similar to: t-test or ANOVA...who wins? Help please!

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "t-test or ANOVA...who wins? Help please!"

2011 Jan 05
Assumptions for ANOVA: the right way to check the normality
Dear all, I would like to know which is the right way to check the normality assumption for performing ANOVA. How do you check normality for the following example? I did an experiment where people had to evaluate on a 7 point scale, the degree of realism of some stimuli presented in 2 conditions. The problem is that if I check normality with the Shapiro test I get that the data are not
2011 Jan 05
Problem with 2-ways ANOVA interactions
Dear All, I have a problem in understanding how the interactions of 2 ways ANOVA work, because I get conflicting results from a t-test and an anova. For most of you my problem is very simple I am sure. I need an help with an example, looking at one table I am analyzing. The table is in attachment and can be imported in R by means of this command: scrd<-
2007 Jul 31
how to sort dataframe levels
Hi everyone, I've been bashing my head against this for days now, and can't figure out what to do. I have the following dataframe header appetitive stimulus aversive stimulus chaining contingency discriminative stimulus extinction intermittent reinforcement negative reinforcer operant response place learning positive reinforcer punishment reinforcement
2011 May 21
Problem with ANOVA repeated measures: "Error() model is singular"
Hello everybody, I need an help because I don´t know if the command for the ANOVA analysis I am performing in R is correct. Indeed using the function aov I get the following error:"In aov (......) Error() model is singular" The structure of my table is the following: subject, stimulus, condition, sex, response Example: subject stimulus condition sex response
2004 Jan 16
anova repeated measure interpretation
Dear all, I have tried to use R for the repeated measures experiment design in a phonetic study, and in the resulting forms I met some problems which perturb the final interpretation of the results. I will explain the experiment design first: the same 7 subjects were answering a question about 25 linguistic stimuli; the stimuli were the same utterances which were processed in 3 different ways (3
2011 Jan 05
Comparing fitting models
Dear all, I have 3 models (from simple to complex) and I want to compare them in order to see if they fit equally well or not. From the R prompt I am not able to see where I can get this information. Let´s do an example: fit1<- lm(response ~ stimulus + condition + stimulus:condition, data=scrd) #EQUIVALE A lm(response ~ stimulus*condition, data=scrd) fit2<- lm(response ~ stimulus +
2013 Feb 25
creating variable that codes for the match/mismatch between two other variables
Dear all, I have got two vectors coding for a stimulus presented in the current trial (mydat$Stimulus) and a prediction in the same trial (mydat$Prediciton), respectively. By applying an if-conditional I want to create a new vector that indicates if there is a match between both vectors in the same trial. That is, if the prediction equals the stimulus. When I pick out some trials randomly, I get
2006 Mar 22
mixed ordinal logistic regression
Dear Colleagues, I hope to know how ordinal logistic regression with a mixed model is made in R. We (My colleague and I) are studying the behavior of a beetle. The attraction of beetles to a stimulus are recorded: the response is Slow, Mid, or Fast. They are based on the time after the presentation of the stimulus to the beetles. Because we do not observe the behavior continuously but do
2011 Jan 07
anova vs aov commands for anova with repeated measures
Dear all, I need to understand a thing in the beheaviour of the two functions aov and anova in the following case involving an analysis of ANOVA with repeated measures: If I use the folowing command I don´t get any problem: >aov1 = aov(response ~ stimulus*condition + Error(subject/(stimulus*condition)), >data=scrd) > summary(aov1) Instead if I try to fit the same model for the
2011 Jan 09
Post hoc analysis for ANOVA with repeated measures
Dear all, how can I perform a post hoc analysis for ANOVA with repeated measures (in presence of a balanced design)? I am not able to find a good example over internet in there among you someone so kind to give me an hint with a R example please? For example, the aov result of my analysis says that there is a statistical difference between stimuli (there are 7 different stimuli). ...I
2013 Jan 10
mgcv: Plotting probabilities for binomial GAM with crossed random intercepts and factor by variable
mgcv: Constructing probabilities for binomial GAM with crossed random intercepts and factor by variable Hello, (I'm sorry if this has been discussed elsewhere; I may not have been looking in the right places.) I ran a binomial GAM in which "Correct" is modelled in terms of the participant's age and the modality in which the stimulus is presented (written vs spoken).
2012 Aug 03
MANOVA with repeated measures in R
Dear list member, I deperately need an help in performing a MANOVA in R, but I encountered some problems both in the design and in the synthax with R. I conducted a listening experiment in which 16 participants had to rate the audio stimuli along 5 scales representing an emotion (sad, tender, neutral, happy and aggressive). Each audio stimulus was synthesized in order to represent a
2005 Dec 01
LME & data with complicated random & correlational structures
Dear List, This is my first post, and I'm a relatively new R user trying to work out a mixed effects model using lme() with random effects, and a correlation structure, and have looked over the archives, & R help on lme, corClasses, & etc extensively for clues. My programming experience is minimal (1 semester of C). My mentor, who has much more programming experience, but a comparable
2006 May 11
greco-latin square
Hi, I am analyzing a repeated-measures Greco-Latin Square with the aov command. I am using aov to calculate the MSs and then picking by hand the appropriate neumerator and denominator terms for the F tests. The data are the following: responseFinger mapping.code Subject.n index middle ring little ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1
2007 Aug 02
ggplot2 qplot and add
Hi there, I have some simple frequencies I want to plot into one graph. I had it working, and now I can't figure out whats going wrong. All the data is stored in a dataframe, and i finally managed to order the factor correctly! Each column is a variable and contains integers for the same set of values in the column that contains the headers for each row (graphLabels). So, I get the data
2003 Jun 11
COX PH models for event histories?
This is a question about the use of the Cox proportional hazards model to analyze event histories. I am looking at the responses of sympathetic nervous system activity to a stimulus. The activity I observe is a burst that can only occur once per heart beat cycle (e.g., a binary count). Typically bursts occur in 60-80% of the heart cycles * sensory stimuli can modify these burst probabilities.
2011 Oct 07
ANOVA/ANCOVA Repeated Measure Mixed Model
Hello, I am trying to test some results I have for significance. It has been recommended that I use R and I am completely new to this. Set-up: Groups: two groups of 8 subjects (16 total) Two conditions: alert and passive Measurements: responses for three different stimuli (A, B, and C) measured in each condition Experiment: Testing the order of conditions Group one: Alert A, B
2011 Jan 08
Anova with repeated measures for unbalanced design
Dear all, I need an help because I am really not able to find over internet a good example in R to analyze an unbalanced table with Anova with repeated measures. For unbalanced table I mean that the questions are not answered all by the same number of subjects. For a balanced case I would use the command aov1 = aov(response ~ stimulus*condition + Error(subject/(stimulus*condition)), data=scrd)
2003 Nov 25
problem plotting curve through data
I'm having trouble plotting a curve (basically a dose-response function) through a set of data. I have created a dataframe (df) of Stimulus Intensities (xstim) and Normalized Responses (yresp), and I've used nls() to calculate a nonlinear regression, like so: -------------------- > f <- yresp ~ xstim^n / (xstim^n + B^n) > starts <- list(n=.6, B=11) > myfit <-
2006 Dec 16
how to adjust link function in logistic regression to predict the proportion of correct responses in 2AFC task?
I have would like to use logistic regression to analyze the percentage of correct responses in a 2 alternative forced choice task. The question is whether one needs to take into account the fact expected probabilities for the percentage of correct responses ranges between 0.5 and 1 in this case and how to adjust the link function accordingly in R (see details below). Gabriel Subjects were asked