Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Error of 'memory not mapped' in ff Package with VirtualBox"
2013 Nov 18
Reading in csv data with ff package
I've spent some time trying to wrap my head around reading in large csv
files with the ff-package. I think I know how to do it, but am bumping
into some problems. I've tried to recreate the issues as best as I can
with a smaller example and maybe someone can help explain the problems.
The following code just creates a csv file with an integer column,
character column and logical column.
2011 May 04
Problems saving ff objects
Dear list,
I am trying to understand and use the ff package. As I had some problems saving some ff objects, and as I did not fully manage to understand the whole concept of *.ff, *.ffData and *.RData with the help of the documentation, I tried to reproduce the examples from the help of ffsave.
When I ran, however : (copied from the help)
message("let's create some ff objects")
2010 Dec 24
How to specify ff object filepaths when reading a CSV file into a ff data frame.
The read.csv.ffdf function in package ff will create the ff object
physical file in the default directories, I am trying to let the files
created in the paths users specify, I think the point is to make use
of the asffdf_args parameter,
I have a test CSV file named D:\rtemp\fftest.csv, the content of the
file is as following:
2010 Sep 14
How to uncompress a gz file in R
Dear Fellows,
I would like to know how to uncompress a gz file at the R console. I could
not find out any help from the R-help archive.
Thanks for your great help.
Best Regards,
Wonsang You
Wonsang You
Special Lab Non-Invasive Brain Imaging
Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology
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2009 Nov 25
questions on the ff package
I have two questions on using the ff package and wonder if anyone who used
ff can share some thoughts.
I need to save a matrix as a memory-mapped file and load it back later. To
save the matrix, I use
mat = matrix(1:20, 4, 5)
matFF = ff(mat, dim=dim(mat), filename="~/a.mat", overwrite=TRUE, dimnames
= dimnames(mat))
To load it back, I use
matFF2 = ff(vmode = "double",
2013 Feb 27
How to specify ff object filepaths when reading a CSV file into a ff data frame.
Really old subject?, so, all my apologizes for digging up
but, since I also ran into this? maybe this hack can be useful to someone
I propose monkey patching here:
my.as.ffdf.data.frame <- function (x, vmode = NULL, col_args = list(), ...)
rnam <- attr(x, "row.names")
if (is.integer(rnam)) {
if (all(rnam == seq_along(rnam)))
rnam <- NULL
2010 Sep 16
How to combine matrix and vector
Dear fellows,
I am a novice in R. I would like to combine a matrix and a vector. Assume
that we have the matrix a and the vector b with same length of column.
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15
Then, I want to combine a and b as follows.
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9
2010 Jan 07
A question about the ff package
I am using version 2.1-1 of the ff package.
I have a data set with 80 million rows and I need to create a new ffdf
object, subseting by values in one of the original ffdf's columns. Here is
my code:
bigData <- read.table.ffdf(file="/data/demodata/data/smallData.txt",
next.rows=1e5, head=TRUE, sep="|")
N <- nrow(bigData);N
select <- ff(
2012 Oct 31
ffdfindexget from package ff
I'm having trouble getting ffdfindexget to work right in Windows. Even the
most trivial of examples gives me problems.
> myVec = ff(1:5)
> another = ff(10:14)
> littleFrame = ffdf(myVec, another)
> posVec = ff(c(2, 4), vmode = 'integer')
> ffdfindexget(littleFrame, posVec)
Error in if (any(B < 1)) stop("B too small") :
missing value where TRUE/FALSE
2010 Nov 22
Fast Two-Dimensional Optimization
Dear R Helpers,
I have attempted "optim" function to solve a two-dimensional optimization
problem. It took around 25 second to complete the procedure.
However, I want to reduce the computation time: less than 7 second. Is there
any optimization function in R which is very rapid?
