Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "very basic HLM question"
2005 Dec 22
bVar slot of lmer objects and standard errors
I am looking for a way to obtain standard errors for emprirical Bayes estimates of a model fitted with lmer (like the ones plotted on page 14 of the document available at http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICDocs/data/ericdocs2/content_storage_01/0000000b/80/2b/b3/94.pdf). Harold Doran mentioned (http://tolstoy.newcastle.edu.au/~rking/R/help/05/08/10638.html) that the posterior modes' variances
2006 Oct 20
Translating lme code into lmer was: Mixed effect model in R
This question comes up periodically, probably enough to give it a proper
thread and maybe point to this thread for reference (similar to the
'conservative anova' thread not too long ago).
Moving from lme syntax, which is the function found in the nlme package,
to lmer syntax (found in lme4) is not too difficult. It is probably
useful to first explain what the differences are between the
2006 Mar 29
Lmer BLUPS: was(lmer multilevel)
I may have found the issue (which is similar to your conclusion). I
checked using egsingle in the mlmRev package as these individuals are
strictly nested in this case:
fm1 <- lme(math ~ year, random=~1|schoolid/childid, egsingle)
fm2 <- lmer(math ~ year +(1|schoolid:childid) + (1|schoolid), egsingle)
Checking the summary of both models, the output is
2011 Oct 09
ANOVA from imported data has only 1 degree of freedom
I'm trying to analyse some data I have imported into R from a .csv file but
when I carry out the aov command the results show only one degree of freedom
when there should be 14. Does anyone know why? I'd really appreciate some
help, the data is pasted below.
/The imported table looks ike this this:/
Order Transect Sample Abundance
1 Coleoptera 1 1 13
2003 Jun 25
NLME Covariates
Dear list
In HLM, one can specify a covariate at one of the "levels". For example, if the data structure are repeated observations nested within students nested within schools, school size might be a covariate that is used at level 3, but not at the other levels. In HLM this is rather easy to do.
However, how can one specify a covariate in R for only one of the levels? I have a
2004 Jul 02
Problem in lme4
Dear List:
I was able to run the following in nlme successfully, but the same model
and code (same dataset) failed to run in lme4 and gave me the error
message below. Any thoughts?
lme(math~year, data=egsingle, random=~year|schoolid/childid)
Error in lme(formula = math ~ year, data = egsingle, random =
structure(list( :
Unable to invert singular factor of downdated X'X
2011 Jun 01
How to write random effect in MCMCglmm
Hi All,
The data set that I have is a cluster data, and I want to run a HLM mixed
model with multi-level response. Here is my data set:
- Level (num: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - 5 levels)
- Type (Factor: A, B, C - 3 levels)
- yr (num: 2006, 2007, ...)
- Male (num: 0=not Male, 1=Male - 2 levels)
- Ethnicity (Factor: A, B, H, ..., - 7 levels)
- ELL (num: 0, 1, - 2
2011 Feb 07
Using Aggregate for Date
I am trying to find the min of day for each student in each year.
Here is the dataset:
date studentid year
1/1/05 6:07 AM 236 20082009
3/27/09 9:45 AM 236 20082009
4/29/09 8:44 AM 236 20082009
3/27/09 11:36 AM 310 20082009
4/1/09 10:43 AM 310 20082009
10/15/09 8:54 AM 310
2003 Jul 08
NLME Fitted Values
Dear List:
I am having difficulties with the fitted values at different levels of a multilevel model. My data set is a series of student test scores over time with a total of 7,280 observations, 1,720 students nested witin 60 schools. The data set is not balanced.
The model was fit using
eg.model.1<-lme(math~year, random=~year|schoolid/childid, data=single).
When I call the random
2003 Sep 08
lmList with NAs
Hello R-Helpers,
I was trying to use the lmList function to get the lmList graphic similar to Pinheiro and Bates (pg 33). I did not have a problem creating the graphic when I used the Orthodont data frame or 2 other data sets when there are no missing values.
