similar to: Statistics of count data for differential expression

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2011 May 24
anyone using LARS package in R
Hi useR's, Has anyone used the "Lars" package in R before? If so, is there any tutorial (not manual) or worked out example online for this R package that one can go through to figure out how one can use this package with lasso regression? I appreciate any help I can get in this direction. Sincerely, Vishal -- *Vishal Thapar, Ph.D.* *Scientific informatics Analyst Cold Spring
2011 Jul 30
NAN problem
Hi All, Did anyone else have a problem like this? I am sorry if its a small issue, I seem to not understand what to do to get rid of this error. > Sigma [1] 0.1939025 > MuRest [1] 8.512772 > TauZero [1] 0.1 > curve(qlnorm(x,-TauZero+MuRest, Sigma,lower.tail=F), xlim=c(4000,9000), ylim=c(0,.99),xlab="", ylab="") Warning message: In qlnorm(p, meanlog, sdlog,
2009 Dec 25
Help with SVM package Kernlab
Hi useR's, I am resending this request since I got no response for my last post and I am new to the list so pardon me if I am violating the protocol. I am trying to use the "Kernlab" package for training and prediction using SVM's. I am getting the following error when I am trying to use the predict function: > predictSvm = predict(modelforSVM, testSeq); Error in
2011 Aug 03
Combining multiple dependent variables for machine learning
Hi, I apologize for posting this here, I am also trying to post this on machine learning emailing lists. I have a set (18K) of sequences (22 nt long) and I have their counts at 4 different stages. The difference in counts from one stage to the next represents how well the sequence performed in the transition. The total counts remain about the same in each stage. So if a 1 sequence loses some
2009 Dec 30
Factor and Level Issue
Dear useR's I have a small basic problem which I am hoping to get some help with. I have a data frame, testSeq_df, with 1 row and 500 columns. Each column is a character (a,c,g or t). I want this sequence to have 4 factors (a,c,g,t). When I try the following: for(i in 1:500){ if (length(levels(testSeq_df[,i]))==1) levels(testSeq_df[,i]) <-
2011 May 24
seeking help on using LARS package
Hi, I am writing to seek some guidance regarding using Lasso regression with the R package LARS. I have introductory statistics background but I am trying to learn more. Right now I am trying to duplicate the results in a paper for shRNA prediction "An accurate and interpretable model for siRNA efficacy prediction, Jean-Philippe Vert et. al, Bioinformatics" for a Bioinformatics project
2007 Oct 15
String concatenation, File Path Handling to pass to download.file( ) [backslash in DOS paths]
Gabor, Thanks much. Your solution is elegant. My overall scheme is to take present date, and check whether it is a weekend, if not, then create a string based on the date, to concatenate into a url link for download.file( ). The files I need to download have a part which is in the format: mmddyy. I am working to make myself a system to connect to exchanges, and download end of day files from
2010 Oct 14
how to play multiple speex audio streams simultaneously
Hello, In a way similar to speexclient voip example, I want to have a voip application where 3 or more users can interact. This creates the following problems "1. How to playback 2 or more audio streams such that they appear overlayed (parallel)". The audio streams are speex encoded. I have few approaches in mind. 1. Create multiple decoder states and multiple ALSA audio playback
2008 Jan 10
diff in a dataframe
I have a dataframe say: date price_g price_s 0.34 0.56 0.36 0.76 . . . . . . and so on. say, 1000 rows. Is it possible to add two columns to this dataframe, by computing say diff(log(price_g) and diff(log(price_s)) ? The elements in the first row of these columns cannot be computed, but
2007 Oct 15
for loop if else conditional
date <- as.POSIXlt(Sys.time()) #present date for (i in 1:difftime(as.POSIXlt(Sys.Date()),"2007-10-01")) if (date$wday != 0 & date$wday != 6) {print(date);assign("date", (date-86400))} else (assign("date", (date-86400))) I am trying to print dates from present day to a day in the past, but omitting weekends. I am not doing something right, but can't
2015 Mar 18
