Displaying 20 results from an estimated 70 matches similar to: "Ggplot: free x-scales in a facet-grid"
2016 Sep 06
Ayuda con gráfico típico de histograma más linea
Dell es los pocos que yo sepa que ofrecen equipos con Linux instalado como
SO de base:
Carlos Ortega
El 6 de septiembre de 2016, 21:33, Ruben Tobalina Ramirez <
lagrimaescrita en gmail.com> escribió:
> Buenas,
> gracias a los que me ayudaron, he conseguido hacer
2016 Sep 03
Ayuda con gráfico típico de histograma más linea
Sí, la primera reunión de la temporada será el 8 de este mes.
Un saludo,
Carlos J. Gil Bellosta
El 3 de septiembre de 2016, 23:52, Ruben Tobalina Ramirez <
lagrimaescrita en gmail.com> escribió:
> Muchas gracias a todos!
> Pues si, Eric, R a veces me vuelve loco, tiene una lógica muy particular.
> Miraré el libro, que lattice no lo he usado
2009 Dec 14
ggplot : scale_x_datetime issues
Dear R users,
My immediate problem is that I do not seem to understand how to use the function scale_x_datetime function in ggplot. My deeper problem is that I don?t understand the use of the POSIXct class.
My data looks like like the following :
T????????? val
2009-11-04 23:59:57?? 972.357117????
2009-11-05 00:02:21?? 969.389221????
2009-11-05 00:04:45?? 868.817749????
2009-11-05 00:07:09??
2012 Dec 04
Winbugs from R
I am trying to covert a Winbugs code into R code. Here is the winbugs code
model{# model’s likelihoodfor (i in 1:n){time[i] ~ dnorm( mu[i], tau ) # stochastic componenent# link and linear predictormu[i] <- beta0 + beta1 * cases[i] + beta2 * distance[i]}# prior distributionstau ~ dgamma( 0.01, 0.01 )beta0 ~ dnorm( 0.0, 1.0E-4)beta1 ~ dnorm( 0.0, 1.0E-4)beta2 ~ dnorm( 0.0, 1.0E-4)#
2016 Sep 03
Ayuda con gráfico típico de histograma más linea
Prueba algo así:
datos <- read.table("Downloads/pec.csv", header = T, sep = ";", dec = ",")
datos$Miles <- as.numeric(gsub("\\.", "", as.character(datos$Miles)))
datos$hora <- strptime(datos$hora, format = "%H:%M")
ggplot(datos, aes(x = hora, y = Miles)) + geom_line() +
scale_x_datetime(date_breaks =
2010 Nov 19
Ggplot and irregular timeseries
Hello there,
Could anybody please help on how to correctly use ggplot when
printing irregural time series, by irregural here I mean for example
the absence of some dates in the whole timespan of a dataset. To be
more precise in the following example I generated some random data
which spans the whole November up to now and dropped weekend days but
for some reasons ggplot continues to plot the
2016 Sep 02
Ayuda con gráfico típico de histograma más linea
Y bueno, algo más bonito sí que queda con ggplot...
datIn <- read.csv("pec.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ";", dec = ",")
lab_x_idx <- c(1, round(nrow(datIn)/2, 0), nrow(datIn))
lab_x <- as.vector(datIn$hora[ lab_x_idx])
fre_gg <- ggplot( datIn, aes( x = 1:nrow(datIn), y = frec)) +
geom_bar(stat =
2008 Nov 17
ggplot2: can one have separate ylim for each facet?
In lattice
#toy data
x <- rnorm(100)
y <- rnorm(100)
k <- sample(c("Weak","Strong"),100,replace=T)
j <- sample(c("Tall","Short"),100,replace=T)
w <- data.frame(x,y,j,k)
will give you a scale in each subplot with a range equal to the range
of y
2013 Jun 10
All against all correlation matrix with GGPLOT Facet
I have the following data:
v <- rnorm(13)
w <- rnorm(13)
x <- rnorm(13)
y <- rnorm(13)
z <- rnorm(13)
Using GGPLOT facet, what I want to do is to create a 5*5 matrix,
where each cells plot the correlation between
each pair of the above data. E.g. v-v,v-w; v-x,...,z-z
What's the way to do it?