My data has missing values. Do I need to remove the missing values before the lmList function will work?
for a small example:
> a
2009 Apr 23
Interpreting the results of Friedman test
I have problems interpreting the results of a Friedman test. It seems
to me that the p-value resulting from a Friedman test and with it the
"significance" has to be interpreted in another way than the p-value
resulting from e.g. ANOVA?
Let me describe the problem with some detail: I'm testing a lot of
different hypotheses in my observer study and only for some the
2004 May 28
Merging nlme output
Dear list:
I am trying to merge two files together from output I get based on the coef() command. Here is what I am running into.
I have two simple linear mixed models
> mod1.lme<-lme(math~year, data=sample, random=~year|childid/schoolid)
> mod2.lme<-lme(math~year, data=sample, random=~year|childid)
I then call the coefficients and store them in the following objects using
2005 Jan 31
Automatically Extracting F- and P- vals from ANOVA
Dear R community,
I'm currently using R to analyze functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
data. Each analysis involves running ~120,000 repeated-measures
I would like to know if there is any automatic way to access the F-
and P-value data that are associated with each of these 120,000
For example, if the summary output (for the 1st ANOVA of 120,000)
shows the following value
2011 Apr 07
Automated Fixed Order Stepwise Regression Function
I am interested in creating a stepwise fixed order regression function. There's a function for this already called add1( ). The F statistics are calculated using type 2 anova (the SS and the F changes don't match SPSS's). You can see my use of this at the very end of the email.
What I want: a function to make an anova table with f changes and delt R^2.
I ran into
2003 Sep 09
I have Data like this:
Tone OQtil4 OQ0 GOtil4 GO0 SKrhsJ SK0 RCrhsJ
1 HsLG -9.1347877 -2.97 -7.409590 -6.40 9.389357 20.60 10.688854
2 HsLG -7.9270569 -2.03 -7.861541 -6.90 10.165324 26.40 10.640183
3 HsLG -7.0394106 -1.26 -7.509566 -6.53 12.033194 30.87 9.401959
4 HsLG -6.8625610 -1.03 -7.645118 -6.68 10.372605 24.22 9.378803
2009 May 20
Extracting correlation in a nlme model
Hi R users:
Is there a function to obtain the correlation within groups
from this very simple lme model?
> modeloMx1
Linear mixed-effects model fit by REML
Data: barrag
Log-restricted-likelihood: -70.92739
Fixed: fza_tension ~ 1
Random effects:
Formula: ~1 | molde
(Intercept) Residual
StdDev: 2.610052 2.412176
Number of Observations: 30
2010 Jun 16
shrout & fleiss ICC´s with varying numbers of judges
Win7, R2.11.0
I am working on a report together with several co-authors. The data
concern several performance measures on a set of groups. These measures
are scored by external judges. We report findings on several datasets,
including several of the 6 ICC's discussed by Shrout & Fleiss (1979). We
determine these using the icc function from the irr package. We have
also used the ICC
2000 Feb 07
R-0.99.0 is released
I've rolled up R-0.99.0.tgz a moment ago.
You can get it from
or wait for it to be mirrored at a CRAN site near you within a day or two.
There's also a version split in three (!) for floppies if you prefer
The next release is to be 1.0.0 at the end of this month,
2000 Feb 07
R-0.99.0 is released
I've rolled up R-0.99.0.tgz a moment ago.
You can get it from
or wait for it to be mirrored at a CRAN site near you within a day or two.
There's also a version split in three (!) for floppies if you prefer
The next release is to be 1.0.0 at the end of this month,
2000 Sep 12
HLM in R
Does anyone know of code to conduct hierarchical (that is, multi-level)
models using R. Beyond simply requiring a nested design, I want to model
explicitly the covariance between levels as is done in such multi-level
modeling software as HLM or MLwin and discussed in Goldestein (1999)
available online at http://www.arnoldpublishers.com/support/goldstein.htm (a
nice and free resource for anyone