similar to: fix sign of a coefficient in formula

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "fix sign of a coefficient in formula"

2009 Jul 15
interacting variables in a formulae in R
Dear R Mailing Subscribers, I just have a question of how R handles interacting variables in model creation using glm for instance. if I write : >> model=glm(solution~descriptor1+descriptor2+descriptor3,family=binomial(link="logit")) I should end up with coefficients for a logistic model that I can introduce easily in the mathematical form of such a model (weighted sum of
2007 Mar 20
grid on a wireframe plot
Hello, I want to do a surface plot with wireframe from the lattice package. As for now I use the following command : print(wireframe(m,main="% my title", colorkey=TRUE, col.regions=rainbow(100), drape=TRUE,aspect = c(1,1.0),ylab="y",xlab="x",zlab="z", scales=list(arrows=FALSE)),split=c(1,1,3,2), more=TRUE) How can I show the gridlines in a 3D surface
2010 Dec 12
95% CI of a IQR and more
Hi guys! I have to calculate the 95% CI for the IQR. I have 100samples with continuous numbers using a compute-intensive method. 1)I can calculate the 95%CI and the IQR, but I don't know how to calculate the CI of the IQR, does anybody have any idea, which method will be appropriate? 2)I have a 2x2 table with gender vs blue eyes or not. How do I calculate the expected two-by-two contingency
1999 Jul 07
Linear Models with positive coefficients?
Hi, is it possible in one of the libraries on linear methods to constrain the coefficients to be positive? Thanks Chris -- Christoph M. Friedrich | mailto:friedrich at Gesellschaft f?r Modulfermenterbau mbH (GfM mbH) | Alfred-Herrhausen Str. 44 ; D-58455 Witten, Germany
2012 Apr 08
Avoid loop with the integrate function
Dear R users, I am running a loop with the integrate function. I have pasted the code below. I am integrating a function from time=0 to the time value in every row. I have to perform this integration over thousands of rows with different parameters in each row. Could someone please suggest if there is an efficient/faster/easier way to do this by avoiding the loops ? Thank you so much for your
2007 Oct 22
loess coefficients output
May I inquire about how to obtain the coefficients from a loess fit of multiple covariates? I have tried terms and coef, but it does not provide me with the coefficients to identify the terms of the entire regression equation. Many thanks Paul -- Paul R. Hutson, Pharm.D. Associate Professor UW School of Pharmacy 777 Highland Avenue Madison WI 53705-2222
2008 May 28
Fixing the coefficient of a regressor in formula
Dear R users, I want to estimate a Cox PH model with time-dependent covariates so I am using a counting process format with the following formula: Surv(data$start, data$stop, data$event.time) ~ cluster(data$id) + G1 + G2 + G3 + G4 + G5 +G6 Gs represent a B-spline basis functions so they sum to 1 and I can't estimate the model as is without getting the last coefficient to be NA, which
2017 Jul 05
expand gridded matrix to higher resolution
You probably ought to be using the raster package. See the CRAN Spatial Task View. -- Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity. On July 5, 2017 12:20:28 AM PDT, "Anthoni, Peter (IMK)" <peter.anthoni at> wrote: >Hi all, >(if me email goes out as html, than my email client don't do as told, >and I apologies already.) > >We need to downscale climate
2000 Apr 05
My first R-program
Sorry, I pasted the wrong file in earlier... this is the correct one: pValCalculator(b, n=20, m=20) { ind <- 1:min(c(n,m)) prob <- (1-pnorm(b,sd=std*sqrt(ind))) prob1 <- sum((n-ind+1)*(m-ind+1)*prob) prob1 } inputData <- scan("/users/lvssso/projects/LAMA/output/pValLamaScore.tmp", list(block1 = "",block2 = "",width1 = 0,width2 = 0,alignment = 0,score
2009 Jan 12
polychoric correlation: issue with coefficient sign
Hello, I am running polychoric correlations on a dataset composed of 12 ordinal and binary variables (N =384), using the polycor package. One of the association (between 2 dichotomous variables) is very high using the 2-step estimate (0.933 when polychoric run only between the two variables; but 0.801 when polychoric run on the 12 variables). The same correlation run with ML estimate returns a