Best Regards,
Wonsang You
Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology
View this message in
2010 Aug 01
How to create ff objects from database connection
Does anybody know how to create ff objects with data reading from stream objects, such as data reading from PostgreSQL database through RPostgreSQL. For this purpose although we can save the data to a csv file through external tools and then read it through csv readers, but it requires one more data read and write operation, which is of high I/O cost for large datasets.
2010 Aug 31
How to Adaptively Set Up the Coordinate Range of Multiple Graphs in One Figure
Hi, R-Helpers,
I would like to ask about multiple graphs in one figure. I tried to execute
the following codes.
xlim <- c(1,100)
ylim <- c(1,4)
plot(NA, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)
> x <- c(1:100)
for(j in seq(1,10,by=1)) {
y <- j*x^2+log(j)
lines(x, y)
In the above codes, I had to arbitrarily set up the coordinate range of the
figure in advance before
2012 Sep 12
unzipping with ff
I've noticed that ff uses the unzip utility available on it's host OS to
load datasets via ffload. It seems to work fine in linux, but when I try
to use the package in Windows (hence dling Windows unzip utils) I get 2
errors, one telling me that the options aren't being passed to unzip
correctly and another indicating that my filename is incorrect. First,
does anyone know of an unzip
2012 Mar 30
ff usage for glm
Greetings useRs,
Can anyone provide an example how to use ff to feed a very large data frame to glm?
The data.frame cannot be loaded in R using conventional read.csv as it is too big.
glm(...,data=ff.file) ??
Thank you
Stephen B
2010 Oct 13
How to fix error in the package 'rgenoud'
Dear R user fellows,
I would like to ask you about the package 'rgenoud' which is a genetic
optimization tool.
I ran the function 'genoud' with two variables to be minimized by the
following command.
pop.size=1000, max.generations=10, wait.generations=3)
Then, I had the following error message.
Error in
2012 Oct 02
ffsave problems
Dear R friends.
After having some troubles learning how to create a ffdf object, now I find
myself having problems saving it.
this is the data i´d like to save:
List of 3
$ virtual: 'data.frame': 6 obs. of 7 variables:
.. $ VirtualVmode : chr "double" "short" "integer" "integer" ...
.. $ AsIs : logi FALSE FALSE FALSE
2010 Nov 10
ff objects saving problem
I am running the examples in page 70 of the ff package document, but it failed with the following error
> cat("let's create some ff objects\n")
let's create some ff objects
> n <- 8e3
> a <- ff(sample(n, n, TRUE), vmode="integer", length=n, filename="d:/tmp/a.ff")
> b <- ff(sample(255, n, TRUE), vmode="ubyte", length=n,
2011 Feb 26
2D Convolution Function
Dear R-Helpers,
I want to try the 2D (two-dimensional) convolution in R.
For example, let us we have the following kernel and data.
kernel <- (1,2,3,2,1)
data <- array(1:100, dim=c(10,10))
I know the function 'convolve' only for one-dimensional convolution, but it
is just for a 1D sequence.
Is there any function for 2D convolution?
For theory, please refer to the following link:
2011 Feb 08
Simulation of Multivariate Fractional Gaussian Noise and Fractional Brownian Motion
Dear R Helpers,
I have searched for any R package or code for simulating multivariate
fractional Brownian motion (mFBM) or multivariate fractional Gaussian noise
(mFGN) when a covariance matrix are given. Unfortunately, I could not find
such a package or code.
Can you suggest any solution for multivariate FBM and FGN simulation? Thank
you for your help.
Best Regards,
Wonsang You
2010 Oct 01
ff version 2.2.0
Dear R community,
The next release of package ff is available on CRAN. With kind help of Brian Ripley it now supports the Win64 and Sun versions of R. It has three major functional enhancements:
a) new fast in-memory sorting and ordering functions (single-threaded)
b) ff now supports on-disk sorting and ordering of ff vectors and ffdf dataframes
c) ff integer vectors now can be used as