similar to: Using Lagsarlm

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "Using Lagsarlm"

2003 Nov 27
lagsarlm - using mixed explanatory variables (spdep package)
Hello I'm very new to R (which is excellent), so apologies if this has already been raised. In the spdep package, I'm trying to undertake an autoregressive mixed model using the lagsarlm function. This is working fine, but there does not appear to be a method of including an explanatory variable without it automatically being included as a lagged term. I'm after something along the
2005 Feb 11
How to solve error : "cannot allocate vector of size 1208235 Kb"
Howdy R gurus ! I am newbie to R I use R 2.0.1 in Windows XP. When I run R I got the follwoing memory error. My physical memory size is 3 Gb. My R got the memory problem when it reached to about 2 Gb. Thanks in advance, > library(spdep) > sfr.lagsarlm <- lagsarlm($Bldgsqft ~$Ncounty +$Nugb +$Ngroup,, listw=sfr.listw,
2004 Nov 18
Method dispatch S3/S4 through optimize()
I have been running into difficulties with dispatching on an S4 class defined in the SparseM package, when the method calls are inside a function passed as the f= argument to optimize() in functions in the spdep package. The S4 methods are typically defined as: setMethod("det","matrix.csr", function(x, ...) det(chol(x))^2) that is within setMethod() rather than by name before
2008 Oct 08
Error in spdep: system is computationally singular
Hi all, I am trying to run an autologistic model using the function errorsarlm from spdep package. **I built an XY matrix extracting the two colums from matriz** coords1<-matriz[matriz$casos1==1, c(4,5)] coords1<-as.matrix(coords1) **I identify neighbours of region points** nb20<-dnearneigh(coords1,0,20,longlat=TRUE) ** I build a neighbours list with spatial weights**
2004 May 04
spdep question
Dear list, (also sent to Roger Bivand, but perhaps somebody of you can help me also) I am trying to use package spdep for fitting an SAR model with errorsarlm. However, I am not sure how to make a valid nb object out of my neighborhood. As far as I have seen, there is no documentation for nb.object. I have done the following: class(pschmid$nb) <- "nb" # pschmid is a prab object as
2006 Dec 10
Use of bread() function
Hello, I am trying to extract an estimator for the bread of the sandwich function. I used bread(fitted model) however it seems that I have missed something as an error message "no applicable method for "bread" appears. My fitted model is a Spatial simultaneous autoregressive error model.(errorsarlm in spdep package) Can anyone please tell me what I might be doing wrong? Your
2011 Feb 04
Error in solve.default(inf, tol = tol.solve) :
Hello, I'm trying to run a lagsarlm (maximum likelihood estimation of a spatial lag model) in the spdep library ; but R gives following error message: Error in solve.default(inf, tol = tol.solve) : system is computationally singular: reciprocal condition number = 4.20137e-12 I get the same message when I try to run de lagsarlm with a bigger data set (4333 regions). The command
2005 Apr 25
multiple autocorrelation coefficients in spdep?
