Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Meaning of pterms in survreg object?"
2011 Apr 08
Variance of random effects: survreg()
I have the following questions about the variance of the random effects in the survreg() function in the survival package:
1) How can I extract the variance of the random effects after fitting a model?
For example:
x <- runif(100)
m <- rnorm(10, mean = 1, sd =2)
mu <- rep(m, rep(10,10))
test1 <- data.frame(Time = qsurvreg(x, mean = mu, scale= 0.5, distribution =
2008 Apr 17
survreg() with frailty
Dear R-users,
I have noticed small discrepencies in the reported estimate of the
variance of the frailty by the print method for survreg() and the
'theta' component included in the object fit:
# Examples in R-2.6.2 for Windows
library(survival) # version 2.34-1 (2008-03-31)
# discrepancy
fit1 <- survreg(Surv(time, status) ~ rx + frailty(litter), rats)
2007 Apr 17
Extracting approximate Wald test (Chisq) from coxph(..frailty)
Dear List,
How do I extract the approximate Wald test for the
frailty (in the following example 17.89 value)?
What about the P-values, other Chisq, DF, se(coef) and
se2? How can they be extracted?
coxph(formula = Surv(time, status) ~ age + sex +
disease + frailty(id,
dist = "gauss"), data = kidney)
2011 Jan 28
survreg 3-way interaction
> I was wondering why survreg (in survival package) can not handle
> three-way interactions. I have an AFT .....
You have given us no data to diagnose your problem. What do you mean
by "cannot handle" -- does the package print a message "no 3 way
interactions", gives wrong answers, your laptop catches on fire when you
run it, ....?
Also, make sure you read
2006 Feb 28
ex-Gaussian survival distribution
Dear R-Helpers,
I am hoping to perform survival analyses using the "ex-Gaussian"
I understand that the ex-Gaussian is a convolution of exponential and
distributions for survival data.
I checked the "survreg.distributions" help and saw that it is possible to
pre-defined distributions. Am I correct to think that the following code
2007 Oct 16
survreg's algorithm
I'm using survreg() from the survival package for parametric survival
regression (modelling inter-arrival times of patients to a waiting list
as exponentially distributed, with various regressors such as queue size
and season).
Does anyone know which algorithm survreg() uses for this?
Gad Abraham
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
The University of Melbourne
2008 Jul 13
initialize a factor vector
What is the least surprising way of initializing a factor with
predefined levels and with length 0?
as.factor(c("eins", "zwei", "drei"))[FALSE]
does the job but looks a bit weird.
Johannes H?sing There is something fascinating about science.
One gets such wholesale returns of conjecture
mailto:johannes at
2008 Jul 02
Tobit Estimation with Panel Data
Hi all!
Do you know if there is any R function/package that can be used to
estimate "tobit" models with panel data (e.g. with random individual
In economics, a "tobit" model is a model with a dependent variable that is
left-censored at zero. Hence, it is a special case of a survival model and
can be estimated using the "survival" package (see e.g.
2010 Sep 30
Sweave and LaTeX beamer class
I am failing to uncover Sweave chunks step by step using the LaTeX beamer
The following minimal example:
In the year \uncover<2->{25}\uncover<3->{\Sexpr{5*5}}
<<echo=TRUE, print=TRUE>>=
leads to an error message when
2010 Oct 25
Text wrapping in R
I am about to give an introduction to R to some clinical data managers
used to SAS. There is already a lot of material in printed form and
on the web that paves the way. What I haven't found so far are text
wrapping capabilities in setting tables in raw text as in SAS PROC
At the moment i would direct them at producing HTML output from R
and pipe the result through lynx. Coming from
2009 Mar 21
libRlapack.so not found
Whenever I try to load the Matrix package, I get the following error
libRlapack.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
A file with that name is indeed not on the hard disk.
I am using the R version which comes with Ubuntu Hardy Heron LTS. Here
is the output of R.Version():
[1] "i486-pc-linux-gnu"
[1] "i486"
2008 Jul 27
Object-oriented programming in R for Java programmers?
I was wondering if anybody might have a reference for
me: My R code is growing and getting more and more
confusing. Thus, I figure it's time to switch to
object-oriented again. I have done oo programming in
C++ and Java before but the first few tutorial on R oo
were a bit confusing for me.
Is there any brief tutorial on oo programming in R
especially for people who have done oo in Java
2005 Oct 07
Converting PROC NLMIXED code to NLME
I am trying to convert the following NLMIXED code to NLME, but am
running into problems concerning 'Singularity in backsolve'. As I am new
to R/S-Plus, I thought I may be missing something in the NLME code.
proc nlmixed data=kidney.kidney;
parms delta=0.03 gamma=1.1 b1=-0.003 b2=-1.2 b3=0.09 b4=0.35 b5=-1.43
2010 Jun 28
Basic question - more efficient method than loop?
I'm guessing there's a more efficient way to do the following using the index
features of R. Appreciate any thoughts....
for (i in 1:nrow(dbs1)){
if(dbs1$Payor[i] %in% Payor.Group.Medicaid) dbs1$Payor.Group[i] =
if(dbs1$Payor[i] %in% Payor.Group.Medicare) dbs1$Payor.Group[i] =
if(dbs1$Payor[i] %in% Payor.Group.Commercial)
2008 Dec 04
Formula parsing and updating
Hi all,
I can't come over a problem with formula. Suppose I have a coxmod model
with the following formula:
> somemod$formula
Surv(lebzeit, tot == 1) ~ sex + (alter >= 65) + diff3k + zelltyp_k_c +
q_nuc_3k + kar_k80_g80 + stadium
and I want to drop the stadium explanatory variable from the model with
> update(somemod, ". ~ . - stadium")
I get the following messages:
2007 Apr 23
fitting mixed models to censored data?
I'm trying to figure out if there are any packages allowing
one to fit mixed models (or non-linear mixed models) to data
that includes censoring.
I've done some searching already on CRAN and through the mailing
list archives, but haven't discovered anything. Since I may well
have done a poor job searching I thought I'd ask here prior to
giving up.
I understand that
2005 May 03
comparing lm(), survreg( ... , dist="gaussian") and survreg( ... , dist="lognormal")
Dear R-Helpers:
I have tried everything I can think of and hope not to appear too foolish
when my error is pointed out to me.
I have some real data (18 points) that look linear on a log-log plot so I
used them for a comparison of lm() and survreg. There are no suspensions.
survreg.df <- data.frame(Cycles=c(2009000, 577000, 145000, 376000, 37000,
979000, 17420000, 71065000, 46397000,
2009 Mar 08
survreg help in R
Hey all,
I am trying to use the survreg function in R to estimate the mean and
standard deviation to come up with the MLE of alpha and lambda for the
weibull distribution. I am doing the following:
and I get the following
2003 May 07
frailty models in survreg() -- survival package (PR#2933)
I am confused on how the log-likelihood is calculated in a parametric
survival problem with frailty. I see a contradiction in the frailty() help
file vs. the source code of frailty.gamma(), frailty.gaussian() and
The function frailty.gaussian() appears to calculate the penalty as the
negative log-density of independent Gaussian variables, as one would
2008 Apr 18
survreg with frailty
The combination of survreg + gamma frailty = invalid model, i.e., the example
that you quote.
I did not realize that this had been added to the survreg help file until very
recently. I will try to fix the oversight. Other, more detailed documentation
states that Gaussian frailty + AIC is the only valid random effects choice for
Details: frailty(x) with no optional