similar to: effects packages for mixed model?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30000 matches similar to: "effects packages for mixed model?"

2011 Jan 21
Error in ANOVA for model comparison
Hello I am trying to compare two models using anova(), however I get a message error (see below). In the net I only found some information on certain library(car) for which one should use anova with A capital letter (Anova instead of anova), but I could not find car library as it says it does not exist. > Model <- lm(interceptG ~ SW + TSC + FSC + PF + SlopeG + K, data=AllTrait) >
2011 Mar 02
Dear Sirs, i just downloaded the R programm on my Macbook, but I canĀ“t open Rcmdr, although I installed the needed Rcmdr-packages. I would be very happy, if you could help me. Telephone: +49 151 10868600 (Germany) or e-mail Yous sincerely, Selda Korkmaz [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Apr 08
general linear hypothesis testing for manova model
Hello, I have a MANOVA model and I want to test the following hypothesis: LBM = 0 where B is the parameter estimates. Is there any function to do this in R? Cheers, Philippe -- Philippe Hup? Institut Curie, CNRS UMR 144, INSERM U900 26 rue d'Ulm 75005 Paris - France Email : Philippe.Hupe at T?l : +33 (0)1 56 24 69 91 Fax: +33 (0)1 56 24 69 11 website :
2011 Sep 13
using vif from package "car" - "aliased coefficients in the model"
Hello! I have run a simple regression - lm and created a regression object "myreg". I can see all the coefficients when I print(myreg). Then I tried to run vif(myreg) from the package "car". However, it's giving me an error: in vif.lm(regr.f) : there are aliased coefficients in the model Very sorry for my question: Is there any way to get the vif's for all predictors?
2011 Jul 30
Problem with effects package
Dear List, Several times I use this package I get the error message shown below. When I work out simple examples, it turns out to be fine, but when working with real and moderate size data sets I always get the same error. Do you know what could be the cause of the problem? Error in apply(mod.matrix[, components], 1, prod) : subscript out of bounds Error in
2012 Feb 04
effect function (effects package)
Dear all, How does the effect() function in the effects package calculate effects and standard errors for glm quasipoisson models? I was using effect() to calculate the impact of increasing x to e + epsilon, and then finding the expected percent change. I thought that this effect (as a percentage) should be exp(beta*epsilon), where beta is the appropriate coefficient from the model, but
2011 Dec 01
FIML with missing data in sem package
Is there a way to use full information maximum likelihood (FIML) to estimate missing data in the sem package? For example, suppose I have a dataset with complete information on X1-X3, but missing data (MAR) on X4. Is there a way to use FIML in this case? I know lavaan and openmx allow you to do it, but I couldn't find anything in the documentation for the sem package. Thanks! -- Dustin Fife
2012 Sep 20
Variance Inflation Factor VIC() with a matrix
Hi everyone, Running the vif() function from the car package like ---------------------------------------------------- > reg2 <- lm(CARsPur~Delay_max10+LawChange+MarketTrend_20d+MultiTrade, data=data.frame(VarVecPur)) > vif(reg2) Delay_max10 LawChange MarketTrend_20d MultiTrade 1.010572 1.009874 1.004278 1.003351
2012 Oct 25
Plot lmer model with Effects package
Hi everyone! I have a simple model that i would like to plot with 95% CIs. It is like follows: m1<-lmer(Richness~Grazing+I(Grazing^2)+(1|Plot),family=poisson) By using the effects package I get two plots, one for the linear term and one for the squared term. Q1: Can I get all in one? I.e. with one line for the whole model? Q2: Can I also visualize the random effects? I would be very happy for
2010 Oct 25
structural equation modeling in sem, error, The model has negative degrees of freedom = -3, and The model is almost surely misspecified...
