Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Package install error: _intel_fast_memcpy"
2013 Feb 05
ncdf4 installation problem: undefined symbol [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
I'm trying to install ncdf4 on RHEL 5.8, R version 2.15.1.
Previously installed is netcdf 3.6.2 from Red Hat, so I've compiled and installed netcdf (with hdf5 and zlib as per install instructions, and also set --enable-netcdf4 option) into /usr/local.
When attempting to install ncdf4 it is failing with:
** testing if installed package can be loaded
Error in
2013 Mar 07
install Netcdf library (linux)
Hi All,
i'm on a debian linux 64bit,
i'm tying to install the netcdf intraface, i tried both ncdf and ncdf4
but trying to build i received the error :
(i have necdf installed on my machine and it is able to fiund it .. no missed .h)
epy at epinux:~$ sudo R CMD INSTALL --configure-args="-with-netcdf_incdir=/usr/include -with-netcdf_libdir=/usr/lib" ncdf4_1.8.tar.gz
2013 Mar 07
install error - Netcdf library (linux)
Hi All,
i'm on a debian linux 64bit,
i'm tying to install the netcdf intraface, i tried both ncdf and ncdf4
but trying to build i received the error :
(i have necdf installed on my machine and it is able to fiund it .. no missed .h)
epy at epinux:~$ sudo R CMD INSTALL --configure-args="-with-netcdf_incdir=/usr/include -with-netcdf_libdir=/usr/lib" ncdf4_1.8.tar.gz
2015 Mar 24
Buenas tardes,
pido disculpas si mi consulta es demasiado elemental, pero actualmente
encuentro una gran barrera para continuar mi trabajo si no lo solvento.
Soy usuaria principiante de R, estoy trabajando con una base de datos
climática <https://digital.csic.es/handle/10261/104742>que se encuentra en
formato netcdf4 y necesito transformarla a la versión 3 con el fin de
visualizarlo en un
2012 Oct 22
Problem installing ndf library
I am a new user of R and Linux (debian squeeze), and I am trying to install
the ncdf library.
First I don't know wich is the best to use (ncdf or ncdf4), But not matter
the one I tried to install, it always failled.
I try to find a solution to this common problem on the web, but I never find
the good way to solve it.
I hope you could help me I try many things during two days and now I
2009 Apr 21
joined R-today
I am a newbie to R. Just installed and started with R. I installed netcdf
library (netcdf-4.0.tar.gz) and then ncdf package of R from CRAN with the
following command.
-with-netcdf_libdir=/usr/local/netcdf/lib" ncdf_1.6.tar.gz
The installation was successful. But when i try to use ncdf inside R, i
2009 Apr 21
joined R-today [SELinux]
Redhat's Security Enhanced Linux (in some modes)
generates messages like that when code in a shared library
is not compiled to have position independent code.
I.e., the -fpic or -fPIC flag was not supplied when
compiling. Your build log showed that -fpic was used
when compiling your code, but the 3rd party library,
libnetcdf.a may not have been compiled this way.
The command
2009 Apr 23
problem loading ncdf library on MAC
Hi there,
I'm more or less new to R and have just installed R on my MAC laptop. I
managed to install everything easily enough (R version 2.9) and a few
packages, but when I try to load the ncdf package (in R) I get the
following error:
Error in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...) :
unable to load shared library
2010 Oct 09
ncdf installation in R
Hi All,
I am trying to install ncdf package on a Linux 64-bit machine.
I successfully installed netcdf using this command,
./configure --prefix=/home/challar/netcdf/ --disable-netcdf4
I then tried to install ncdf package in R
R CMD INSTALL --configure-args="-with-netcdf_incdir=/home/challar/netcdf/include -with-netcdf_libdir=/home/challar/netcdf/lib" ncdf_1.6.3.tar.gz
I get this
2012 Jan 03
where to ask questions regarding package=ncdf?
Should one ask questions relating to the R package 'ncdf' here? or
look for a more netCDF-oriented (but probably less R-oriented) list?
Why I ask:
I'm relatively new to R, which I've only used in the past for graphics.
