similar to: convert non-ultrametric phylo to dendrogram

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "convert non-ultrametric phylo to dendrogram"

2010 Jun 09
ordisurf (pkg vegan) gives implausible result
I'm having trouble with the ordisurf function in the vegan package. I have created an ordination plot (cmdscale) of 60 samples based on Bray-Curtis dissimilarities, and would like to overlay various soil edaphic characteristics as possible clues to the clustering I observe in my plot. However, I find that ordisurf creates a surface on the plot that is a perfect, even gradient - and
2017 Sep 20
Dear all, I'm trying to use phylo.pca function from phytools for the first time. I'm using an ultrametric tree with 167 tips and all branch lengths transformed to 1. I lunched the pPCA like this: pPCA<-phyl.pca(tree,data,method = "lambda") For some reason it takes for ever and never reaches the end of the process. I tried with method="BM" and the process runs
2006 May 09
problem accessing trees after from ape package
Hello, I've been trying to figure out how to access the individual elements from an object of class phylo. I am reading in 201 trees created by paup as below. >"A_30knj_200t.txt", tree.names= NULL) -> anj30 > anj30[1] $tree1 $edge [,1] [,2] [1,] "-1" "-2" [2,] "-2" "-3" [3,] "-3" "1"
2003 Mar 10
ape 1.0 is on CRAN
Dear all, The version 1.0 of ape (analysis of phylogenetics and evolution) is now on CRAN. The jump from version 0.2-1 to 1.0 is explained by the fact that the initial objectives of the project have been completed. The relevant part of the Changes file is shown below. All comments, suggestions, or bug reports are welcome. Emmanuel Paradis CHANGES IN APE VERSION 1.0 NEW FEATURES
2006 Jan 17
Cannot convert from phylo to hclust , error!!???
Hello, The following code does'nt work for me. The last command reports an error. I have created a consensus tree using the consensus comand from phylo but cannot manipulate the phylo object afterwards to create a dendogram , by transforming the phylo object into a hclust object and then into a dendogram ?? Thanks for any help library(ade4) library(cluster) library(stats) library(ape)
2007 Mar 02
Dice dissimilarity output and 'phylo' function in R
Dear All, I get some problems using the 'phylo' and dissimilarity functions in R. I converted an output from 'hclust' into an order of phylo so as to be able to use the 'consensus' function on it. Each time I submit the consensus codes, my computer hangs. When I tried to see what the contents of the object converted into order phylo is, I get the message
2010 Dec 27
Any functions to manipulate (merge, cut, remove) hclust objects? (maybe through phylo?)
Hello all, I'm now working with hclust objects and was hoping to perform some basic editing on them like: - Joining = the merging of two hclust objects (so they will share one root) - Splicing = So to cut/extract a branch out of an hclust object - that by itself will be an hclust object. I noticed I could extract one element of an hclust object by turning it into a dendrogram,
2019 Apr 05
new R packages for phylogenetic compartive methods
Dear all, I wanted to let you know about four phylogenetic comparative methods (PCM) packages that have become available on (3 on CRAN and 1 on GitHub) recently that hopefully will be interesting to somebody. Three of them go significantly beyond the Brownian motion (BM) and Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (OU) processes. 1) There is a new version of mvSLOUCH available. The most important change is that the
2019 Apr 05
new R packages for phylogenetic compartive methods
Dear all, I wanted to let you know about four phylogenetic comparative methods (PCM) packages that have become available on (3 on CRAN and 1 on GitHub) recently that hopefully will be interesting to somebody. Three of them go significantly beyond the Brownian motion (BM) and Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (OU) processes. 1) There is a new version of mvSLOUCH available. The most important change is that the
2013 Jun 03
Mixed effects model with a phylogenetic tree/ distance matrix as a random effect
Hi, I'm trying to build a mixed-effects model in which I'd like to include either a distance matrix or a phylogenetic tree as a random effect. The troubles I've had are that: 1. Function lmer() in package lme4 only accepts a data frame column as a random factor and not a distance matrix. 2. Function MCMCglmm() in package MCMCglmm only accepts a rooted and ultrametric phylogenetic
2009 Jan 17
Dendrogram with the UPGMA method
Hi, I am clustering objects using the agnes() function and the UPGMA clustering method (function = "average"). Everything works well, but apparently something is wrong with the dendrogram. For example: x<-c(102,102.1,112.5,113,100.3,108.2,101.1,104,105.5,106.3) y<-c(110,111,110.2,112.1,119.5,122.1,102,112,112.5,115) xy<-cbind(x,y) library(cluster) UPGMA.orig<-agnes(x)
2008 Oct 27
dotted lines for branches in ape's plot.phylo?
