lme" to specify and test the overall model. Finally
2010 Aug 06
Tukey post hoc test for testing interaction between two or more predictors
Hi everyone, I woudl like to apply a Tukey post hoc after a repeated measure ANOVA. I followed the suggestions that I found in this help -list especially this one: /[R] Tukey HSD (or other post hoc tests) following repeated measures ANOVA You want to use lme() in package nlme, then glht() in the multcomp package. This will give you multiplicity adjusted p-values and confidence intervals.
2012 Nov 19
glht function in multcomp gives unexpected p=1 for all comparisons
Hi, I have data with binomial response variable (survival) and 2 categorical independent variables (site and treatment) (see below).? I have run a binomial GLM and found that both IVs and the interaction are significant.? Now I want to do a post-hoc test for all pairwise comparisons to see which treatment groups differ.? I tried the glht function in the multcomp package, but I get surprising
2012 Jun 22
R: Error with glht function: Error in mcp2matrix(model, linfct = linfct) : Variable(s) 'Type' have been specified in 'linfct' but cannot be found in 'model'!
Hello everybody, problem solved, there was a typo. I wrote Type instead of Material Best ----Messaggio originale---- Da: Data: 22-giu-2012 11.05 A: <> Ogg: Error with glht function: Error in mcp2matrix(model, linfct = linfct) : Variable(s) 'Type' have been specified in 'linfct' but cannot be found in 'model'!