2017 Jul 05
expand gridded matrix to higher resolution
Hi all, (if me email goes out as html, than my email client don't do as told, and I apologies already.) We need to downscale climate data and therefore first need to expand the climate from 0.5deg to the higher resolution 10min, before we can add high resolution deviations. We basically need to have the original data at each gridcell replicated into 3x3 gridcells. A simple for loop can do
2005 Sep 09
Question about plotting discontinuous data
Hi, I have a simple question that I just cannot figure out. I have 2 corresponding columns of data, one column (X-axis) for time (formatted thus: 8:30:01am = 830.1, 12:30:05pm = 1230.5, and one column (Y-axis) for values. When I attempt to plot the data using something like plot(inputdata[,1],inputdata[,2],type="l"); I get breaks in the plot (since the time essentially jumps from
2009 Oct 14
Hi all, I have a question regarding the memory usage for the attach function. Say I have a data.frame inputdat that I create with read.csv. I would like to know what happens on the memory side when I use attach(inputdata) Is there a second allocation of memory for inputdata? Then I'm using eval on a expression which depends on the columns of inputdata. Is it better not to use attach
2005 Apr 08
DLL Memory Problem
Hello, I have created a .dll file using G77 and MinGW on my PC (Windows 2000). After using dyn.load to bring it into R2.0.1, I then call the .dll through the function ccprox shown below. It returns the correct values. If I run it a second time though it returns different values, so it seems something is being placed oddly in memory. If I unload and reload the .dll it works again the first
2000 Apr 05
My first R program
Hi, Sorry to bother you guys with this syntax problem, this is my first R program, and I seem to not have grasped something right. I keep getting an error message from 'parse' on the line with the *** : pValCalculator(b, n=20, m=20) { ind <- 1:min(c(n,m)) prob <- (1-pnorm(b,sd=std*sqrt(ind))) prob1 <- sum((n-ind+1)*(m-ind+1)*prob) prob1 } inputData <-
2012 May 11
NLS sensitivity to start= values or poles in data range
Greetings R-help! I'm fairly new to R and am trying to expand my knowledge beyond using R for simple summary statistics and basic tests. To that end I am attempting to write an interactive R-script that will perform a general rational function fit to a given dataset based on the example given at The problem that I seem to have
2003 Feb 21
Problem Writeing a pipe using R (stdin is consumed)
Hi everybody, I a, trying to use R as a pipe like this: cat inputData | R --silent RCommandFile >outputData The RCommandFile would contain something like readLines(stdin()). I have tryed various things and none did work cleanly. One possible solution is to use the pipe() function inside R and to pass in the "cat inputData" however this is not very convenient since I would like to
2018 Sep 22
Quick question: How to BuildMI mov64mi32 arbitrary MMB address to memory
Dear All, I am working on a x86 backend machineFunction pass, where I am trying to save the hard coded address of an arbitrary machine basic block to memory in ASM. I know the assembly needed for this but am lost at how to construct the BuildMI(). Note that these machine basic blocks are not entry's to a function. but in the middle of the function. so using addGlobalAddress or
2018 Apr 12
R Timeseries tsoutliers:tso
Hello, Writing to seek help in regard to some unexpected performance anomaly i am observing in using tsoutlers:tso on the mac vs on an AWS cloud server.. I am running the following code with very small dataset of about 208 records. d.dir <- '/Users/darshanpandya/xxxxxx' FNAME <- 'my_data.csv' d.input <- fread(file.path(paste0(d.dir,"/zzz/"),FNAME,fsep =
2013 May 17
[LLVMdev] Alignment attribute of function arguments
Hello everyone, Hopefully a simple question. How can I access function argument alignment information? If my code has something like this: void foo(short * __restrict __attribute__ ((aligned(8))) InputData){} I deal with argument (InputData) can I get the alignment info set for it? Thanks! Sergei --- Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. is a member of Code Aurora Forum, hosted by