[LLVMdev] GSoC:Loop Reversal Transformation
Hi Matt, All, Thanks for looking into this and your suggestions. I compiled the program with -O3 optimization level (clang -O3) on X86_64 target. After your suggestion, i ran the program with iteration of 10000 runs and found that average runtimes are (attaching data collected as well) Forward loop traverse : 2.006 milli seconds Reverse loop traverse : 1.531 milli seconds Yes, i agree that
2008 Apr 04
RODBC / odbcConnectExcel Issue
Can someone throw light on the following problem I am having with RODBC? There's an Excel file I am trying to read from, it has one sheet named 'nameclass'. Thanks in anticipation. Vishal Belsare > library(RODBC) > con = odbcConnectExcel(file.choose()) > tbls <- sqlTables(con) > tbls TABLE_CAT TABLE_SCHEM TABLE_NAME TABLE_TYPE REMARKS 1
2009 Mar 26
ApEn (Approximate Entropy), Total Corr, Information Interaction
Is there any existing implementation in R/S of : 1] Pincus & Kalman's approximate entropy (ApEn) measure 2] Total Correlation / Multiinformation 3] Information Interaction A search doesn't quite reveal anything, but I'd be keen to not reinvent in case someone has worked on it. Many thanks in anticipation. Best, Vishal Belsare
2006 Jan 05
Parsing key-value files
Hi, I am very very new to both Ruby and Ruby on Rails. I have been given a task to create a web application, which is able to edit individual entries in a key-value file. In other works, I would need to create an application which can parse a key-value file. Could someone guide me where I should start in a case like that? I was able to access and edit database table entries using Rails, but I
2007 Oct 16
try / tryCatch for download.file( ) within a for loop when URL does not exist
I am trying to download a bunch of files from a server, for which I am using download.file( ) within a for loop. The script is working fine except until download.file hits a URL which has no file, at which point it exits. I want to change this behavior to simple log the failure and maintain state within the for loop and iterate to next. I read about try / tryCatch but am having trouble
2009 Dec 24
Error with Package "Kernlab" for SVM prediction
Hi All, I am trying to use the "Kernlab" package for training and prediction using SVM's. I am getting the following error when I am trying to use the predict function: > predictSvm = predict(modelforSVM, testSeq); Error in `contrasts<-`(`*tmp*`, value = "contr.treatment") : contrasts can be applied only to factors with 2 or more levels The training file is a
2005 Nov 14
Little's Chi Square test for MCAR?
Hi. Can anyone point me to any module in R which implements "Little's Chi Square test" for MCAR. The problem is that i have around 60 behavioural variables on a 6 point categorical scale which i need to test for MCAR and MAR. What i can make out from preliminary analysis is that moderate (0.30 to 0.60) correlations may be present in several variable pairs leading me to suspect
2008 Jan 14
zoo object
I have an ordered series of 3 month t-bill rates (annual). I transform this to a daily series, however, the observations are constructed only from the dates on which the t-bills were issued, which is every week. So now I have ordered observations of the daily 'risk-free rate' for one day every week. I want to expand this zoo object to give a value for every day, and to do so, copy the
2007 Mar 11
fitting a mixed exponential distribution
Hi all, I am attempting to fit, and test the goodness of fit of, a mixed exponential distribution to my dataset which consists of 15minute rainfall intensity data. FYI, the dataset spanning approx.2 years and 7 rainfall stations consists of some three hundred thousand 15min data records, of which some 30 thousand are non-zero rainfall amounts. Could anyone please tell me how i could do
2008 May 25
n Realizations of a Stochastic Process assigned to dynamically generated variable names?
I am interested in creating multiple (say 1000) time series, from a given stochastic process, of length 250. I want to refer to each realization with its own variable name, of the format say, tsn, where n is the n'th simulation. i.e. ts1, ts2, ts3, ts4, .... , ts1000 The way I am thinking of doing this is placing the following code within another loop, and the 'tsn' assignment should