Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "Help me apply mapply"
2006 Jul 20
Timing benefits of mapply() vs. for loop was: Wrap a loop inside a function
Thank you for the replies to my post yesterday. Gabor and Phil also gave
useful replies on how to improve the function by relying on mapply
rather than the explicit for loop. In general, I try and use the family
of apply functions rather than the looping constructs such as for, while
etc as a matter of practice.
However, it seems the mapply function in this case is slower (in terms
of CPU
2013 Nov 01
computation of hessian matrix
below is a code to compute hessian matrix , which i need to generate 29 number of different matrices for example first element in x1 and x2 is use to generate let say matrix (M1) and second element in x1 and x2 give matrix (M2) upto matrix (M29) corresponding to the total number of observations and b1 and b2 are constant.
can some one guide me or help to implement this please. I did not
2003 May 20
Extending %*%
I have lists of matrices stored in various ways. I'd like to extend
%*% to work on these. Is this possible, or should I create my own new
A simplified example would be as follows:
A <- list( A1, A2, A3)
B <- list( B1, B2, B3)
where A1,...,B3 are all matrices, and I'd like A %*% B to return
list( A1 %*% B1, A2 %*% B2, A3 %*% B3)
In the real case A and B are sometimes
2007 Jul 31
extract columns of a matrix/data frame
Hello all,
I have a matrix whose column names look like
a1 a2 b1 b2 b3 c1 c2
1 2 3 7 1 3 2
4 6 7 8 1 4 3
Now, I can have any number of a's. not just two as shown above and same goes for b's and c's. I need to extract all the a's columns and put them in another matrix, extract all b's columns and put them in some matrix
2007 Oct 24
Error in nls model.frame
Error in model.frame
When I run the following nls model an error message appears and I dont
know how to solve that. Could you help me??
mat = c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,12,16,24,36,48,60)
for (i in 1:length(j30)) {
bliss = nls(c(j[i,1:length(mat)]) ~ b0 + b1*((1-exp(-k1*mat))/(k1*mat)) +
start = list(k1=0.1993, k2=0.1993, b0= 22.0046,
2007 Aug 07
Naming Lists
Im pretty new to R and I have run in to a problem. How do I name all the
levels in this list.
Lev1 <- c("A1","A2")
Lev2 <- c("B1","B2")
Lev3 <- c("C1","C2")
MyList <- lapply(Lev1,function(x){
I would like to name the different
2012 Mar 01
Converting a string vector with names to a numeric vector with names
Not paying close attention to detail, I entered the equivalent of
pstr<-c("b1=200", "b2=50", "b3=0.3")
when what I wanted was
pnum<-c(b1=200, b2=50, b3=0.3)
There was a list thread in 2010 that shows how to deal with un-named vectors, but the same
lapply solution doesn't seem to work here i.e.,
pnum<-lapply(pstr, as.numeric)
or similar vapply
2015 Jan 29
Listas Recursivas
Tengo un análisis en el que como resultado obtengo una lista recursiva, es
decir, una lista cuyos componentes a su vez son listas. Son varias
iteraciones de una función que proporciona varios resultados de interés de
distinta naturaleza y por eso los uno en una lista. Las iteraciones son
hechas en paralelo, y los resultados de una función de este tipo suelen ser
empaquetados a su vez en una
2003 Oct 14
mapply() gives seg fault
Hello everybody.
I've been experimenting with mapply(). Does anyone else have problems with:
R> mapply(rep,times=1:4, MoreArgs=42)
(I get a seg fault).
R> R.version
platform powerpc-apple-darwin6.6
arch powerpc
os darwin6.6
system powerpc, darwin6.6
status beta
major 1
minor 8.0
year 2003
month 10
day 02
language R
2008 Mar 23
In an earlier post, a person wanted to divide each of the rows of
rawdata by the row vector sens so he did below but didn't like it and
asked if there was a better solution.
rawdata <- data.frame(rbind(c(1,2,2), c(4,5,6))) sens <- c(2,4,6)
temp <- t(rawdata)/sens
temp <- t(temp)
Gabor sent three other solutions and I understood 2 of them but not the
2012 Mar 12
mapply & assign to generate functions
I have a problem that I'm finding a bit tricky. I'm trying to use
mapply and assign to generate curried functions. For example, if I
have the function divide
divide <- function(x, y) {
x / y
And I want the end result to be functionally equivalent to:
half <- function(x) divide(x, 2)
third <- function(x) divide(x, 3)
quarter <- function(x) divide(x, 4)
But I want
2004 Jun 15
"Glueing" factors together
Hi folks,
Suppose I have a series of cases each with categorical
factors A, B.