Hello, Has anyone modified the errorsarlm in the R package spdep to allow for more than a single spatial autocorrelation coefficient (i.e. 'lambda')? Or, if not, any initial suggestions on how to make that modification? I have looked at the source code for the function and realize that any attempt to do it on my own would require much dedication, so would like to
2007 Feb 22
Spatial error model estimation
Greetings to the list, I was trying to estimate spatial error model in R, somehow I got the message below. Would you please help me with it? Many thanks in advance. Error in solve.default(asyvar, tol = tol.solve) : system is computationally singular: reciprocal condition number = 5.6964e-18 Regards, Dong
2011 May 04
Instrumental variable quantile estimation of spatial autoregressive models
Dear all, I would like to implement a spatial quantile regression using instrumental variable estimation (according to Su and Yang (2007), Instrumental variable quantile estimation of spatial autoregressive models, SMU economics & statistis working paper series, 2007, 05-2007, p.35 ). I am applying the hedonic pricing method on land transactions in Luxembourg. My original data set contains
2003 Aug 07
spdep error message
Hello, I have been using the package "spdep" to run spatial regressions on a data set with about 2500 observations. It has performed well up until now, but the following code resulted in an error: > load("Panel.90s.ok.R") > attach(Panel.90s.ok) > neighs<-dnearneigh(cbind(x,y),0,50000) > help(nbdists) > dists<-nbdists(neighs,cbind(x,y)) >
2009 Aug 31
R2 for SAR and validation
Hi everyone, How can i obtain R2 for SAR model? and how can i validate the results, can i use the coefficients directly in a simple formula like y=b0+b1*x1+... or do i have to use the complicated formula for SAR (the one with the weight matrix and rho and...)?   Thanks for any help!  [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2003 Dec 15
Error with spdep
Dear useRs: First of all I would like to thank all the responses. I've an error with package "spdep". I am working with a Windows XP machine (AMD-2000-XP RAM-256DDR) and 1.8.0. R-version and when I try to load spdep appear the following error: > library(spdep) Error in loadNamespace(i, c(lib.loc, .libPaths()), keep.source) : There is no package called
2007 Oct 01
Error loading DCluster
When I try to load the DCluster package I get the following error message (R 2.5.1; PowerBook G4; Mac OS X 10.4.10) (Load needed package) Lade nötiges Paket: spdep (error: package spdep could not been loaded) Fehler: Paket 'spdep' konnte nicht geladen werden (additional warning message) Zusätzlich: Warning message: (There is no package spdep in:.....) es gibt kein Paket 'spdep'
2004 Jan 05
Installing spdep
Hello all, I am trying to install the package 'spdep' and get the following error message when I invoke library(spdep) at the R prompt: Error in loadNamespace(i, c(lib.loc, .libPaths()), keep.source) There is no package called 'maptools' Error in library(spdep) : package/namespace load failed I get this if I try to install 'on the fly' AND if I download directly from
2012 Jul 24
unable to run spatial lag and error models on large data
Hi: First my apologies for cross-posting. A few days back I posted my queries ar R-sig-geo but did not get any response. Hence this post. I am working on two parcel-level housing dataset to estimate the impact of various variables on home sale prices. I created the spatial weight metrics in ArcGIS 10 using sale year of four nearest houses to assign weights.  Next, I ran LM tests and then ran
2008 Apr 28
R-Forge SVN repositories: R CMD build/check error on Windows machines
Dear R-devel, One of our R-Forge developers pointed out that it is not possible to build packages under Windows using the R-Forge repository structure: a package resides in ./pkg - not in a directory with the same name as the package name. Under Linux 'R CMD build pkg' or 'R CMD check pkg' work pretty well (I think Kurt Hornik fixed that in R 2.5.1 or so) whereas under
2007 Oct 15
Distance matrix in SpDep-package
Hello everybody, I would like to use the SpDep-package (especially the Local Moran index analysis and the Getis-Ord statistics) in R for analysing my data. However, I don't have x-y coordinates, but my data is in a distance matrix format. Is it possible to use the SpDep package with predefined distances as well instead of letting the program determining the distance itself by the function
2009 Jun 06
large numbers of observations using ME() of spdep
Dear All, We aim to remove the spatial structure of our data using Moran Eigen Vectors and spdep package . Our data has 3694 samples and 13 variables. The computer stop working after almost 4 days of processing (we found it emitting a sharp sound and with all colors on the screen. No wories, it was restared without problem!). And we are left with nothing: no result file was produced since the
2005 May 10
Re: Welcome to the "R-help" mailing list
I am trying to pass some R objects to C++ code. However, after reading through the mannual "Writing R extensioms" for version 2.1.0 (2005-04-18), I still couldn't figure out: 1) How can I see .c files in a package? For example, I am interested in looking at source files in "Spdep". 2) Can I include whichever header files I find in my C++ code, if I eventually will load