similar to: Perform one-way ANOVA using standard deviation and mean

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "Perform one-way ANOVA using standard deviation and mean"

2009 Dec 06
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object 'N' not found
I'm running an LSODA to generate some graphs, but I need to stop at a certain point and use those values to generate another LSODA output. This is working fine, but when I try to run the second LSODA, I get the "Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object 'N' not found". Any ideas what can be causing this? I have no object 'N' anywhere in the script. I made an
2003 Sep 22
weighted standard deviation
Dear all, is there an implemented function to compute a weighted standard deviation (-like weighted.mean-) in R ? Thank's a lot in advance Johannes Schnitzler
2012 Jan 15
A question about cointegration - How can we find the standard deviation in the cointegration relationship ?
Hello, I am using urca package to run cointegration. I would like to find the standard error in the (normalized, Johansen) cointegration relationship. How can I do it? As far as I know, The function "cajorls" in the "urca" package provides the normalized cointegrating relationships. Nevertheless, it does not provide the standard deviation of the coefficient for each
2007 Apr 23
test deviation from a binomial distribution - lack of 50:50
Dear R-users, I have a data set where each observation consists of a number of trials (n.trials) that varies between 5 and 7, 6 being most common. Each trial can take either of two outcomes, success or failure. A dummy data set: n.trials <- sample(5:7, 50, replace=T, prob=c(0.2, 0.6, 0.2)) success <- rbinom(50, n.trials, p=0.5) failure <- n.trials - success I know I could test for a
2007 Oct 21
scatter plot with 1 standard deviation for each point
Hi, Could anyone give suggestions how to plot a scatter plot with 1 standard deviation for each point. To make it clearer, here is a simple example: the scatterplot is plot(X, Y), but I want to add 1 standard deviation according to the value of Z for each Y. X Y Z 1 3.5 1.1 . . . . . . . . . Thanks a lot in advance. FD [[alternative HTML
2005 Jul 26
Difficulty getting standard deviation of ALL odds ratios with glm function, logistic regression, need cov of parameters
I am trying to do logistic regression with a categorical predictor variable with the glm() function, family=binomial. Using glm() I would like to be able to calculate the confidence intervals of all three possible odds ratios for a factor (the factor has three categories). Three categories imply two columns of 0's and 1's in the design matrix, and two parameter estimates with their
2011 Mar 25
Likelihood of deviation
Hi, I have a dataset of 78.903 news articles pertaining to 340 corporate takeovers. Mean 231.3871 [articles per takeover] Std. Dev. 673.6395 I would like to calculate the probability of a certain number of news articles if I had more takeovers available. How likely is it to have X articles if I had Y takeovers? How can I do that? Thank you very much, Michael
2004 Jul 13
Calculating sum of squares deviation between 2 similar matrices
Hi all, I've got clusters and would like to match individual records to each cluster based on a sum of squares deviation. For each cluster and individual, I've got 50 variables to use (measured in the same way). Matrix 1 is individuals and is 25000x50. Matrix 2 is the cluster centroids and is 100x50. The same variables are found in each matrix in the same order. I'd like to
2004 Apr 29
Maen squared deviation
Dear list, i'm looking for how to get the mean squared deviation in R. I tried a lot of (complicated) instructions, sometimes the worked, but now i'm looking for an easier one....Hope you can help - greetings.
2017 Jun 15
Estimating Unbiased Standard Deviation with Autocorrelation
Hello, I have a vector of values with significant autocorrelation, and I want to calculate an unbiased standard deviation that adjusts for the autocorrelation. The formula linked below purports to provide what I want: However, rather than just implementing this equation in
2020 Jan 10
Bitrate and deviation definations
Hi I could not understand how "active bitrate" and "bitrate standard deviation" is calculated in demo program. Can anyone please explain ? average bitrate: 5.489 kb/s maximum bitrate: 10.400 kb/s *active bitrate: 7.266 kb/sbitrate standard deviation: 1.559 kb/s* -- Thanks & Regards Vittal Prasad B R 9066662597
2000 Oct 01
barplots with standard deviation
Hello! I'd like to print certain kinds of diagrams with R. They should look like barplots with besides=TRUE, but also have the variance or standard deviation on every bar so that one could better compare the bars. How could I apply this? thanks for your help Raoul -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read
2004 Feb 15
linear regression of data with standard deviation
Hello everyone, I know that to calculate the linear regression between x and y I have to use the function "lm". But how to do if x and y have a standard deviation like in the following example? How to compute the chi square test in this case? Thank you, Fulvio. example: x +- dx 5 2 13 4 17 4 23 6 y +- dy 6.3 0.6 9.2 0.9 14 1 21 4
2005 Jan 18
standardised residuals using standard deviation
Dear R-users, I need to standardize residuals using standard deviation. Is the 'stdres' the proper function? Beside other methods (for standardization and normalization), are there some approaches how to standardize using standard deviation? Here is the sample of my residuals: Zres040 Zres0820 Sres040 Sres0820 PCres040 -2.101740 -2.0682900 1.6328500 0.5046730
2007 Apr 18
Get the: "standard deviation" and "mean value" of 3D-measurments
Hello, I have got a numeric matrix with three colums of a few measurments. My x and y coordinates are rising numbers. The z coordinate is the measurment. In my matrix if have got ~6000 sorted values for one measurments multiplied with the number of measurments. An example in the end. My aim is to get the "mean values" and "standard deviation" for each value between the
2008 Mar 13
how to generate bar charts with the standard deviation
Hi, I have the two vectors mean and sd of individual columns, but I am unsure how to generate bar charts with the standard deviation, even after looking the help of barplot and barplot.2. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Apr 07
plot with standar deviation (use abline and mad())
Hi list Maybe someone can help with the following problem (thanks in advance): I need to analisy a long list of data time \fluoscence I want to make one plot with standard deviation and the average data... Could you suggest me how to make that.. The data have this distribution: How can read and extrapolate this data? pippo.csv ps <- read.table(pippo.csv) time fluorescence 0; 0 4.013; 62.96
2008 Jul 09
"non-sample" standard-deviation
Hi, R seems to use the "1/n-1"-factor calculating the standard-deviation sd(). If i wat to get the "non-sample" standard-deviation i use sqrt(sd(x)^2*((n-1)/n)) Is there a parameter to get the sd()-function using the "1/n" factor directly? Or is there any other function to do so? Thank you in advance :-) Best, Eli
2008 Aug 13
The standard deviation of measurement 1 with respect to measurement 2
Hi, I have two (different types of) measurements, say X and Y, resulting from the same set of experiments. So X and Y are paired: (x_1, y_1), (x_2, y_2), ... I am trying to calculate the standard deviation of Y with respect to X. In other words, in terms of the scatter plot of X and Y, I would like to divide it into bins along the X-axis and for each bin calculate the standard deviation along
2008 Sep 24
climatological standard deviation
Hello R users, I have a montly time series over a several year period. It's easy to compute a monthly climatology (12 values), Now, I would like to calculate the corresponding standard deviation, ie the 12 values calculated from the january values, february values, etc. What's the best way for such a calculation ? Regards, Yogesh -- Yogesh K. Tiwari (Dr.rer.nat), Scientist, Indian