What is the best way to "glue" A and B together into a single
factor? For example, given
A0 B1 ...
A1 B1 ...
A0 B2 ...
A1 B0 ...
A0 B0 ...
A1 B2 ...
then I'd like to end up with a single factor with levels
A0B0, A0B1, A0B2, A1B0, A1B1, A1B2
according to all the combinations which actually occur in
2013 Feb 07
Merging data in arrays
Dear All,
Here is a hypothetical sample (sorry for the clumsy code):
A1 <- matrix(1:5, nrow=5, ncol=1)
A2 <- matrix(6:10, nrow=5, ncol=1)
A3 <- matrix(11:15, nrow=5, ncol=1)
A4 <- matrix(16:20, nrow=5, ncol=1)
A5 <- matrix(21:25, nrow=5, ncol=1)
A6 <- matrix(26:30, nrow=5, ncol=1)
B1 <- matrix(c(A1, A2, A3), nrow=5, ncol=3)
B2 <- matrix(c(A2, A3, A4), nrow=5, ncol=3)
2012 Nov 15
bug with mapply() on an S4 object
Starting with ordinary vectors, so we know what to expect:
> mapply(function(x, y) {x * y}, 101:106, rep(1:3, 2))
[1] 101 204 309 104 210 318
> mapply(function(x, y) {x * y}, 101:106, 1:3)
[1] 101 204 309 104 210 318
Now with an S4 object:
setClass("A", representation(aa="integer"))
a <- new("A", aa=101:106)
> length(a)
2013 Oct 25
add a color band
Hi all,
I would like to ask your help to add a color band (Ι am not sure regarding the right term, this color band at the right of the plot "describing" values with their corresponding color.
For now I have only this code
axis(1,at=c(0,1),labels=c("a","b")) #
but I would like to add
2011 Jul 31
Trouble Using mapply
Dear all,
I am having a problem with mapply. I guess the reason is that mapply is not "vectorized". But could you please take a look at my code below and help me to find a solution (either a better way to use mapply or a different function to call). Thanks a lot!
##beginning of my code
myfun <- function(threshold, all.data) {
##Just a demostration of a function that takes a
2006 Aug 31
Wish: keep names in mapply() result
I have noticed that mapply() drops names in R 2.3.1 as well as in
r-devel. Here is a simple example:
l <- list(a=1, b=2)
k <- list(1)
mapply(FUN="+", l, k)
[1] 2 3
mapply(FUN="+", l, k, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
[1] 2
[1] 3
Help page does not indicate that this should happen. Argument USE.NAMES
does not have any effect here as it used only in a bit special
2013 Feb 14
mapply error with Math (S4 group generic)
I get an error when using self-defined (not standard) functions with mapply
with S4 objects from the raster package that I develop: "Error in
as.character(sys.call(sys.parent())[[1]]) : cannot coerce type 'closure'
to vector of type 'character'". Does anyone understand why? The problem is
illustrated below. Thanks, Robert
> # First a general example that works
2013 Dec 06
Using assign with mapply
I have a data frame whose first colum contains the names of the variables
and whose second colum contains the values to assign to them:
: kkk <- data.frame(vars=c("var1", "var2", "var3"),
vals=c(10, 20, 30), stringsAsFactors=F)
If I do
: assign(kkk$vars[1], kkk$vals[1])
it works
: var1
[1] 10
However, if I try with mapply
2011 Feb 23
list multiplied by a factor / mapply
Dear list,
this works fine:
x <- split(iris, iris$Species)
x1 <- lapply(x, function(L) transform(L, g = L[,1:4] * 3))
but I would like to multiply each Species with another factor:
setosa by 2, versicolor by 3 and virginica by 4. I've tried mapply but
without success.
Any thoughts? Thanks for any idea!