Attached is the image.
2010 Nov 09
ggplot2: facet_grid with different vertical lines on each facet
I am plotting many histograms together using facet_grid in ggplot2. However,
I want to then add a vertical line to each histogram, or facet, each of
which vertical lines are at different x-values.
The following example adds all vertical lines to each facet:
ggplot(data,aes(values)) + geom_histogram() + facet_grid(.~variable) +
How can I add a vertical
2011 May 18
Changing order of facet grid in ggplot2
Hi I am running the following code:
sym <- c(sym1,sym2,sym4)
lifedxm <- c("O-BD","O-WELL","O-UNI")
life <- c(lifedxm,lifedxm,lifedxm)
tp <- c("TP-ANY","TP-ANY", "TP-ANY", "TP-SUB", "TP-SUB", "TP-SUB", "TP-CLIN"
data <-
2013 Jan 22
Plotting error while using ggplot facet
Hello All,
I am trying to do the comparison of my observed and modeled data sets for
two stations. One station is called station "red" and another is called
"blue". I was able to create the facets but when I tried to add two series
in one facet then only one facet got updated while other didn't.
The data watersurf1.csv can be downloaded from
2013 Oct 15
compute current values in a facet
Hello Experts,
I found this example on web and use it just for explanation.
( http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15867263/ggplot2-geom-text-with-facet-grid )
x <-runif(9, 0, 125)
data <-
2007 Jul 16
Different axis limits for each facet in ggplot2
Is it possible to have different axis limit for each facet in a ggplot2
plot? Here is an example:
dat=melt(data.frame(x,y,z), id.var="x")
qplot( x, value, data=dat, facets=variable~., geom="line" )
2008 Mar 25
Different axis limits for each facet in ggplot2
Does Hadley's response to the following post still hold for the most recent
version of ggplot2?
I'm trying to accomplish in ggplot2 what the "relation" component of
"scales" does in lattice, e.g.,
stripplot(yield ~ variety | site, data = barley, scales = list(y =
2008 Jun 17
ggplot facet spacing, wrapping
I'm running into some problems with the spacing of some faceted ggplot plots.
I have a number of time series faceted to be one above another, but the
scale labels of the y axes all clobber each other at the bottom/top of each.
for example, try:
qplot(x, y, data = data.frame(x = 1:10, y = 1:10, size = 1:10), facets =
size ~ ., size = size) + scale_x_continuous(breaks = 1:10) +
2008 Aug 23
ggplot facet: change layout of panels
is there anyway to adjust how ggplot(facet=) displays the layout of
panels? I have a dataset with many 25 groups and gplot(y,x,facet=
.~group) displays all 25 y~x plots next to each other so overall the
plot is too wide. if i do the same plot in lattice xyploy(y~x|group)
the y~x plots are arranged nicely 5 in each row to overall the plots
is a nice 5 by 5 rectangular grid.
Is there any way
2009 Aug 11
ggplot2: override facet names in facet_wrap?
just a quick question (to which I suspect the answer is "no"):
does anyone know if, in the ggplot2 package, there's a way to
override the default names of the facets in facet_wrap (which
correspond to the levels of the factor used to facet)? I know
that I go back and change the levels of the factor, but it would
be convenient to be able to supply a vector of level names at
the time
2013 Apr 14
Problem plotting continuous and discrete series in ggplot with facet
I have data that plots over time with four different variables. I would
like to combine them in one plot using facet_grid, where each variable gets
its own sub-plot. The following code resembles my data
subm <- melt(economics, id='date', c('psavert','uempmed','unemploy'))
mcsm <- melt(data.frame(date=economics$date,
2009 Oct 06
ggplot2 applying a function based on facet
Look at the bottom of the message for my question
#here is a little function that I wrote
USGS <- function(input="discharge", days=7){
#021973269 is the Waynesboro Gauge on the Savannah River Proper (SRS)
#02102908 is the Flat Creek Gauge (ftbrfcms)
#02133500 is the Drowning Creek (ftbrbmcm)
#02341800 is the Upatoi Creek Near Columbus (ftbn)
#02342500 is