Hi all, I am attempting to learn my way through the sem package by constructing a simple structural model for some of my data on bird diversity, abundance, and primary productivity. I have constructed a covariance matrix between these variables as per the following: >S_matrix = matrix(c( >+ 0.003083259, 0, 0, >+ 0.143870284, 89.7648490, 0, >+ 0.276950919,
2012 Feb 08
dropterm in MANOVA for MLM objects
Dear R fans, I have got a difficult sounding problem. For fitting a linear model using continuous response and then for re-fitting the model after excluding every single variable, the following functions can be used. library(MASS) model = lm(perf ~ syct + mmin + mmax + cach + chmin + chmax, data = cpus) dropterm(model, test = "F") But I am not sure whether any similar functions is
2012 Mar 08
Packages 'effects' loads 'name' which conflicts with 'lme4'
Hi, I would like to use the effect() function (actually a slightly modified version of it) on the output of the lmer() function in the lme4 package. But the effects package requires the nlme pacvkage, which is incompatible with lme4. Workaround? ______________________________________________ Professor Michael Kubovy University of Virginia Department of Psychology for mail add: for FedEx or
2012 Jul 12
easy way to fit saturated model in sem package?
Hi, I am wondering if anyone knows of an easy way to fit a saturated model using the sem package on raw data? Say the data were: mtcars[, c("mpg", "hp", "wt")] The model would estimate the three means (intercepts) of c("mpg", "hp", "wt"). The variances of c("mpg", "hp", "wt"). The covariance of mpg with
2007 Mar 23
Effect display of proportional odds model
Dear useRs, I very much like the effect display of the proportional odds model on page 29 (Figure 8) of the following paper by John Fox: It really gives a very concise overview of the model. I would like to use it to illustrate the proportional odds mixed models we fit here for a project on Diabetes but I can't seem to reproduce
2010 Feb 09
Model matrix using dummy regressors or deviation regressors
The model matrix for the code at the end the email is shown below. Since the model matrix doesn't have -1, I think that it is made of dummy regressors rather than deviation regressors. I'm wondering how to make a model matrix using deviation regressors. Could somebody let me know? > model.matrix(aaov) (Intercept) A2 B2 B3 A2:B2 A2:B3 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 2
2011 Mar 20
manova question
Dear friends, Sorry for this somewhat generically titled posting but I had a question with using contrasts in a manova context. So here is my question: Suppose I am interested in doing inference on \beta in the case of the model given by: Y = X %*% \beta + e where Y is a n x p matrix of observations, X is a n x m design matrix, \beta is m x p matrix of parameters, and e is a
2011 Jan 04
scoping/non-standard evaluation issue
Dear r-devel list members, On a couple of occasions I've encountered the issue illustrated by the following examples: --------- snip ----------- > mod.1 <- lm(Employed ~ GNP.deflator + GNP + Unemployed + + Armed.Forces + Population + Year, data=longley) > mod.2 <- update(mod.1, . ~ . - Year + Year) > all.equal(mod.1, mod.2) [1] TRUE > > f <-
2010 Mar 12
Installing R cmdr
Dear John Fox, I am using Snowleopard with a Intel Core 2 Duo processor. I have installed the R console and followed your steps at: but every time I try "library(Rcmdr)" it loads Tcl/tk infinitely. I have tried loading "library(tcltk)" by itself and it does the same thing. I have tried with X11 running to
2012 Mar 18
Having difficulties installing r commander
Hi, I have recently installed R on my mac and am trying to install R commander. When I type: install.packages("Rcmdr",dependencies=TRUE) the following message appears I have also tried installing commander via the package installer window. When I do this a large number of error messages (over 50) appear. They are mainly saying that certain dependencies are not available, or that they
2010 Feb 12
scatterplot in Package CAR
Hi Folks, Please, when I ask the option reg.line at the scatterplot in package car, the OLS models includes a constant? If not how can I do it sing the following code: scatterplot(lfirms ~ lscale, data=dataset, reg.line=lm, smooth=FALSE, labels=FALSE, span=0.5, xlab="Relative Plant Fixed Cost", ylab="Relative Number of Firms", pch=c(18),