I'm trying to learn R as an alternative to manipulating netCDF files
with NCO (which works well but lacks all the other R goodnesses). Hence
I've got a
2010 Oct 26
ncdf4 package installation in R
Hello all,
I could use some help installing the ncdf4 package in R (under CentOS 5.4).
I've installed R-2.12.0, zlib-1.2.5, hdf5-1.8.4-patch1 and NetCDF4.1.1 from
source. Make check reports all tests have passed for all of these programs.
When I issue an 'install.packages(c('ncdf4')) in R, compilation succeeds but
I receive the following error during the loading phase of
2018 Mar 28
netCDF to GeoTIFF by layer in r
Hi Ahmed,
When reading from a ncdf file you can use the 'varname', 'lvar' and 'level' arguments - see the 'Details' section in the docs
https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/raster/versions/2.6-7/topics/raster <https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/raster/versions/2.6-7/topics/raster>
We can't tell what is in the ncdf file from what you report other
2016 Apr 22
Unexpected values obtained when reading in data using ncdf and ncdf4
On Fri, Apr 22, 2016 at 1:32 AM, Louise Mair <louise.mair at slu.se> wrote:
> Dear R Users,
> I am encountering a problem when reading nc files into R using the ncdf
> and ncdf4 libraries. The nc files are too large to attach an example (but
> if someone is interested in helping out I could send a file privately via
> an online drive), but the code is basic:
2010 Mar 14
CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week
CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week
New packages
* apcluster (1.0.1)
Ulrich Bodenhofer
The apcluster package implements Frey's and Dueck's Affinity
Propagation clustering in R. The algorithms are analogous to the
Matlab code published by Frey and Dueck.
* BioPhysConnectoR (1.6-1)
Franziska Hoffgaard
2011 Sep 12
Problem in put.var.ncdf
Dear all,
I have a problem in writing a variable to a NetCDF-File.
My code works pretty well until the step put.var.ncdf():
# Get variables
data1 <- open.ncdf("PREC_me_03-1500.nc")
prec1 <- get.var.ncdf(data1,"PRECT")
dim.time <- get.var.ncdf(data1,"time2")
# Calculation
spi24.me <-
2012 Nov 09
decorating API in R
How best to implement a decorator pattern in R? What I mean, why I ask:
A group of ncdf4 users is trying to make it easier (notably for ourselves :-) to write correctly IOAPI-formatted netCDF. Since IOAPI
decorates netCDF, one obvious way to do a package=ioapi is to decorate the netCDF API from package=ncdf4. E.g., to add a data variable (datavar) with
2016 Apr 22
Unexpected values obtained when reading in data using ncdf and ncdf4
Dear R Users,
I am encountering a problem when reading nc files into R using the ncdf and ncdf4 libraries. The nc files are too large to attach an example (but if someone is interested in helping out I could send a file privately via an online drive), but the code is basic:
for(i in 1:length(thesenames[,1])){
data <- nc_open(paste(INDIR, thesenames[i,c("wholename")],
2009 Apr 22
Exporting objects plotted with plot3d() - rgl package
Dear all,
Can anybody tell me how to export a 3d figure made with the plot3d
function? I'm careless about whether it's still interactive or not in
another format, as long I can get it out of R.
Alejandro Gonz?lez
Departamento de Biodiversidad y Conservaci?n
Real Jard?n Bot?nico
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cient?ficas
Claudio Moyano, 1
28014 Madrid, Spain
Tel +0034
2011 Sep 05
Receive "unable to load shared object RNetCDF.o" during R INSTALL of RNetCDF
On a Red Hat Linux cluster I am seeing the following after multiple
other packages were successfully installed. The error seems to suggest
that RNetCDF.o was not copied to the appropriate lib folder. The admin
user performing the install has the required privileges to perform the
install. Words of wisdom are greatly appreciated:
2010 Mar 09
ncdf installation
I tried to install ncdf package in ubuntu with the following command.
-with-netcdf_libdir=/apps/netcdf/4.0.1/gcc/lib" ncdf_1.6.tar.gz
The installation was stopped throwing the following error. I tried to google
it but didnt find any solution. someone kindly write me what is going wrong.