Hi, I'm very much enjoying using the ape package to produce phylogenetic trees with colored branches (using edge.color). Is it also possible to specify that some branches should be drawn as dotted lines? That would be really useful. I've tried messing around with edge.width, but that doesn't seem to help me get dotted lines. thanks, Janet Young
2013 Oct 07
Why read.table replacing space with "." in the header
Hi, Use `check.names=FALSE` head(dd,2) #? Phylo.Tree Genesis.Tree #1????????? 1??????????? 2 #2????????? 2??????????? 3 ?dd <- data.frame("Phylo Tree"= c(1:10), "Genesis Tree"= c(2:11),check.names=FALSE) head(dd,2) #? Phylo Tree Genesis Tree #1????????? 1??????????? 2 #2????????? 2??????????? 3 write.csv(dd,"Crish.csv",row.names=FALSE) ?yy<-
2013 Jan 18
Hclust tree to Figtree w/ branch lengths
Hi, I'm doing hierarchical clustering, and want to export my dendrogram to a tree-viewing/editing software. I can do this by converting the data to Newick format (hc2Newick in ctc package), but I can't get branch lengths to show in the resulting phylogram. I figured it might help to convert my hclust object into a phylo object (as.phylo in ape package), but the following lines give me
2008 Aug 18
readable dendrograms with many units
Using Mathematica, I've performed a hierarchical clustering of 3,107 U. S. counties based on 1995-2000 intercounty migration, using an algorithm of my own devising (see I can also generate the associated 3,107 x 3,107 matrix of ultrametric distances. Unfortunately, as far as I have been able to determine, the Mathematica hierarchical clustering package only
2012 Apr 13
R: Colouring phylogenetic tip labels and/or edges
Hi, I have reconstructed ancestral character states on a phylogeny using MuSSE in the diversitree package and plotted the character state probabilities as pie charts on the nodes. I would, however, like to colour the character states of my extant species, i.e. the tip labels, the same colours as my pie charts, such that all species in state 1 are e.g. blue, species in state 2 red and species in
2005 May 04
browsing/nmbd problem - OS X
Hi, I would be very grateful if anyone could give me a bit of help with this. I am trying to run Samba 3.0.5, as distributed with Mac OS X server 10.3.8, on an Apple Xserve. Things were working beautifully until I had problems with an IP address change and had to reinstall everything. At present, the situation seems to be that the smb protocol is operating, since I can make an smb
2011 Jul 19
hold position of vertices constant in network {statnet}?
I am a novice with network fuctions! I have been exploring the network function in the statnet package, but haven't been able to figure out how to hold vertices in position while varying edge features. Can anyone advise on whether this is possible, and if so, how to do it? Thanks! -- Matthew Bakker, Ph.D. Department of Plant Pathology University of Minnesota 495 Borlaug Hall 1991 Upper Buford
2004 Dec 13
R-help folks: Thanks in the past for your help. I have another question that I hope has a simple answer. I have searched the R home pages and the R-help archives with no hits. How can I cluster data in R using UPGMA? I am not subscribed to the list (can't keep up with all the traffic!), so I would appreciate it if you could email directly to me (or to the list and to me). Thanks, Tom
2010 Jul 19
possible bug in ape::extract.clade()
Hi, I was recently splitting some massive phylo class objects with extract.clade() and noticed what appears to be a bug in how tip labels are copied from the full tree to the pruned tree. This possible bug was also mentioned here: at An example: library(ape) set.seed(5) x <- matrix(rnorm(100), ncol=10) p <-